
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 5, 2018

Sarawak Chief Minister Acts Boldly To Help Reverts

March 3 - S'wak CM Abang Jo pledged will amend S'wak Syariah Court Ordinance

solution for Muslim converts to leave Islam
Give me six months to do this,” he said

not fair to leave 
in suspense converts who wish to exit religion
NRD would not accept applications to convert out of Islam
This is admin decision he said.

(PH) urged S'wak govt to amend state laws 
apostates can get Letter of Release 
officially no longer Muslims

proposal after Fed Court ruled only state Shariah Court has power to hear apostasy 
Three wanted to return, the other embraced Christianity

Fed Court only decide jurisdiction 
over those who want to leave Islam
jurisdiction in hands of Shariah court

should not be any legal hurdles for converts applying to exit
loophole in court ordinance and I will strengthen it.
Since they no longer have faith [in Islam], should not be obstacle 
must be court ruling that they are no longer Muslims 
they can go to NRD to get new identity cards,” he said.

chief minister admitted to weaknesses in state Shariah laws
I will amend it. no need to create confusion about this small matter.
As your chief minister, I will solve the problems.”

state govt using autonomy to stop religious extremists from peninsular enter S'wak 

My comments :  This does not solve the problem. This is the 21st century lah. Religion should not involve the state in any way. Religion must be kept a private matter.

Islam has survived for more than 1400 years without any state syariah courts. Islam will still continue to survive.

As long as the people do not realise that religion must be made a private matter, to be kept in your house and inside your heart, there will be problems.

Semua ini kerja manusia yang malas. 
Manusia malas yang tidak faham niaga, tak tahu ekonomi, tak tahu kerja untuk cari hidup, yang mempunyai terlalu banyak masa untuk mengukur tepi kain orang lain.

Mansuia yang kurang berpelajaran yang hanya tahu menakutkan orang dengan cerita siksa dan cerita azab seolah mereka adalah penasihat besar kepada Allah swt.

Pada hal mereka sendiri belum tentu akan diterima atau direstu oleh Allah swt. 

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