
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mahathir Will Do To DAP What Kuan Yew Did To The Communists

Of course, Kit Siang and DAP know this. But they believe once Pakatan Harapan takes over the federal government they can deal with Mahathir later. In short, they can makan Mahathir before Mahathir makan them. That was also what Mahathir believed in 2015 — that he can makan Najib on 29th July 2015. But then Najib makan Mahathir first on 27th July 2015. And now Mahathir is head of a political party that technically does not exist and a coalition that is never going to exist. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
(FMT, 14 Mar 2018) – Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad today vowed that the coalition would free the mainstream media from political control if it wins the 14th general election (GE14). He said a PH government would also remove all laws that restrict freedom of expression in Malaysia.
“TV3, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times, and all other media will be freed from the control of political parties, and there will be no more laws to restrict freedom of expression. This will be among the measures that PH will take when it forms the government,” the PH prime ministerial candidate said in his regular policy talk session carried live on Facebook today.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has big plans for Malaysia if Pakatan Harapan wins the upcoming general election and gets to form the new federal government. Top of Mahathir’s priority list is to allow more freedom and democracy and to remove all laws that restrict civil liberties.

PPBM may cease to exist on 30th March 2018

For a man who heads a political party that technically will not exist in two weeks’ time on 30th March 2018, and who heads an illegal coalition that is going to face the Registrar of Societies (RoS) in the Kuala Lumpur High Court on 5th April 2018 (probably after Parliament has been dissolved) to try to get legally registered, those are indeed lofty plans.
The latest word from Komtar in Penang is that Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz, plus all those other PPBM candidates will be contesting the general election on a DAP ticket. There are some in PPBM who do not like the idea because PPBM is supposed to be a Malay party that is the mirror-image of Umno so contesting under a Chinese party will be disastrous. At the moment the situation is still very fluid but while they hope for the best they are preparing for the worst.
Mahathir said if Plan A fails then he has Plan B and Plan C. Plan A is PPBM will contest the election as a legally registered party under Pakatan Harapan, also a legally registered coalition. If that does not happen then Plan B will be launched, and if Plan B fails as well then Plan C will take over. But what are Plans B and C? Mahathir will not reveal that. He is playing those cards close to his chest.

Pakatan Harapan does not legally exist and they will be going to court on 5th April 2018 to try to get the coalition registered

We have heard about this Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, all the way to Plan K, before this. In July 2015, Mahathir launched Plan A to get rid of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. That was supposed to happen on 29th July 2015 during the weekly Cabinet meeting when Muhyiddin would present Najib with two options: resign or go to jail.
When Plan A failed Mahathir launched Plan B in October: the vote of no confidence in Parliament. That, too, failed so Mahathir launched Plan C in December: the vote of no confidence in the Umno annual assembly.
All three plans in 2015 failed and since then Plans D, E, F, G, H, and so on were launched that included the help of the international media, bloggers in Malaysia, Australia, UK, etc., the US DoJ, and many more. Three years on and Najib is still in office while PPBM and Pakatan Harapan are in a mess. So much for Mahathir’s Plan A, B, C and God knows how many more.
Anyway, that is what Mahathir promises. Whether he can deliver those promises seeing that, by Nomination Day, PPBM and Pakatan Harapan may not even exist is one issue. And even if by Nomination Day PPBM and Pakatan Harapan do exist, can they win the general election when they cannot even agree on the seats at this late stage in the game? The third and more important point is will Mahathir deliver his promises if Pakatan Harapan gets to form the government?

Mahathir does not believe the Internal Security Act, Sedition Act, Banishment Act, and so on, should be abolished

This was what NST reported on 30th June 2014:
Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today Malaysia could descend into chaos if the government went ahead with a proposal to abolish the Sedition Act 1948. He said the proposed new law to replace the act would not be able to prevent all kinds of sedition that would occur.
“The people will be subjected to all kinds of sedition, including incitement to amend the Federal Constitution. It is not inconceivable that they would agitate for the institution of the monarchy to be abolished,” he said in his latest post on his blog. Dr Mahathir said the abolition of the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Banishment Act had resulted in a rise in various kinds of crime in the country.

Kit Siang knows Mahathir will makan him if Pakatan Harapan wins the general election so he will have to makan Mahathir first

Is this the same Mahathir who said yesterday ‘there will be no more laws to restrict freedom of expression’? Mahathir wants the Internal Security Act, Sedition Act, Banishment Act, etc., to be retained. He does not believe in more freedoms. He just says so because he wants more votes, after which he will revert to the old Mahathir once he is back in power.
Actually, DAP and most in Pakatan Harapan know that Mahathir is merely paying lip service and is not sincere in what he is saying. All Mahathir wants is to oust Najib so that Mukhriz can becomes the Prime Minister. And as long as Najib is in office then Mukhriz is never going to become Prime Minister.
Mahathir initially tried to oust Najib from inside Umno but failed. Instead Muhyiddin and Mukhriz were ousted. So now he is trying to oust Najib through the general election. And for that to happen Mahathir has no choice but to work with the opposition.

Mahathir is jealous of Kuan Yew and tries to copy the moves that Kuan Yew made

This was what Lee Kuan Yew did so Mahathir is merely taking a page out of Kuan Yew’s playbook. Kuan Yew knew he could not win the Singapore elections unless he worked with the Communists. So he did a deal with the Communists and even gave them half the seats to contest. Once PAP won the election, Kuan Yew turned on his Communist comrades and rounded them all up under the ISA. In one swoop Kuan yew wiped out the Communists in Singapore and ruled Singapore for 52 years — 31 years as Prime Minister, 14 years as Senior Minister, and seven years as Minister Mentor.
Mahathir envies and secretly admires Kuan Yew. Mahathir knows that Kuan Yew’s success in being able to rule Singapore for more than half a century was to make deals with his enemies and then betray them later. Kuan Yew even pretended to agree with the formation of Malaysia just to get independence from Britain and once the British went home Kuan Yew took Singapore out of Malaysia and very cleverly made it look like Malaysia sacked Singapore from the Federation.
Of course, Lim Kit Siang and DAP know this. But they believe once Pakatan Harapan takes over the federal government they can deal with Mahathir later. In short, they can makan Mahathir before Mahathir makan them. That was also what Mahathir believed in 2015 — that he can makan Najib on 29th July 2015. But then Najib makanMahathir first on 27th July 2015. And now Mahathir is head of a political party that technically does not exist and a coalition that is never going to exist.

Kuan Yew made a deal with the Communists to win the elections and after that betrayed them and wiped them out

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