
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 7, 2019


BARISAN Nasional could have avoided defeat in the 14th general election had it cemented and made official its partnership with Islamist party PAS before the polls, said Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
“I feel that although there were discussions with PAS to avoid three-cornered fights, we did not formalise that. It should’ve been done earlier,” Zahid told The Malaysian Insight at his office in Yayasan Al-Falah in Kajang.
He said even after losing the federal government, BN should have acted faster on working together with PAS in states like Perak, Negri Sembilan and Malacca.
“We should’ve planned better with PAS in states, such as Perak, Negri Sembilan and Malacca, to form the state government after GE14. This should have been done immediately and we should have sealed the agreement beforehand,” said Zahid.
Zahid admitted that under former prime minister Najib Razak, talks with PAS, which was once sworn political enemies, started before GE14.
However, he denied any knowledge of Umno giving money to the Islamist party.
“I honestly do not know about the money transfer. But there were definitely informal discussions with PAS. Najib and me, together or individually, have discussed with them. The mistake, as I said earlier, was that nothing was formalised.”
Zahid also shared his thoughts about PH’s one year in government and his challenges as the Umno president. Below are excerpts of the interview.
TMI: Was there anything that BN could have done to avoid defeat in GE14?
A: I feel that although there were discussions with PAS to avoid three-cornered fights, we did not formalise that. It should’ve been done earlier.
Secondly, we should’ve have planned better with PAS in states, such as Perak, Negri Sembilan and Malacca, to form the state government after GE14. This should have been done immediately and we should have sealed the agreement beforehand.
BN won the Cameron Highlands by-election easily after it worked with PAS to defeat a DAP candidate from Pakatan Harapan earlier this year. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 7, 2019.
BN won the Cameron Highlands by-election easily after it worked with PAS to defeat a DAP candidate from Pakatan Harapan earlier this year. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 7, 2019.
TMI: The goods and services tax (GST) was a major issue. Was there any suggestion to reduce the rate or abolish it?
A: There was no decision on that as we felt that GST was a good consumption tax system and we had already explained it. The same was for PTPTN (higher education loan) and we had already promised to waive it for those who obtained first class honours and reduce the repayment amounts.
But the allegations and promises by Pakatan Harapan were too convincing and the anti-establishment wave became too big and we were unable to clarify the issues.
TMI: What do you think of the new government?
A: It’s not fair for me to evaluate them as the target group is Malaysians and they are the best judge of the new government’s performance.
Previously, we were evaluated by the prime minister and Idris Jala (former chief of the Performance Management and Delivery Unit). We were given a set of KPIs and were judged according to the different ministries.
What is happening now is a blame game where everything good done by BN is denied. BN has been accused of selling the country and cheating Malaysians but in the end, what Pakatan is doing is to rebrand the same projects by changing the name.
I think Malaysians can see that Pakatan is not doing anything different from BN.
TMI: What do you think of PH’s reasons that it can’t fulfil some of its manifesto promises due to the debts inherited from the previous government?
A: Any new government that takes over has to accept the assets as well as the liabilities. That’s the way it is as it is a national responsibility.
To blame it on high debts when the national debt is only RM686 billion (according to international standards) and not RM1 trillion is strange.
What this proves is that the switch from GST to SST (sales and services tax) was the wrong move. They will slowly see that not all that was done by the previous government was wrong.
TMI: Will PH be a one-term government?
A: The sentiments are changing and when trust has turned to anger, it will slowly become disgust. This disgust will result in rejection. Any negative feeling for the government today is a positive sign for us.
Q: What were challenges when you became Umno president and BN chairman last year?
A: There was a trust deficit for Umno and BN from voters and party members. Anyone who came to lead Umno and BN had to face this situation. This happened to several parties in Europe and Asia when they lost the federal government. This also happened among its MPs, state assemblymen and members.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi speaking in his office in Kajang. The umno president won’t be drawn into judging the Pakatan Harapan government, saying it’s best to let voters decide themselves. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, May 7, 2019.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi speaking in his office in Kajang. The umno president won’t be drawn into judging the Pakatan Harapan government, saying it’s best to let voters decide themselves. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, May 7, 2019.
This was my first challenge.
In the first by-election in Sg Kandis, BN lost again as Pakatan was still in its honeymoon period and hopes were still high.
This was the same in Sri Setia although there was cooperation with the Umno and PAS leaders. But this cooperation had not yet reached the parties’ grassroots.
But it’s clear that the Umno-PAS cooperation worked in Cameron Highlands, Semenyih and Rantau and the trust deficit issue had been overcome.
The disappointment against the current government, coupled with the Umno-PAS cooperation has enabled us to win the last three by-elections. What had turned away voters before (Umno-PAS cooperation) is now helping us.
Although I had set my outline in the last Umno general assembly, several MPs and assemblymen have since crossed over. This has made my work more difficult. My priority is not me but the party and BN. As such I decided not to continue my duties as Umno president.
This has calmed the situation although we cannot say there are no more efforts (within and without) to pinch our elected officials.
TMI: Are people still trying buy over Umno MPs?
A: I heard something like that but what is important is that not one of Umno’s 23,000 branches have been dissolved, including those in Sabah.
There may have been resignations by branch chiefs, MPs or assemblymen in Sabah but new leaders have also emerged to strengthen Umno.
TMI: Is partnering PAS part of the plan to stabilise Umno and BN?
A: Yes. It’s among one of the steps that is working very well now.
Q: PH has always alleged that this Umno-PAS cooperation has existed before GE14 and that Umno gave money to PAS. Are these allegations true?
A: I honestly do not know about the money transfer. But definitely, based on informal discussions, yes. Najib and me, together or individually, have discussed with them. The mistake, as I said earlier, was that nothing was formalised.

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