
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Yoursay: More statesman-like for Anwar had he skipped dinner event

YOURSAY | 'It is a shame he chose to go for broke rather than to display true leadership.'
SRMan: I have attended such dinner events before, where the ticket price ranged from RM40 to RM50 per attendee.
However in some cases, strong supporters of the party or well-wishers and businessmen would each pay RM200 to maybe RM500 or RM1,000 to “buy or sponsor a table”.
Those with extra tickets would give them to their relatives, friends or employees. Hence, that could be why some attendees go to such events with supposedly "free tickets".
In fact, such practice of organising dinners is quite common among some Chinese associations or clans when they need to, for example, hold their annual dinners or raise funds for some meaningful purposes.
Ozzie Jo: Well, somebody had paid for the dinner, so it is still an election bribe, like it or not. I had hoped that Pakatan Harapan candidate Anwar Ibrahim would have had the good sense to say 'thanks, but no thanks'.
It would have been so much more honourable and statesman-like.
I'm Watching You: It's fund-raising - normally people buy a table, then give away tickets to “anyone who wants to go”. This is quite standard.
Whoever had bought the tickets, paid for it. The ignorant ones are the ones who don't know who the generous benefactors were.
Anonymous_1538808416: By right, Anwar should not attend this dinner hosted by opportunists. Anyway, dinner or no dinner, Anwar still expected to win. If Anwar cannot perform, get rid of him in the next general election.
More importantly, the Election Commission (EC) must quickly reform to conduct true and fair elections. Only then it would be really people power.
Ultimately: Whether the organisers have a valid reason or not, it is a shame the PM-in-waiting chose to go for broke rather than to display true leadership and reformist qualities.
So what reform does he talk about? I am sure he would win the by-election, so why the desperate need to milk this event?
Considering he had already been warned about the potential infringement, his proper response would be to deliver a message of regret to the dinner participants, and earn a lot more respect.
Too bad for Anwar, this smell of desperation, and I am sure his enemies would smell the fear.
Clearwater: This is not good at all. It seems all Malaysian politicians and their 'generous friends' are birds of the same feather; one a goose, the other a gander.
Chokstone: Being overzealous in following the rules is hypocritical. Don't go on overkill over a function that was welcomed by all.
People just like to have some fun in holding such an event; more so since it was sponsored by the local folks or had been paid by friends.
Everybody knows this is a common practice within the Chinese community, which likes arranging celebration dinners.
There is no bribery whatsoever involved; people just like to have fun in conjunction with the occasion. Let's be realistic.
Appum: Why were there no DAP top leaders at the dinner? Because they try to hold on to their principles.
What of the Chinese businessman? Well, he is looking out for the future, not for the nation, but for himself.
This whole 'paid dinner' thing? You can fool yourselves, but not the rakyat. Welcome to New Malaysia.
Malaysianmalaysian: Kudos DAP, please stick to your principles. We the rakyat respect that.  Thank you for not caving in to the pressure.
At least there is some hope left for New Malaysia, because that is what we voted for on May 9.
Anonymous 1689721435778173: Well done, DAP. This dinner reeks. As they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch, let alone a free dinner.
BH Yap: Looks like there is no New Malaysia, and Anwar is as Umno as the one that was defeated earlier. When will the people ever learn?
Mission Accomplished: Malaysia has become a "xiao ren" (petty-minded) nation. We are more interested to pick on petty things than to offer great ideas to develop the country.
The organisers responsible for such a big gathering normally sell by the table, and the purchasers can invite whomever they like.
So what is the big deal? We have wasted 60 good years, let us not waste another 60 years debating such unproductive issues.
Kecewa: Do we need to explain the principle? To commenter "Mission Accomplished", corruption doesn't start huge, if such practices are allowed to carry on, then we are no different from the previous government.
Have you ever been involved in any election campaign before? If you have, you would see how freebies can really influence the mindset of some voters.
Abasir: Anwaristas should not complain when Anwar proves to be the charlatan he really is. He has dropped so many hints that he is a rule bender like no other.
This "sponsored" dinner spotlights the man's self-serving nature, if nothing else.
Sleepy: There must be checks to ensure balance, I see no problem with that. There will always be a "fine line" unless there is a moratorium on such events for all candidates.
Voting must be a personal choice, and not influenced by "free lunches or dinners". - Mkini

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