
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 9, 2018

Kit Siang Wins Joker Of The Year Award

What the IGP said is factual. And it is a fact that Jho Low had no direct dealings with 1MDB. Even the PAC, which DAP has two members sitting in that Commission, did not establish any links between 1MDB and Jho Low. So, what is it that the IGP said is wrong? And why is Kit Siang trying to suggest the opposite? Is this not what we would call fake news? In fact, one of the DAP members of the PAC has already said the Commission found no evidence to implicate Najib in any wrongdoing. Why is Kit Siang still trying to flog the dead horse? Even after three years the US DoJ has not been able to find the smoking gun to link 1MDB to Jho Low.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Yes, and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun, has furnished such an example with his statement last night that “nothing to link Jho Low with IMDB”, which made him the laughing stock of his police peers in the world and Malaysia the laughing stock of the international community. — Lim Kit Siang
That was what Lim Kit Siang posted in his blog yesterday. Kit Siang had the gall to call the IGP the laughing stock of the world when he himself is the winner of the Joker of the Year Award. Kit Siang is such a clown that he is wasting the air he is breathing and should do Malaysia a favour by leaving gracefully before race relations gets any worse than it already is. With Kit Siang spreading anti-Malay and anti-Islam hatred it would be a mere matter of time before May 13 will be revisited.

After screaming for more than 20 years, Kit Siang has gone mum regarding what he called the biggest scandal in Malaysian history

Kit Siang’s list of jokes is so long it would be impossible to cover them all in this one article. Top of the list, of course, is Bank Negara’s RM31.5 billion Forex losses of the late 1980s-early 1990s. For decades, Kit Siang had been screaming for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to be set up to investigate the real amount that Bank Negara lost plus who are the culprits behind it.
When the Cabinet announced the setting up of the Special Task Force to look into the setting up of the RCI and to establish the parameters and guidelines of the RCI, Kit Siang suddenly did a U-turn and no longer wanted the RCI to be set up. What nonsense is this? After screaming for more than 20 years for a RCI why suddenly oppose it?
Well, the truth is Kit Siang had been screaming since 1993 regarding Bank Negara’s RM31.5 billion Forex losses because he wanted to oust Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad — and in that same process oust Umno and Barisan Nasional as well, of course. Now, however, Mahathir is Pakatan Harapan’s Chairman and its Prime Minister-in-waiting. So, Kit Siang no longer wants Mahathir arrested and sent to jail for lying to Parliament regarding Bank Negara’s RM31.5 billion Forex losses.

Kit Siang once called Mahathir the Mugabe of Malaysia and now Mugabe is copying Mahathir

That one case alone, amongst 100 cases, is enough to make Kit Siang the Joker of the Year. The Inspector-General of Police, Mohamad Fuzi Harun, could not beat Kit Siang as Malaysia’s Number One Laughing Stock even if he tried 1,000 times over. And here we have Kit Siang calling Fuzi a laughing stock when he himself tak tahu malu. Kit Siang’s muka is so tebal you probably could not cut it with a sharp knife.
The IGP is not a politician like Kit Siang who makes one statement today and the opposite statement tomorrow. As the top police officer in Malaysia, the IGP needs to talk only when it is necessary to talk and must talk based on facts and evidence. One wrong move and the entire peace and stability of the nation could be jeopardised. The IGP is a professional and cannot do things the way Kit Siang and his Prime Minister-in-waiting do things.
Mahathir said if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak wins the upcoming general election he is going to abolish general elections. Hence the 14th general election in a month or two from now is going to be the final general election for Malaysia. After this there will be no more general elections until akhirat (doomsday).

Kit Siang is flogging a dead horse and is hoping that the 1MDB issue can help oust Barisan Nasional in the upcoming general election

Why is Kit Siang keeping quiet and is not calling Mahathir the laughing stock of the entire world? Does Kit Siang agree this is what Najib is going to do, which is why he is keeping quiet? How is Najib going to do it? Is Najib first going to announce that Malaysia’s Monarchy and Malaysia’s Constitutional Monarchy system are going to be abolished and the country is going to be turned into a Republic, after which elections will be banned and the country is going to be ruled by a committee?
His Majesty the Agong is the Head of the Armed Forces while the nine States Rulers are Heads of the various branches of the Armed Forces. Hence there are ten Monarchs in total who have power over the entire military apparatus of Malaysia. What do you think these ten Monarchs are going to do? Nothing?
Mahathir is a fooking idiot for making such a dangerous statement that could trigger unrest and bloodshed on the streets and Kit Siang is an even bigger fooking idiot for keeping quiet. And Kit Siang has the gall to call the IGP the laughing stock of the entire world? In fact, the IGP should arrest Mahathir for saying if Najib wins the general election he is going to abolish general elections because tens of thousands will die if unrest erupts due to that statement.

Even the US DoJ cannot find the smoking gun to link 1MDB to Jho Low

The truth is Kit Siang is trying to keep the 1MDB issue alive until the general election. Pakatan Harapan’s election manifesto is a disaster and people with the ability to think will know that what Pakatan promises cannot be delivered. That type of election manifesto is okay if you know you are not going to win the general election and, therefore, will never have to deliver your promises. But if you end up winning the general election, you are going to be in trouble because you cannot do what you promised.
What the IGP said is factual. And it is a fact that Jho Low had no direct dealings with 1MDB. Even the PAC, which DAP has two members sitting in that Commission, did not establish any links between 1MDB and Jho Low. So, what is it that the IGP said is wrong? And why is Kit Siang trying to suggest the opposite? Is this not what we would call fake news? In fact, one of the DAP members of the PAC has already said the Commission found no evidence to implicate Najib in any wrongdoing. Why is Kit Siang still trying to flog the dead horse? Even after three years the US DoJ has not been able to find the smoking gun to link 1MDB to Jho Low.
Why not Kit Siang talk about his son’s many corrupt acts? There are the Hong Kong trips that Lim Guan Eng takes with his wife and the Rolls Royce that drives them around Hong Kong. Mr and Mrs Guan Eng are entertained to dinner in expensive restaurants and posh hotels by Chinese businessmen. And these Chinese do deals with the Penang State Government.
Then there is the house scandal and the Penang undersea tunnel scandal and so on. Kit Siang says we need to change the government to stop corruption. Does this not make Kit Siang the Joker of the Year and the laughing stock of the world? The corruption that Kit Siang laments about is in Pakatan Harapan states like Penang and Selangor. So, who is the laughing stock here, the IGP or Kit Siang himself?
After three years of attacking, Kit Siang is still hoping that the 1MDB issue will help bring down Umno and Barisan Nasional. It did not happen in the few by-elections over these three years or in the Sarawak state elections. So why will it happen in the upcoming general election?
Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” Kit Siang is also doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. So, this makes Kit Siang insane.

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