
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, May 26, 2019


If the Malaysian government really knows where Jho Low is and can bring him home they would not need the IGP to issue press statements like the one below. They can just do what the US government did to Julian Assange. Since the Malaysian government knows where Jho Low is just go and get him. Why talk so much and threaten this, that and the other?

The Malaysian government has always known where Low Taek Jho a.k.a. Jho Low is. Over the last year, Tun Dain Zainuddin and Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad have been communicating with Jho Low. So why the need for the announcement by the IGP, Hamid Bador, (READ BELOW) as if they have “just discovered” Jho Low’s “hiding place”?
What the Malaysian government (or the IGP) is not telling us is that they have problems getting the evidence to jail Najib Tun Razak — allegedly for stealing RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money. For more than four years since February 2015 they have been accusing Najib of stealing RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money. Mahathir even once said it could be higher than RM42 billion, maybe even more than RM50 billion.
This was one of the reasons why Pakatan Harapan won GE14 in May last year — the allegation that Najib stole RM42 billion or RM52 billion of 1MDB’s money. But now they cannot seem to charge Najib for that so-called crime.

Tommy Thomas told Mahathir and Daim they do not have any evidence to jail Najib for stealing RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money

The Attorney-General, Tommy Thomas, told Daim and Mahathir that the prosecution does not have any evidence that Najib stole RM42 billion or RM52 billion of 1MDB’s money. But they need to prove this in court or else Pakatan Harapan is going to have a serious credibility problem. As it is, after merely one year, their credibility is already suffering big time.
Even the supposedly RM1.1 billion worth of cash and valuables (now reduced to RM680 million) seized from the Pavilion Residence cannot be linked back to 1MDB. So where is the evidence that Najib stole RM42 billion or RM52 billion of 1MDB’s money?
To be able to nail Najib, they need Jho Low to testify in court. They need Jho Low to confess in court that he indeed stole RM42 billion (or at least admit to RM30 billion) of 1MDB’s money and that Najib was his accomplice or that it was Najib who masterminded and/or directed the entire “robbery”.
This puts Jho Low in front of the firing squad. Jho Low must admit he is a thief and that Najib is also the thief or the boss of the gang of thieves. So, what is going to happen to Jho Low? The Malaysian government’s target is Najib. They need to pin the crime of stealing RM42 billion or RM52 billion of 1MDB’s money on Najib. But that can only be done if Jho Low admits to stealing the money and that Najib was also in the gang.

Only if Jho Low confesses to stealing 1MDB’s money and also confess that he acted in concert with Najib can the Malaysian government nail Najib

In short, Jho Low must also go to jail. He cannot go to court and confess to stealing RM42 billion or RM52 billion of 1MDB’s money and then walk free and live the rest of his life in luxury on the 1MDB billions he was alleged to have stolen.
Part of the deal would be that Jho Low will have to return at least RM30 billion of the money he stole. That would be a mitigating factor for the court to sentence him to just a few years in jail — the fact he returned RM30 billion and turned “state witness” to help the government nail Najib.
One problem with this is Jho Low does not have RM30 billion. So how to return RM30 billion when he does not have RM30 billion?
Furthermore, Jho Low is worried if he is jailed even for just three years he might never walk out again. That is why the IGP made that announcement that the police will guarantee his safety. But then a guarantee from the Malaysian police is not worth tuppence when the police themselves have been implicated in so many assassinations and disappearances.
And why must Jho Low surrender RM30 billion to the government and then spend three years in jail? What if the judge sentences him to ten years jail?
If the Malaysian government really knows where Jho Low is and can bring him home they would not need the IGP to issue press statements like the one below. They can just do what the US government did to Julian Assange. Since the Malaysian government knows where Jho Low is just go and get him. Why talk so much and threaten this, that and the other?

IGP to Jho Low: I know your whereabouts and can guarantee your safety in Malaysia

(The Star) – Saying he knows their whereabouts, the Inspector-General of Police promises he will guarantee the safety of fugitive Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low, and his family if they come back to Malaysia.
Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador said while the investigations into the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal was ongoing, his main focus was to bring Jho Low and his six right-hand men out from hiding.
“There is no way and nowhere they can hide.”
“The sooner justice is delivered, the better for them. If they think they are innocent, prove it in Malaysian courts.”
He said the men could come back and engage the best lawyers to defend them.
“Don’t waste our time. They cannot run forever,” he said, adding that although the men were in hiding, police knew their whereabouts.
It was reported recently that the police had new leads on where Jho Low was.
Abdul Hamid declined to reveal the details of the new leads. He also refused to say if Jho Low was hiding in China.
Not mincing his words, the nation’s top cop said Jho Low’s move to hide behind lawyers in Macau and Hong Kong when making statements was nothing short of cowardice.
-Raja Petra Kamarudin

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