
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 3, 2019

Malaysia No Longer Corrupt? Apek Kit Siang Merepek!

Anybody and everybody who does business with Malaysia knows that Malaysia is corrupt. And those people from all over the world who do business with Malaysia will tell you that since the 1980s the corruption has got worse. And if you tell these people that Kit Siang has declared that Malaysia is no longer corrupt, they will laugh at you and say, “Cina apek bodoh!”

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang says Pakatan Harapan’s greatest achievement in its one year in power is that the world no longer recognises Malaysia as a global kleptocracy.
Malaysia has always been known as an Islamic country. In fact, Malaysia is a founding member of the OIC. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s First Prime Minister, founded PERKIM and he was also the First Secretary General of the OIC. And since the 1960s the world has always recognised Malaysia as an Islamic country.

Kit Siang once labelled Mahathir and Daim the most corrupt people in Malaysia

But Kit Siang disputes this. He says that Malaysia is a secular country, not an Islamic country. The world, however, disagrees with Kit Siang. Travel to any other Islamic country anywhere in the world and they will express admiration and respect for Malaysia and will declare that Malaysia is a shining example of a model Islamic country.
So what Kit Siang thinks of Malaysia does not matter two hoots. He does not speak on behalf of the world. The world has an opposite opinion to Kit Siang’s very prejudiced opinion of Malaysia. Kit Siang is not authorised to label Malaysia a kleptocracy and then declare Malaysia is no longer a kleptocracy as if he is the representative of the entire world.
Anyway, corruption does not exist only at the top in the corridors of power in Putrajaya, as the impression Kit Siang is trying to give. The most corrupt government agencies are the local councils (bandaran) and city halls (bandaraya). Next comes the police force, immigration department, customs department, income tax office, road transport department, and so on.

The world recognises Malaysia as an Islamic country but Kit Siang disputes this so Kit Siang’s opinion is not relevant

Now, is not Pakatan Harapan controlling most of the bandaran and bandaraya offices? Hence the most corrupt agencies in Malaysia are all under Pakatan Harapan. Does Kit Siang not know this? Or he pretends he does not know?
Corruption has been around since the 1960s, not long after Malaya became Merdeka. (In fact, corruption has been around since before Merdeka but at that time the Chinese were bribing the British). And it is still here, 60 years later. It never went away. It just got worse. And even in the private sector corruption exists.
International companies or multinationals know that to do business in Malaysia you need to factor in the cost of corruption. There are two levels of corruption. There are the politicians and/or political parties you need to pay off. Then there are the civil servants and administrators (Director Generals, Secretary Generals, architects, engineers, tender board members, etc.) you need to pay off.
Many GLCs (for example TNB, Petronas, the water supply companies, etc.) also need to be greased to get supply and service contracts. At every level from the CEO down to the office boy who brings your file to the CC’s office to get your payment approved needs to be paid.

Even DAP is heavily involved in corruption

Yes, from the CEO down to the office boy needs to be paid. The office boy does not cost a lot, though. RM100 is enough to get your file placed at the bottom of the pile and not on top because the CC takes the file from the bottom to process the payment. (You can also get the office boy to look for your competitor’s file at the bottom and move it to the top so that while you get your payment in one week, instead of two months, your competitor gets their payment in six months.)
Anybody and everybody who does business with Malaysia knows that Malaysia is corrupt. And those people from all over the world who do business with Malaysia will tell you that since the 1980s the corruption has got worse. And if you tell these people that Kit Siang has declared that Malaysia is no longer corrupt, they will laugh at you and say, “Cina apek bodoh!”

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