
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 17, 2019

Anwar warns of new racist narrative among Malays, Chinese and Indians

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim warns that there is a new racist narrative plaguing Malaysia, one that is creeping in not just among the Malays, but also among other ethnic groups.
"This is not just about the Malays. Some people believe racist tools are only used by the Malays, but that's not true," he said at a brief conference in Bangi this evening.
"There are also (racists) among the Indians and Chinese, and their narrative is excessive.
"(For example) they think that if its poverty, it is (only) about Indians. Or if it is business, it is (only) about Chinese businesses, the Malays are sidelined." 
Anwar stressed that narratives about poverty or business opportunities must be inclusive of all races, as it affects all Malaysians.
He said this when asked whether official documents on the May 13, 1969 incident should be declassified.

The PKR leader added that he would leave the past to historians, and noted that he wants to focus on the future instead, hence his concern with what he sees as the growing racist narrative.
On efforts to reconcile the different races, Anwar said Islamic groups such as the Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) must play a greater role in fostering unity.
This he said, is to counter the narrative by "extreme" Islamic groups, which creates unease and division among the different races.
Anwar said he has been espousing such an inclusive Islamic message since 1979, when he headed Abim.
On calls to establish a truth and reconciliation committee on May 13 to unite Malaysians, the prime minister-in-waiting said he would leave the matter to the current administration.
Anwar was speaking to the media after attending a breaking fast event organised by Wadah, a group made up mostly of former Abim members. - Mkini

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