
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Leave the King out of it, I only criticised gov’t policy speech

MP SPEAKS | I want to issue a warning to Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Jailani Johari, Umno-BN “fake papers” like Berita Harian and New Straits Times, and the army of “quinoa cybertroopers” not to play with fire and spread false news that I have criticised and attacked the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
I have been made to understand that fake news saying that I criticised and attacked the Agong had gone viral this morning.
It all started with the “fake news” published in today’s Berita Harian in the report “Kit Siang bersikap biadap, perlekeh titah Agong,” which among other things said:
…kenyataan Kit Siang ketika sidang media di Parlimen hari ini, yang menyifatkan titah Seri Paduka pada pembukaan Mesyuarat Pertama Penggal Keenam Sidang Parlimen Ke-13 semalam, sebagai ucapan dasar kerajaan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Najib Abdul Razak.”
(“Kit Siang’s statement at a press conference today characterised His Majesty’s address at the first meeting of the sixth term of the 13th Parliament as the policy speech of the government led by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.”)
The New Straits Times, meanwhile, carried the report “Kit Siang insolent, say MPs,” which said:
“Lim, who is also Gelang Patah MP, had stated that he was ‘disappointed’ with the royal address, which he regarded as a ‘policy speech’ by the government under Najib’s leadership.
“Hulu Terengganu MP Jailani Johari said Lim’s statement displayed his insolent attitude, and that he had no respect for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the royal institution.”
The malicious reports in Berita Harian and the New Straits Times are intended to falsely convey the message that I have criticised and attacked the Agong, and that I have no respect for His Majesty and the royal institution.
Umno leaders, fake papers and quinoa cybertroopers may think that this is a potent accusation to make against DAP to mislead and frighten Malay voters, but this is nothing less than “playing with fire,” as it is fake news, completely baseless and untrue.
When giving my response to the Agong’s speech that opened Parliament on Monday, I had never criticised His Majesty and the royal institution.
I opened my statement yesterday pointing out that the King’s speech was Najib administration’s latest speech on policy measures in the pipeline for the next 12 months, but that the administration has less than five months to go before the holding of the 14th general election.
I said I was “very disappointed with the latest policy address prepared by the Najib administration for the opening of the Parliament by the Agong yesterday,” as it omitted major issues like corruption and the 1MDB scandal, but I never criticised His Majesty.
It is a sign of desperation of Umno leaders and their quinoa cybertroopers that they have to twist and distort my criticism of the policy speech prepared by the Najib administration into an attack on the King and the royal institution.
I urge Umno leaders and cybertroopers not to concoct and peddle “fake news” to create animosity and hatred among the diverse races, religions and cultures that make up Malaysia, just for the sake of political gain in GE14.
If Pakatan Harapan succeeds in defeating BN in the polls, the Agong’s official opening of the 14th Parliament will be the occasion for the delivery of a royal address which will contain the policy programmes of the Harapan government.
Undeniably, the Agong’s speech will then include the new policy initiatives which Harapan will undertake in its first 100 days in office as well as during the first year.
If we truly love Malaysia and are fully loyal to the Federal Constitution, let us uphold the system of constitutional monarchy and keep the royal institution separate from the battles waged by political parties, and not to drag the royal institution into the political arena.

LIM KIT SIANG is the MP for Gelang Patah and DAP parliamentary leader. - Mkini

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