
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 26, 2018


Wan Azizah just cannot bring herself to say that the reason why Mahathir wants to oust Najib is to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister — like how she tells the other PKR leaders they must be careful of Mahathir because all he wants is to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister. In fact, Wan Azizah knows that Mahathir is backing Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali in his bid for the party presidency as a check against Anwar Ibrahim coming back to power.

Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail still cannot believe that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad would be prepared to work with Pakatan Harapan to try to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak (read news report below).
At least Wan Azizah is honest enough to admit that Mahathir’s motive is to oust Najib. The only thing that Wan Azizah does not dare say is the reason why Mahathir wants to oust Najib other than ‘the situation is so bad’. That ‘situation is so bad the PM needs to be ousted’ is a very old excuse that was used since back in the 1980s when Mahathir was the Prime Minister.
They also used that same excuse on Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and now on Najib. In future, if Ahmad Zahid Hamidi happens to become the Prime Minister, they will use that excuse to try to oust him as well.
Wan Azizah just cannot bring herself to say that the reason why Mahathir wants to oust Najib is to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister — like how she tells the other PKR leaders they must be careful of Mahathir because all he wants is to make Mukhriz the Prime Minister. In fact, Wan Azizah knows that Mahathir is backing Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali in his bid for the party presidency as a check against Anwar Ibrahim coming back to power.

Wan Azizah told the PKR leaders that Mahathir wants Najib ousted so that Mukhriz can become PM

This is what KTemoc Konsiders said on the matter:
Doesn’t she realise the former PM could NOT work with anyone, having sacked her husband Anwar and subsequently undermined AAB and also Najib in their PM positions. Yes, Mahathir has always gotten rid of his deputies or successors. 
Prior to Anwar, his deputy Musa Hitam left in disgust, and he allowed another of his DPM, Gaafar Baba, to be ousted in a humiliating manner? And he reneged on a deal with Hussein Onn to have Ku Li as his deputy PM? Ask yourself, what happened to Muhyiddin’s previous position as Pakatan’s PM, then DPM????
He is the common horrible selfish self-centred denominator. Only his son Mukhriz is suitable. (READ MORE HERE)
Maybe Wan Azizah should be reminded of what Mahathir said in his interview in Japan soon after he retired on 1st November 2003. When asked why he brought Anwar into Umno, Mahathir said it was to prevent him from going to PAS, which would be a problem for Umno. So better he be brought into Umno where he can be controlled.
In other words, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

Mahathir said he sacked Anwar because his deputy was planning a coup d’état

Then, when asked why he sacked Anwar, Mahathir replied he found that Anwar could not be controlled after all and that his deputy even plotted behind his back and wanted to oust him. Hence Mahathir had no choice but to sack Anwar.
In other words, Mahathir sacked Anwar because he was plotting a coup d’état and not because of sexual misconduct or sodomy.
That is what that man named Mahathir is all about.
Wan Azizah should not be so excited that Mahathir is prepared to work with Pakatan Harapan in the effort to oust Najib. Judging by Mahathir’s track record and by his own confession, he will work with the devil as long as he achieves his end. Mahathir does not support Pakatan Harapan. He wants to use Pakatan Harapan like how he used so many other people and political parties his entire political career.

The Memali massacre reduced PAS to just one parliament seat nine months later

In 1969, when Mahathir was sacked from Umno, he worked with PAS for more than two years to try to oust Tunku Abdul Rahman. After that he re-joined Umno and attacked PAS like there was no tomorrow. In 1986, Mahathir practically wiped out PAS and left them with only 1 seat in Parliament. Why do you think Mahathir staged Memali nine months before that at a loss of 18 lives?
In 1988, Mahathir killed Umno just to get rid of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. In the process Umno lost Kelantan for good in the 1990 general election. Mahathir sacrificed Kelantan to isolate Tengku Razaleigh and as far as Mahathir is concerned it is a worthwhile price to pay to kill off his enemies in Umno.
That is Mahathir and if Wan Azizah still does not understand this by now then she deserves to die.

The feeling is surreal, says Wan Azizah on working with Dr Mahathir

(FMT) – PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail says it is a “surreal” feeling to now work with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the same person who once removed her husband Anwar Ibrahim from the government 20 years ago.
“It’s a bit surreal. Is this really happening?” the PKR president was quoted as saying by The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) yesterday.
“But yes, it is, and of course for me it shows how bad the situation is that the former prime minister who actually hand-picked Datuk Seri [Najib Razak] as prime minister – it has come to this stage where he [Mahathir] actually wants to get rid of the man that he chose himself.”
She said winning the next polls may be tough, but Malaysians had already made up their minds to vote for change.
In 1998, Mahathir sacked Anwar from both the Cabinet and Umno over allegations of moral misconduct.
Anwar was later sentenced to six years in prison for corruption in April 1999, and nine years for sodomy in August 2000. He was released in September 2004.
Anwar is now serving another five-year jail term after being convicted for sodomy. He is expected to be released on June 8.
Anwar and Mahathir have come together under Pakatan Harapan (PH), the coalition comprising PKR, DAP, Amanah and PPBM.
The coalition, which has nominated Mahathir as its interim prime minister should it win the next polls, plans to get a royal pardon for Anwar to clear the path for him to lead the government.
Raja Petra Kamarudin


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