
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Perlis Bergolak Lagi - Mufti Pekak Di Suruh Tutup Mulut Pula !

Well the rabid dog is out of the cage now.  The troublesome mufti has been targeted by the PAS fellows. 

Police have arrested a few people, who are members of PAS Amal Unit for conspiracy to set fire to the mufti's car.

Some of those involved have been photographed with Hadi Awang and the mufti promptly uploaded that picture on his FB page. Thus implicating Hadi Awang and PAS for being behind the arson attack.

The mufti has since taken down the photos and apologised. However the Ketua Polis Perlis has still deemed fit to tell the mufti to keep his mouth shut.

Here is the news :

Perlis Mufti apologised over images of arson suspects with Hadi in his Facebook 

implicated persons torched mufti's vehicle in front of his house in March

'If ..person's actions based on incitement of leader, leader implicated," he said

Asri acknowledged images gave negative perception of Hadi

I apologise if wrong perception created before conclusion of police investigation 

Police arrested three PAS' Unit Amal for torching mufti vehicle
All three remanded for four days

Police detained suspect set car on fire on March 22
unemployed suspect, 36, detained at home in Kampung Jelempok, Arau

suspect carried out act with friend still at large, 'Mie Tomoi' 
for RM500, paid by another person

suspect revealed five more involved
three identified and will be arrested soon

suspect said Mie Tomoi took him to meet three others
on a mission to cause harm to mufti
One of them offered money to splash acid 

Mie Tomoi and suspect agreed to set car on fire for money
friend arrived at suspect’s house on motorcycle 
went in his Proton Waja to Titi Tok Bandar, Kangar

another suspect, "Dik E", handed backpack, jacket, plastic bottles, helmets
they rode Mie Tomoi's motorcycle to petrol station in Kodiang
filled plastic bottles with petrol, before heading to mufti's house

Mie Tomoi splashed petrol on mufti’s car 
suspect lit fire and smashed windshield 

Several days later, suspect met a person in Kangar 
asked for RM5,000. However, person only paid him RM500

police identified 3 of 5 persons involved, will arrest them soon.

- Bernama

PAS Youth vice-chief takes offence at mufti linking arson to Pas

uploaded photo of two arrested for torching mufti's vehicle

men took pictures with Hadi 

mufti very irresponsible and . . immoral

PAS's Unit Amal confirmed its members arrested 

Unit Amal director said three members remanded four days 

suspects captured by CCTV outside mufti’s house

My comments :

This is the beginning of violence between the Salafis and the Sunnis in Malaysia. 
Believe me on this.  It starts small like this. 
In due time it will grow big. 

Then and only then the Malays will say 'Ya lah dolu-dolu ada satu blogger mamak selalu kasi warning perkara ini akan berlaku. Tapi kita tak dengar pun cakap dia.'

The big, big, big question is 'How many Salafis are there in Malaysia?"
Ini soalan cepu mas.  

And how organised are they? 

They already have their leaders.
The mufti, that Chinese muallaf fellow in Kg Kayu Ara, that dirty Indian PR, those muallaf converts (that Chinese boy, that Indianboy) plus many others.
Plus they get funding from the Great Iblis Saudi Arabia.

They have the numbers, they have the organisation, they have the leadership, they have access to money.

Apa lagi? Let the games begin. 
It is just a matter of time.

Some Salafis are bound to get together and do something against the Sunnis.

Al rocking wal rolling will begin.

Dont say I did not warn you.

What is the solution?
The solutions are simple. They are always simple.

Tapi orang Melayu tak mahu dengar.
Mampus pi lah.

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