
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Yoursay: Mismanagement at Yapeim tip of the iceberg?

YOURSAY | 'Something isn't right about the culture of state-owned entities.'
Clever Voter: There seems to be repeated behaviour in all of these mismanaged cases, from Lembaga Tabung Haji and Felda to Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP).
Blame is repeatedly placed on unethical leadership or political connections, followed by denials and admissions, without personal accountability.
It does tell us that something is just not right about the culture of state-owned entities.
Yet, we have culprits – many with connections – roaming free and unashamedly behaving as if nothing were wrong.
It looks as if once again there is nothing to stop itchy hands from dipping into the cash box or treasury.
Education is counterproductive. Millions have been spent to no effect. We should have strict enforcement with severe penalties, including the death sentence.
If public interest is not treated with respect, why should the rule of law treat such offences with leniency? If only this missing money was recycled for the public good.
Ex-Wfw: Should the current management of the Islamic Economic Development Foundation (Yapeim) file a case against the previous management for negligence of duty?
To clean up the past to serve as an example that the nation does not condone such behaviour, legal action should be taken.
Just like the former general manager of the Port Klang Authority (PKA), one cannot claim ignorance when one is the driver of the institution.
Just charge them and make them pay with their assets so that others will remember that such practices won't feather their nests for the future.
Rick Teo: Indeed, those responsible must be brought to book.
This must be a lesson for all future management entrusted with helming government agencies and statutory bodies, that they must exercise due care and diligence or face being charged with negligence in their duties.
Anonymous 2401191456463140: My Malay brothers, please do something. Your silence is no longer tenable.
Your future generations will hold you accountable. It is no longer business as usual.
Don’t Just Talk: As usual, after the horse has bolted and with millions misplaced, Yapeim’s new board of trustees admits wrongdoing and negligence occurred.
It has happened to Felda Global Ventures, Felda, Felcra, Mara, Tabung Haji and 1MDB.
The best part of the act is that the Umno leaders will blame anyone except themselves, with the biggest alleged thief wearing a T-shirt printed with the words “Malu apa, bossku”.
JB King: This should have been settled within Yapeim itself. Why wash dirty linen in public?
Money is lost and it is not going to come back. Let's be united and ask the government for more money. If there is no money, the orphans will be the first to suffer.
Anonymous Grow the Country: Don't waste taxpayers' money like this. Don't collect tax if you cannot handle or manage taxpayers' money.
Hard-earned money has gone to waste. There are so many corruption cases, and yet nobody is being sent to jail.
Either the thieves are very smart, or the authority is not capable of catching the thieves.
My2cen: The Special Branch has always gone undercover to gather intelligence. But they shouldn't pretend to be journalists in the process, or pretend to be anything else, for that matter.
Under new Malaysia, we hope they will be fairer, and not work within a deep state or in a partisan way.
On another note, it's good to see new Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador having a sense of humour, rather than tweeting threats. I hope he can drive changes within the police force.
Anonymous 19811504508400: Yes, if your officers go to events without being invited, they might as well go carrying placards.
Since the SB gathers information covertly, they should be a bit more imaginative. SB personnel do not need to be present to gather information.
For security purposes, I would have thought uniformed police officers would have been more appropriate.
Fair Player: A police presence is not needed unless requested by the hosts of the events.
Otherwise, it raises eyebrows and gives the impression that the SB is under instructions by higher-ups with ulterior or ill motives.
The police presence is best made visible by their official uniforms.
Ericomc: Why can't Warisan, the party elected as the government of the day in Sabah, work with the police? Or are they thinking they are still in the opposition?
Warisan vice-president Junz Wong's reasoning is an afterthought. Asking SB officers to identify themselves in a forum is akin to farting loudly in public.
There is a reason why they are called SB. They are supposed to blend into the crowd to gather information related to security issues.
There is no reason why Warisan, being a ruling party, should feel threatened by the disguised presence of SB officers.
Fair and Open: Pretending to be what you are not is definitely wrong. Admit it. Any explanation makes it worse.
Just be honest. Don't try to justify a crooked action which is disappointing in a New Malaysia and from a unit supposed to uphold the rule of law and order.
Palmyra: Better still, the IGP should instruct all SB officers to wear their uniforms. Or is it against regulations for SB members to wear uniforms since they are always in ‘covert’ mode when doing their ‘spying’ work?
I know a relative who was in SB. We never saw him wear uniforms, ever.
Hot Khong: I suppose if there are strangers around, then any normal person would ask the strangers to leave. If they are police officers, then they should identify themselves. - Mkini

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