
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 23, 2018

At 94 Mahathir Can Work For Only Four Hours A Day

Pakatan Harapan is trying to create the fallacy that Mahathir is as good as any man half his age and, in fact, can do more than someone half his age. As they say in America, tell that to the Marines. Mahathir should be on the ground, criss-crossing the country and campaigning every day from dawn to dusk if he really wants Pakatan Harapan to do well in GE14. Two hours a day, three days a week, is not good enough.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Over the last 24 hours, the latest ‘hot news’ is regarding whether Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad can still be Prime Minister at his age. Pakatan Harapan knows that this is the main question people are asking, more than asking the question as to whether Malaysians wants the country to return to the era of Mahathirism.
The issue is not so much whether Mahathir sudah taubat, has repented, has turned over a new leaf, is now a reformist, has transformed from a frog to a prince after Lim Kit Siang kissed him, and whatnot. It is whether Mahathir is going to be a 24-7 Prime Minister or merely a 4-3 Prime Minister, meaning working four hours a day three days a week.
There are those who say Mahathir is still physically and mentally fit and that he can still drive and deliver speeches during ceramah and so on. That is absolute hogwash and Pakatan Harapan knows it is. No one at 94 can still perform as if he was 44 or even 64. That goes against the laws of nature, physics and chemistry. And for Mahathir who has had so many heart attacks and heart surgery, he is lucky he is still kicking. By now he should have kicked it, not still be kicking.

Mahathir needs to rest every two hours and cannot work for more than four hours a day

The truth is Mahathir can work for only two hours at a stretch. After that he needs a rest. And if he does this two days in a row, then on the third day he needs to rest. If he does a four-hour stretch without resting he becomes tired and short of breath and if he does not rest they need to summon a doctor to look at him or send him to IJN for observation and for a total break.
Mahathir’s family is worried that if he keeps working more than four hours every day he might just collapse and die. So, they are trying to limit the hours to two and not every day but on alternate days. While most world leaders work between 60 to 90 hours a week (out of 168 hours), Mahathir can handle just eight to ten or 12 hours. What type of Prime Minister would Malaysia be having who works 15% of the time that other world leaders work?
Pakatan Harapan is trying to create the fallacy that Mahathir is as good as any man half his age and, in fact, can do more than someone half his age. As they say in America, tell that to the Marines. Mahathir should be on the ground, criss-crossing the country and campaigning every day from dawn to dusk if he really wants Pakatan Harapan to do well in GE14. Two hours a day, three days a week, is not good enough.

Mahathir once in a while drives himself just to show he is still fit

And that is merely talking about his physical capacity, not yet his mental state.
Mahathir is delusional and has lost track of reality. He cannot remember what he said and did in the past and makes comments and statements based on what he thinks he may have said and done and not what he actually said and did. Your mind plays tricks on you and many people see and hear things that do not exist. That is not uncommon and people have even been known to hear God talking to them.
Have you heard the saying that when you talk to God it is called praying but when God talks to you it is called lunacy? But then people who hear God talking to them are not faking it. They really do hear God talking to them. And that is because they are no longer playing with a full deck of cards, or what the Malays would call tiga-suku (in short, a three-quarter deck of cards).
The question is, when Mahathir distorts history and tells us stories that are opposite or contradictory to what really happened is he intentionally lying to Malaysians or does he believe what he is saying?

Mahathir can no longer remember what he said and did in the past

Mahathir insists he is not lying and insists he is telling the truth. In that case, if Mahathir believes he is not lying and believes he is telling the truth, that can only mean Mahathir is delusional. Mahathir is not lying, Mahathir is telling the truth, but Mahathir’s ‘truth’ is distorted. Mahathir sincerely believes his ‘truth’ is not distorted so that makes him out of touch with reality.
Mahathir cannot be both at the same time. Mahathir is either lying through his teeth and he knows he is, which means he is morally unsuitable to become the Prime Minister, or Mahathir believes that his lies are the truth, which also makes him mentally unsuitable to become Prime Minister.
Maybe Mahathir should be given a lie detector test where he can be asked various questions such as:
1. Were you in Malaysia or China during the Memali incident?
2. Did RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money really disappear into thin air?
3. Did you approve Bank Negara’s forex trading during 1988-1994?
4. Did you sack Anwar Ibrahim because of his sodomy crimes or because you were scared he would oust you?
5. Did the RoS deregister Umno against your wishes or did you ask them to deregister Umno so that you could get rid of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah?
6. Did you sabotage the Paka power station so that you could award the Paka IPP to YTL Power?
7. Did you instruct Tajudin Ramli to buy MAS at a high price so that you could create ‘paper profits’ to cover the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara forex losses?
8. Did you start attacking Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in 2014 because Mukhriz lost the Pemuda Umno contest in 2009 and the Umno Vice Presidents’ contest in 2013?
9. Did you resign from Umno on 29th February 2016 because Mukhriz was sacked as the Kedah Menteri Besar and you realised he could not become Prime Minister through Umno any longer?
10. Is all this nonsense actually just about making Mukhriz the Prime Minister?
If Mahathir fails the lie detector test that means he is a liar. If he passes, however, that means Mahathir is delusional and believes that his lies are the truth. Either way he is either morally or mentally unsuitable to become Prime Minister.

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