
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

When White People Think They Are Superior

And have we heard people like George Clooney and Clare Rewcastle Brown condemn Saudi Arabia and organise a boycott of Saudi oil and set up Saudi Report to bring down the government so that a “western democracy” can take over the country and gays will be allowed to have sex in front of the Grand Mosque in Mekah?

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Monkeys in the Sarawak jungles are more important than humans in refugee camps

People like George Clooney and Clare Rewcastle Brown are white supremacists. They think they know better how non-whites should run their countries and they tell us what we should and should not do in our own country.

If George Clooney is so concerned about how countries treat their gay citizens, then why attack just Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia? He should also attack Saudi Arabia and all those other Middle Eastern countries and call upon the western world to boycott oil from the Middle East. Just buy oil from Scotland where gays are free to roam the streets of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Clare Rewcastle Brown is concerned about monkeys in the Sarawak jungles. She wants logging to stop so that the monkeys can be saved. What about those white monkeys from America who are bombing and shooting people in the Middle East and who are killings millions of humans, refugees included?

READ MORE HERE: https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/britain-stole-45-trillion-india-181206124830851.html

Every day Sky News and BBC show pictures of people dying and/or drowning while trying to escape the bombing and shooting — and even dying in refugee camps after they are supposed to have reached safety. Even when they are ‘safe’ in refugee camps they still die, millions of them. But to people like Clare Rewcastle Brown, 100 monkeys in the Sarawak jungles are more important than millions of non-white lives.
The days when white people know better how non-whites should run their own countries are gone. These one-time colonial powers became rich due to the slave and opium trade. They plundered the countries they colonised and took back the riches from the colonies to their own country. Countries like India and Malaya kept Britain alive. Trillions were looted from us so that the Mat Salleh could live an easy and prosperous life.
Understand one thing. White people practice double standards. Does Saudia Arabia hold general elections to choose its government? Is there no rampant corruption and abuse of power in Saudi Arabia? Does Saudi Arabia allow freedom of speech and civil liberties? Are gays, sodomites and “sexual deviants” not also executed in Saudi Arabia? Is Saudi Arabia not just like Myanmar, Libya, Syria and all those other countries who the white people classify as “pariah states”?

Saudi Arabia’s ultraconservative laws criminalises sodomy and other same-sex relations, making them punishable by imprisonment, flogging or death.

And have we heard people like George Clooney and Clare Rewcastle Brown condemn Saudi Arabia and organise a boycott of Saudi oil and set up Saudi Report to bring down the government so that a “western democracy” can take over the country and gays will be allowed to have sex in front of the Grand Mosque in Mekah?

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