
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 25, 2019

Yoursay: Isma hell-bent on stirring racial, religious discord

YOURSAY | ‘Aminuddin should have maintained his protest whoever it was who had issued the stamps.’
Vijay47: The only thing that Isma president Aminuddin Yahaya has accomplished is to reveal himself to be another of those pathetic Muslim fanatics who regularly crawl out of the cesspool to tilt at mythical windmills for some pitiful lost religious cause.
When the wannabe hero is shown to be the village imbecile, he adopts a Mahatma-Mandela stance by making an apology as false as they come. In the process, he proves to be from the same intellectual mould as that class moron, Maszlee Malik, the education minister.
Coming to the stamp series which seem to have created major upheavals in the belief foundations of Aminuddin and his friends in Isma, it is clear that he holds absolute fear of Christianity, convinced that any mere exposure to that religion will shake his Islamic faith to the core.
The stamp series featured all major faiths in Malaysia; after Islam, the principal faiths are Buddhism and Hinduism yet it was only towards Christianity that he bore this overwhelming terror.
What a shallow conviction he must hold towards his Islam if a picture confuses him and weakens his faith, the mantra these fanatics are so accustomed to repeating.
The convenient apology from Aminuddin reeks of abject insincerity, it came about only because he realised to his horror that he had carried out friendly fire and shot himself in the foot - that the series had actually been released when Umno and its cohorts were ruling the roost.
If he had the least bit of honour or honesty, he should have maintained his protest whoever it was who had issued the stamps. Instead, he has shown that apart from his many other failings, he is also a craven coward and evil opportunist.
Anonymous 1715431435194895: Regardless, the 'houses of worship' stamp series by Pos Malaysia was launched in 2016 or 2019, it is still a very meaningful theme for Malaysia.
Isma, if you truly want to contribute to the Malay-Muslim community, you will have to do real, good work.
The Wakandan: Aminuddin is just trying to find some excuses to push his racial and religious agenda. It is very clear that Umno and PAS are using racial and religious sentiment to incite the people in their strategy to win elections. This is one of the proofs.
The government should go down hard on people who deliberately toy with racist and religious bigotry.
Aminuddin was caught with his foot in his mouth after realising that the stamps were produced during the BN regime. Actually, it was a credit to BN to illustrate that Malaysia is a multi-religious, multi-cultural and multiracial country which we are always proud of.
Isma leaders, the racist and religious bigots, are very angry with that and in here we have proof of the state of their mind - hatred of other people and other religions other than Islam. Do remember this when it comes to voting at elections.
Quigonbond: The police should keep a record of Isma’s statements such as this. These are crazy hair triggers and there should be penalty for instigating the Muslim public.
Pakatan Harapan does not seem to be in a hurry to pass a national harmony law. They should not think twice.
Anonymous 770241447347646: It is not worth discussing the complaints raised by Isma. They have always used race and religious rhetoric to create division among the people.
The future of the nation is not in their interest but their own political goals. They don't realise that if any incident happens on our soil, all will be affected and the nation on the whole will suffer.
Maybe their finances have run dry with the opposition (Umno) losing power. They need to help them regain power so that their gravy train can start flowing again.
Whatever the reason is, they should put the security of the nation as their highest agenda. Not their own selfish desires.
Anonymous #07988903: The stamp has been in circulation since BN was in government, and this idiot has no problem with it. No, he brought up this issue to spike the Harapan government.
Obviously, this group has a political agenda. Islam is just a tool. Fair-minded Malays should not allow people like that to hijack their faith to advance their political objectives.
David Dass: We are a multi-religious country. Churches and temples are part of our landscape. Along with mosques.
There are Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and Hindus in this country. What is wrong with featuring all places of worship on a series of stamps to reflect the multi-religious character of our country?
These are narrow-minded bigots who consider everything a threat to Islam and Muslims.
Anonymos: Indeed, this is a beautiful set of stamps worth collecting. They depict a diverse and multicultural Malaysia.
Collect it now as a reminder of that beauty for it won't be the same again when the likes of Isma convert the majority to believe their narrow Islamist narrative.
Asitis: If issuing a stamp is construed as bullying the Muslims, how would you describe the experience of non-Muslims in this country?
At some point, it gets tiring hearing of some members of a particular section of our society who are given everything by the government, complain like a spoilt brat that they are bullied because certain stamps were issued.
VoteOfOne: Perhaps it is time we should have religious and racial bigotry, kleptocracy of 1MDB and the fall of BN on our stamps too. Let's not forget the oldest man now running the cabinet.
Long gone are the days when we produced stamps showcasing Malaysia's development and achievements. They are now mainly flora and fauna in design, of flowers and animals.
By Isma president Aminuddin's logic, the world would think we Malaysians still live in trees.
Mustafa N: Well, the US Postal Service has issued stamps celebrating Eid and honouring Muslim activist Malcolm X, but certainly no one is going to mistake the US for an Islamic country.
Anonnon: I licked one of the stamps and I before I knew it, I became a convert - that's how insidious stamps and minority religions are! - Mkini

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