
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 10, 2018


The following has been going viral today. It is said to be written by Hannah Yeoh. My comments follow.
*Riza Admits He Stole 1MDB Money – Pays US$60 Million!*
7 March 2018 
In the alternative reality known as Malaysia, the Prime Minister and Government continue to insist that no money was taken from 1MDB and that there was no wrong-doing whatsoever.
Meanwhile, over in the United States the wheels of justice have been cranking on and today Najib’s own step-son Riza Aziz admitted to his guilt by settling the Department Of Justice’s asset seizure demands. He has agreed to hand over US$60 million from the company he owns, Red Granite Productions, which made Wolf of Wall Street .
That asset seizure was based on an FBI investigation, which showed that the film and others had been funded by money laundered in the United States, which were the proceeds of crime, namely theft from 1MDB. Criminal proceedings will follow and Riza Aziz is named as one of those under investigation.
So, there we have it. The Prime Minister of Malaysia denies it, yet his step-son has admitted it …. and paid up.
Den of Corrupt Practice
Thieves protecting your home?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, Australia is also reeling at the evidence of high level corruption, again being totally excused and ignored by the powers that be in Malaysia.
Papers down under are full today of the story of Malaysia’s head of CID who has decided to surrender up the equivalent of RM1 million seized by the Australian police, again on the grounds of money laundering of the proceeds of corruption, rather than to attempt to contest the matter in court.
And what has happened to the man in charge of policing high level organised crime in Malaysia, who dares not challenge these accusations against him? As with 1MDB the Malaysian Government and the Inspector General of Police are choosing to believe a cock and bull story that he thinks it would be “too expensive” to claim his RM1 million back!
This is the man in CHARGE of PREVENTING crime in Malaysia!
How many other cops in the world could afford to kiss goodbye to RM1 million with such a shrug and to ignore the blow to their reputations in the process?
All is not well in the State of Malaysia and Malaysians and under such circumstances nothing can be assumed safe or sacred. If Malaysians vote to retain such leadership (or are rigged into appearing to do so) then not a single one of their possessions will remain safe from the criminals in charge.
With the 30 months imprisonment of Rafizi, one of the brightest lawmakers of M’sian Parliament who whistleblowed exposing abuse of taxpayers fund, now lost by virtue of his disqualification in the next GE. A heavy sacrifice paid by him for the nation to be apart from his wife and child in his early years. Is this justice well served whilst the real perpetrators of the injustice to the nation and stealing of 250 million be left alone. What kind of nation is this? Are we not ashame of ourselves being Malaysians? Such injustice now calls for action for all M’sians to reverse this nonsensical treatment at the ballot box. Viral this by sending to at least 10 persons in your contact list. This is to represent an online demonstration for the government to take notice.
Hanna Yeoh
My comments :  Here is the Straits Times Singapore on this story :
KL (REUTERS) – company behind Wolf Of Wall Street has agreed to pay US govt US$60m to settle civil lawsuit to seize assets bought with money stolen from Malaysian state fund (1MDB).
Red Granite Pictures, co-founded by M’sian PM’s stepson
“reached settlement in principle” with US govt 
filing in California court on Wed (March 7)
company settled claims against 2 other films Daddy’s Home, Dumb and Dumber To
US prosecutors in biggest kleptocracy asset recovery claimed 3 films financed by Red Granite using money misappropriated from 1MDB  founded in 2009 by Najib 
Najib close associates, including stepson Riza named by US investigators
filing said Red Granite pay US govt in 3 instalments: 
  • US$30m within 30 days
  • US$20m within next 180 days
  • US$10m 180 days after that
forfeiture part of action to seize US$1.7b assets misappropriated from 1MDB
Under terms of settlement, Riza will draw no salary from Red Granite 
My comments :  Please note these parts carefully  from the Straits Times (Singapore) report  :
company behind Wolf Of Wall Street agreed to pay US govt US$60m to settle civil lawsuit 
to seize assets bought with money stolen from Malaysian state fund (1MDB).
US prosecutors in biggest kleptocracy asset recovery 
claimed 3 films financed by Red Granite using money misappropriated from 1MDB  founded in 2009 by Najib 
Najib close associates, including stepson Riza named by US investigators
Tuan IGP and Tuan AG, why the hell did they AGREE TO SETTLE US$60 (RM240 Million) if they are NOT GUILTY?
If they are all innocent, then they should NOT AGREE TO PAY.
But they have agreed to pay.
What is the link to the PM and to 1MDB?
They say POINT BLANK that this guy’s name is Riza Aziz. Isnt that the PM’s step son?
They say  POINT BLANK that this money WAS STOLEN from 1MDB.
Tuan IGP and Tuan AG,  dulu masa kecil, hangpa ni belajar di sekolah bawah pokok nyiok kah?  
You cannot seem to understand simple English.  The whole world can understand what is going on.
The whole world is laughing at you.
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.sg

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