
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 3, 2018

As Mahathir Said, Why Can’t The Malays Be Like The Chinese?

This Robert Kuok matter has actually been a very useful eye-opener for the Malays. Now the Malays can see that the Chinese are not really split into MCA, DAP and Gerakan like the Malays are split into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN. The Chinese may give the impression they are divided, but attack a Chinese cause and they will come together as one. Attack a Malay cause, however, and Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN will not come together as one.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad retired on 1st November 2003, he was asked in an interview what was his greatest regret in 22 years as Prime Minister. Mahathir replied that his greatest regret is he has failed the Malays because he was unable to change them. The Malays are too feudalistic, Mahathir said, why can’t the Malays be more pragmatic like the Chinese?
Yes, at least for once Mahathir could not have said a truer word. In 1999, I spoke to the Chinese from Negeri Sembilan and they told me they hate Barisan Nasional but they are still going to vote BN and not vote Barisan Alternatif for practical reasons. There are many pig farms in Negeri Sembilan and if they vote opposition the government might not allow these pig farms to continue to operate in the state.

Nazri: I am close to DAP because Chinese reject MCA

The same happened in the 2009 by-election in Kuala Terengganu. The Chinese in Kampung Cina said they are still going to vote BN because they cannot afford to lose their land, which is all TOL and not freehold. Every election they vote BN to protect their land. Hence Pakatan Rakyat is not going to get the Chinese vote. True enough, PAS won 2,500 votes instead of 5,000 because of the Chinese voters.
The Malays will not do this. If they hate Umno they will never vote Umno. The same goes for PAS, PKR, etc. The Chinese, however, will vote Chinese never mind from which party the candidate might come from. And this is what Mahathir admires about the Chinese and wishes the Malays would emulate.
The Malaysian Chinese News report of 27th February 2018 (READ BELOW) demonstrates how the Chinese do things. While the Malays are divided into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN, the Chinese are united under one umbrella — although it appears like the Chinese are divided under MCA, DAP and Gerakan, while in essence they are not. When it comes to Chinese causes, MCA, DAP and Gerakan speak as one while the Malays from Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN will never do that.

When this happens they will say Najib bribed Hadi with RM90 million for it to happen

Even if, say, Umno and PAS share the same stage (say on certain issues involving the ummah) they will say that the PAS leaders have been bought and that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak bribed PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang with RM90 million. Where is the proof that Najib bribed Hadi RM90 million? The proof is in the fact that Najib and Hadi shared the same stage on one or two occasions.
MCA, DAP and Gerakan also share the same stage on some issues, for example the Robert Kuok issue. So, who bought who and how much was paid? If the Malays are united then without a doubt someone was paid off. Hence, when the Chinese are united are there not pay-offs involved as well?
Not only are Chinese political parties from both sides of the fence united, but Chinese guilds and associations also unite and share the same stage. Whacking any Chinese tycoon is akin to whacking the entire Chinese community and every single Chinese in Malaysia will come together to protest. This issue is now about Chinese versus non-Chinese and MCA, DAP and Gerakan no longer exist. The only thing that exists is the Chinese cause.

Chinese place Chinese causes above party loyalty while Malays place the party above Malay unity

This is what Mahathir admires about the Chinese and which he lamented he wishes the Malays are like this. But as Mahathir himself admitted, the Malays are not like this and that is why it is so easy to divide the Malays into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN. You can never do this with the Chinese if it involves Chinese issues or causes.
You might think the Malays are ignorant about the matter and do not realise this. Actually, the Malays do realise this. The Malays know they are badly divided into many groups. But, to the Malays, the party causes of Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN are more important than Malay causes. And if you know this about the Malays it is very easy to manipulate them.
This Robert Kuok matter has actually been a very useful eye-opener for the Malays. Now the Malays can see that the Chinese are not really split into MCA, DAP and Gerakan like the Malays are split into Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN. The Chinese may give the impression they are divided, but attack a Chinese cause and they will come together as one. Attack a Malay cause, however, and Umno, PAS, PKR, PPBM and PAN will not come together as one.

Malaysian Chinese community backs Robert Kuok

(Malaysian Chinese News, 27 February 2018) – Malaysian Chinese community is strongly discontented with the recent attack against Malaysia’s richest man, Robert Kuok Hock Nien, for allegedly meddling in politics; Chinese organizations have one after another came out in supporting Kuok, strongly urged those concerned not to insult Kuok in rude language.
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) has expressed regret over the three articles posted on the website Malaysia Today making baseless allegations against Kuok.
ACCCIM opined that under any circumstances, unconfirmed statements should not be exaggerated publicly not to mention malicious accusations, otherwise they would be unfair to the parties and caused unnecessary disturbance. ACCCIM absolutely disagrees with this practice and urges all parties to stop playing it up.
In a statement issued today, ACCCIM president Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap said Robert Kuok is an outstanding entrepreneur who has successfully established Malaysia’s reputation on the international economic stage and made great contributions to Malaysia’s economic and social development.
Ter Leong Yap said Robert Kuok is also a philanthropist guided by the belief of “giving back to society what you have obtained from society”, for decades he is always ready to help in a worthy cause, including making a donation of RM100 million to construct the library block of Xiamen University Malaysian Campus, donated to TAR College and Chinese independent high schools benefitting many students.
ACCCIM life honorary president Tan Sri William Cheng said Robert Kuok is a respected entrepreneur and a model for the Chinese community in Malaysia, the Chinese community does not want or allow anyone to insult Kuok’s personality.
Preserve nationality with Malaysia in heart
ACCCIM honorary president Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng said ACCCIM had held several meetings and exchange sessions with Robert Kuok, in which he had made proposals on the promotion of Malaysian industry and economy as well as the development of ACCCIM. During the meetings, Robert Kuok had expressed concerns for national development and support for the Malaysian government.
The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Hua Zong) president Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah called on all parties to remain calm and stop questioning and accusing Kuok for meddling in politics. Kuok still retains Malaysian citizenship, proving that he is deeply concerned about the motherland.
He hoped that top government official will step in to handle properly and resolve the matter as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Malaysia China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) expressed discontent and regret on blogger Raja Petra and Malaysia Today’s malicious smearing and slander against Robert Kuok.
It urged the rumormonger to come forward to clarify publicly as soon as possible and hope that senseless politicians will stop all provocative acts that will destroy racial harmony.
MCCC said in a statement that Robert Kuok’s life was full of legends, his business history and his style of dealing with people were admired and exemplary by successful entrepreneurs at home and abroad.
Kuok’s good strategy for the development of the nation is not only a manifestation of his patriotism, but also a representative of the aspirations of the majority of the people, hoping that this happy nation will continue to develop in a diversified and inter-ethnic direction.

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