
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 10, 2018

Trump And Kim Jong Un Agree To First Time Ever Summit, Secretary Of State Tillerson Should Be Fired

Two major, earth 'moulding'  events took place a few days ago.

1. Donald Trump has accepted an invitation from Kim Jong Un to meet and discuss peace initiatives. The meeting will likely take place in May, (maybe in China or Sweden or on board a Chinese Navy vessel that does not rock too much).

2.  As I have written before, Gaza will be "relinquished" to Egypt and the announcement will also most likely be made in May when Donald Trump visits Cairo again. More on that soon.

 Two outstanding hairstyles

Kim Jong-un invited Trump to meet for negotiations
audacious diplomatic overture 

Trump accepted invitation
president would meet Kim within 2 months

expressed eagerness to meet Trump asap
Trump agreed to “meet Kim Jong-un by May

“talked about denuclearization . .”
“no missile testing by North Korea during this time,” Trump added

Kim understood US / South Korea military exercises go ahead 

For Trump meeting Kim is gamble
No sitting US president ever met North Korean leader

Trump,  Kim share penchant for bold, dramatic moves
personal participation could take it in unexpected directions
Behind scenes events unfolded haphazardly. 
Trump not scheduled to meet Chung until Fri
heard envoy was in West Wing, summoned him

Trump asked Chung to tell him about meeting Kim
Chung said North Korean leader desire to meet Trump
president immediately said he would do it
directed Chung to announce it to White House press corps

South Korean National Security Advisor Chung Eui Yong 
briefs President Trump in Oval Office

Chung said he needed approval from President Moon
who quickly granted it in phone call
Trump called Abe of Japan, coordinate diplomatic efforts
Trump also plans to call Xi Jinping of China

swirling drama at White House
president defied his own party 

White House officials expected to deliberate for several days 
But Kim’s offer upended plans

State Dept’s North Korea negotiator, Joseph Yun departed
White House scotched plan to nominate ambassador to Seoul

North Korea planned diplomatic overture methodically
Kim’s conciliatory message toward South in New Year’s address
North’s charm offensive during Winter Olympic Games in South Korea.

South Korea greeted news of Kim and Trump meeting with relief
nervously watched Korean Peninsula edge toward brink
denuclearization of Korean Peninsula
South Korea repeatedly called for dialogue with North Korea
Kim rattled region with series of nuclear, long-range missile tests

Analysts skepticism about Trump meeting Kim
any direct talks would elevate Kim and legitimize him
Kim will never give up his nukes

only thing that changed was Kim’s invitation to Trump himself
president’s deal-making skills could produce outcome 

previous rounds always ended in failure
Madeleine Albright visited Pyongyang 2000
Albright planned to arrange visit by Clinton
fell apart when Kim Jong-il would not agree to missile deal in advance
he wanted to negotiate face-to-face with Clinton 

My comments :  The Deep State players (aka the War Mongers) have been caught totally off guard by Trump's sudden decision to a summit meeting with Kim Jong Un.  

They are worried sick if peace breaks out between North and South Korea. The Deep State wants permanent war. Trump may get assassinated for this North Korean peace initiative as well. 

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that the meeting will be just "talks" and need not be construed as "negotiations".  I think Rex Tillerson should be fired.

My suggestion is that  Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un should 

1. agree to a formal end to the Korean War.  An "armistice" or 'cease fire' was signed 65 years ago in 1953 but never a formal end to the Korean War.  Get that signed first. Officially end the war between the two Koreas.  

2.  Sign an expanded  Peace Treaty between North and South Korea and include the US and China as stakeholders.   

3.  No nukes and ICBMs in the entire Korean Peninsula, both the North AND South Korean Armies to pull back to a safe distance from the 38th Parrallel,  almost complete US withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula (minimal troop presence for monitoring purposes).  

4.  No more sanctions of any sort against North Korea by the UN, USA etc.

5. Establishment of full  diplomatic,  trade and social  relations between the peoples of the two Koreas (including free movement of legitimate visitors).

Another way is to get basketball superstar Dennis Rodman to host  Kim Jong Un in Disneyland in Los Angeles.

Kim Jong Un is a great fan of Dennis Rodman

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