
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 26, 2018

Najib, Ku Nan and the PRC are demolishing KL's heritage

Companies from the People's Republic of China (PRC) are destroying Malaysian heritage, with the collusion of Tengku Adnan Mansor (KuNan), the Federal Territories Minister, and the PM, Najib Abdul Razak.
Many MPs have questioned why Malaysia is being sold for a song, by these two men.
Forest City, in the south, Johor, and large tracts of land around Kuantan have been sold to the PRC. Malay reserve land in Lumut has been sold to The Vale, a Brazilian company.
Now, Kuala Lumpur's own Golden Triangle is at risk. How much prime real estate, worth billions of ringgits, is under foreign control?
Both The Edge Malaysia, and The Star reported that a parcel of land on Jalan Raja Chulan, close to Menara Kuala Lumpur, will soon be developed into six multi-storey blocks, two of which will be 60 storeys high, two 66 storeys and two 80 storeys, which will accommodate 4,000 serviced apartments. Included in the development plan, is a 10-storey parking facility and a three-storey commercial structure.
Older KL residents know Jalan Raja Chulan as Weld Road, and may recall eight colonial homes on Serani Row in the Bukit Nanas area, close to Menara Kuala Lumpur.
The pre-war houses sold in this parcel were built in 1931. In its heyday, these houses were owned by members of the Eurasian community and would have been among the best residences in the city centre. The houses are solid, have ornate tiling and plasterwork. The centrepiece of the last standing row had an elaborate crest bearing the initials OES.
The Edge reported that a Shenzhen-based property developer, China Vanke Co Ltd, which is listed on both the Shenzhen and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges, is believed to have won the tender for the 7.4-acre tract of land.
The purchase valued at RM500 million or RM1,600 psf for the land, is well below the expected price for this area.
According to The Edge, the company operates through a locally incorporated company called Malola Garden City Sdn Bhd, but records at the Companies Commission of Malaysia show that Malola was only incorporated on March 13, 2017.
On Saturday, March, 24, Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Lun, criticised Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) for selling parcels of land cheaply, through direct negotiations, instead of through open tender, thereby losing billions of ringgits in the process.
Fong was echoing the sentiments of the DAP MP for Cheras, Tan Kok Wai, who last December met the KL mayor, Mohd Amin Nordin Abdul Aziz and was outraged because DBKL did not sell the KL land through open tender. He alleged that, over the past four years, the DBKL has sold 45 plots of prime land way below the market price.
Tan said, "... The question is, why were they not sold via open tender? The excuse given was that the prices were given by the Valuation and Property Services Department, but that is very questionable.”
Earlier, in August 2017, Seputeh MP, Teresa Kok, also warned that KuNan's refusal to gazette the Kuala Lumpur City Draft Plan 2020 would result in KL being one of the world's most unplanned and congested cities.
Since 2008, Kok has accused DBKL of spending RM30 million on hearings and workshops to draft the "KL City Draft Plan 2020". The draft was supposed to be gazetted in 2009, but was delayed until 2012, and later to 2013.
In February last year, Ku Nan refused to approve the draft plan, claiming that it was not feasible, because of the difference between the current land value and its value, when the plan was drafted.
Furious about the delays, Kok advised that the draft plan should, at least, be used as a guide until a revised plan could be prepared. She said, "Does it make sense to allow KL to go on without a plan in the interim?" and demanded to know when the new plan would be ready.
The shenanigans in Serani Row appear to show that PRC companies are colluding with our authorities and shortchanging the people of KL.
Why are Najib and Ku Nan selling off parts of the country for a pittance? The Federal Territories Minister should be the first to protect KL's heritage, but he is not. He must think that he can easily pull the wool over the eyes of Malaysians.
It is bad enough that one of the founders of KL, Yap Ah Loy, has allegedly been erased from our history books, and it is scandalous that many of our KL landmarks have been demolished.
Why is Najib allowing himself to be used by the rich and powerful PRC and ignoring Malaysian interests? Both he and Ku Nan have been very generous in rewarding PRC companies, by promising them contracts and investment opportunities at the expense of our own companies and workers.
Today, Najib appears to have traded our interests, our land and our rights in exchange for PRC support and endorsement.
Malaysians will realise the consequences of Najib's folly with 1MDB when they find out that Najib's 1MDB debts cannot be repaid.
You know what to do in GE14. Najib must not be allowed to jeopardise the nation's future. His friendly ties with the PRC cannot compromise our independence and sovereignty.
Send Najib the message, that Malaysia is not for sale to the lowest bidder, or anyone for that matter.
MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). BlogTwitter. Mkini

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