
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 8, 2018

What is International Women’s Day about, really?


By Bhavani Krishna Iyer
International Women’s Day is here again, but this time it is less prominent and has been hijacked by saucy political gossip. This is only to be expected with the next big event waiting to descend on us in a flurry.
Each year, International Women’s Day comes and goes, acknowledged by all quarters and peppered with celebrations. After that, the pretence ends and everything is forgotten. We go back to busying ourselves with bread and butter issues until the next time it comes around.
What else is there to this annual event?
International Women’s Day reportedly first emerged from the activities of labour movements at the turn of the 20th century in North America and across Europe. The occasion has since assumed a new global dimension for women in both developed and developing countries alike.
The first recorded International Women’s Day was held on March 8, possibly because it was a Sunday. The date has now more or less ben cast in stone.
International Women’s Day is traditionally a time to reflect on the progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played extraordinary roles in the history of their countries and communities.
The topic of women in leadership positions is gaining momentum and slowly but surely, we are seeing the numbers point favourably in the right direction. Corporations are seeing the value of having women in leadership positions, which helps intensify cultural competency among employees.
It is important to note how women’s roles have evolved; how flexible work arrangements, for example, allow more women to combine family and professional responsibilities. Yet it is hard to digest that the proverbial glass ceiling has yet to be shattered for many others. Such women continue to exist, doing what is mundanely possible and leaving everything to chance.
Having said that, when we are attuned to achieving our goals, we become less cagey and more creative; we look at opportunities. Women who live in self-limiting beliefs need this push to recognise the opportunities presented to them, overtly or otherwise.
It is easy to speak and write about such issues, but the reality is much more complex as there is a need for poise and for discerning minds for collective action.
Let me share 10 facts on women, compiled from The Globalist.
  1. Women perform 66% of the world’s work and produce 50% of the food. They earn just 10% of incomes and own 1% of property globally.
  2. Out of 197 countries, only 22 have women currently serving as heads of state – just 11.2%.
  3. Women outpace men in educational achievement at 58% of college graduates. While two-thirds of women graduate in the humanities and the arts, men continue to dominate in science at 60% of graduates.
  4. More girls than boys now complete their secondary education in 32 out of 34 OECD countries, accounting for around 60% of the total.
  5. In business, the gender gap remains wide. In the US, for example, only 21 of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are women.
  6. Men are promoted based on their potential, while women are promoted based on past accomplishments. Men work while women need to be seen to be working.
  7. Research studies confirm a direct correlation between the gender gap in economic opportunities and economic growth.
  8. By contrast, the smaller the nation’s gender gap, the higher its economic productivity. Where Malaysia fares here is a little tricky to assess as we get numbers exploited for seasonal gains.
  9. In nearly every country, women work longer hours than men and are paid less. Again, we may not have conclusive figures that say the same for our home country.
  10. Women in poor countries do more unpaid work, work longer hours in the informal economy and face degrading work conditions. Women and girls who are imported into the country as “slaves” from poorer countries are typically in this category.
This year’s International Women’s Day is themed #PressforChange, a call for forging a better working world and a more gender-inclusive one.
If the question of how to press for change is unsettling, I am not surprised. There has to be a collective desire and commitment to action. Topping the list of actionable items would be a commitment to gender parity which would power and push through the change we wish to see.
Gender parity is a numerical concept related to equality. It concerns the relative equality in terms of numbers and proportions of women and men, girls and boys, and is often calculated as the ratio of female-to-male values for a given indicator. When male-to-female ratios are calculated instead, the term “sex ratio” is used instead of “gender parity”.
It is time we bothered with the relevant terms of reference as knowledge combined with wisdom overcomes cul-de-sacs and culls obstacles. We surely don’t need speed bumps now when we are at the crossroads of “now or never”.
While many women occupy the halls of power and fame, many more are left stranded. Such women need a helping hand. Women for women sounds like a grandiose theme but the complexities are far-reaching.
To the question of what a woman should be in the 21st century and beyond, let us strike a balance between traditionalism and feminism. This article is intended to pay homage to the women who need to shed their complacency and self-pity and start revolutionising their mindset and thoughts.
Bhavani Krishna Iyer is an FMT reader.

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