
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Muslim Brotherhood Gets RM11.5 Million Taxpayers' Money From Dr Mahathir. Banyak Cantik.

Khalid Meshaal of Hamas met Dr M
  • delegation of eight Hamas leaders had discussion with Dr M 
  • Dr M decided to offer scholarships to Palestinian students 
  • Khalid said Hamas thanked Dr M for warm welcome 
  • RM11.48m s'hips  offered thru Palestinian Cultural Organisation Malaysia
  • PM made announcement at Iftar organised by PCOM 
  • present Hamas chairman Khalid Meshaal, PCOM chairman Muslim Abu Umar
  • This is an initiative of Education Minister Maszlee Malik. ― Bernama

My comments :  First of all in the picture above they have messed up the protocol. The PM should be standing in the middle. It is his office. In this picture it looks like the Muslim Brotherhood aka Hamas has taken over the Prime Minister's Office. They have pushed Dr Mahathir to stand at the end of the line.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an octopus that stretches across the Islamic countries. In different Islamic countries the Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwan Muslimin exists under different "local" names. In Tunisia it was the Ennahda Party. In Turkey it is the AKP Party. In Gaza it is known as Hamas. 

So when you deal with Hamas you are actually dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood.

In Malaysia, the Hamas / Muslim Brotherhood have their local office called the Palestinian Cultural Organisation Malaysia or PCOM. Here is their logo:

Here is the logo of Hamas in Gaza : 

You can see the similarity in both the logos.

Here is their webpage which is a mouthpiece for Hamas. 

So Dr Mahathir has just given RM11.5 million taxpayers' money to the Muslim Brotherhood (for student scholarships).  It is a gift to the Muslim Brotherhood because the scholarships will be "offered through the Palestinian Cultural Organisation Malaysia".  All this just sounds dubious. 

Malaysia has always supported the genuine Palestinian effort to help the Palestinian people. For a long time the face of the Palestinian struggle was the late Yasser Arafat. Arafat represented the PLO or the Palestinian Liberation Organisation. In the mix of Palestine politics, also identified with Al Fatah. 

Here is Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed meeting Yasser Arafat (during Dr M's first premiership).  Yasser Arafat represented an all round Palestinian struggle representing  Muslim, Christian, Shia and other Palestinian peoples.

Unfortunately the latter day Palestinian struggle has morphed, especially after the death of Arafat where the Muslim Brotherhood extended their tentacles into Palestine, especially into Gaza.  

The Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas played up an exclusive Islamic-Palestinian struggle, isolating the multi cultural PLO. The rise of the Shia Hezbollah can also be attributed (in part, not fully) to this 'Islamic" identity pushed by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas was founded in 1987,  soon after the First Intifada broke out, as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood,  which in its Gaza branch had been non-confrontational towards Israel, refrained from resistance, and was hostile to the PLO.

Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987, and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988, that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine . . .and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

So it is no more a generic Palestinian struggle. 
The Muslim Brotherhood islamicised the Palestinian struggle. 
The Shias, the other PLO etc had to fend for themselves. 

So now there are at least THREE different Palestinian struggles going on - 

  1. the Shia Hezbollah
  2. the Muslim Brotherhood's Hamas 
  3. and Mahmoud Abbas' PLO/Fatah. 

Who shall we support? Or not support?

If we support the Shia Hezbollah is that considered bad?  They are more Palestinian than the next Palestinian who is more Palestinian than the next Palestinian. 

If unity means strength, this is certainly disunity. 
It is also called "divide and rule" which has certainly strengthened the Israeli hand. (Boleh nampak tak siapa bodoh? Boleh nampak tak siapa bela siapa?)

The question that needs to be looked at is this :  does Hamas consider themselves Muslim Brotherhood first or Palestinian first?

The answer is most certainly "Muslim Brotherhood" first.

Because the Muslim Brotherhood is found in many Islamic countries (including Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, etc).

To legitimise their presence in each of these countries the Muslim Brotherhood looks for local and domestic issues which they can exploit and manipulate.

In Kashmir it could be the resistance against the Hindu majority Indian government.

In Rohingya-land it could be the resistance against the Buddhist majority Myanmar.

In Tunisia it was taking up the cause of street vendors like Mohamed Bouazizi which sparked off the disastrously failed Muslim Brotherhood led Arab Spring. 

In Palestine it is the news jackpot of the world - the world's permanent  frontpage, headline grabbing, CNN prime timing news item ever - the Israeli Palestinian issue. Aka the Palestinian struggle.

The Muslim Brotherhood must have a presence there as well. And they have. 

So which Palestinian struggle shall we support?

  1. the Shia Hezbollah 
  2. the Muslim Brotherhood's  
  3. or Mahmoud Abbas' PLO/Fatah

Dear Dr Mahathir, will you be giving any more of our taxpayers' money to the Shia Hezbollah? Or the PLO / Fatah? 

Or is this exclusively for the Muslim Brotherhood only? 

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