
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Will UPSI Award Degrees In B_d_h Sombong ??

First there was this news.  The retards are all over the place, including in UPSI in Perak. Some retards wrote a paper criticising Dr Farouk Musa on his "liberal" views. They wrote the paper in English - Waalau-wey.  That was disastrous too.

The writers (there were three jokers) includes a retard who is a PAS member.  Here be the story from FMT :  

research paper by 3 senior lecturers at UPSI criticising Dr Farouk Musa, IRF

stirs debate on quality of English in tertiary institutions

19-page essay by lecturers from human sciences dept of UPSI 

grammar, spelling errors, even name of writer wrongly spelt as 'Ohtman'

Ohtman, a PAS member, defended party’s conservative leaders
“Political Islam in Islamism and Post-Islamism: A Study on Islamic Renaissance Front”

other two writers Zuraini Jamil, Siti Noranizahafizah Boyman

paper claims IRF calling for “post-Islamism” with “liberalist” and “secularist” values
words frequently repeated by Muslim bureaucrats in Malaysia against critics

“IRF was intentionally to mislead secularism and liberalism in post-Islamism by making a paradigm shift to develop understanding secularism and liberalism. Therefore, IRF activities in promoting liberalism, secularism and West values are well known by religious authorities such as JAKIM,” runs a concluding line in the paper. FMT has not edited the sentence.

(OSTB - The sentence structure, grammar, syntax atc are too stupid to be understood at all. It is simply wrong, wrong, wrong.  

And what is the intellectual value of this statement :   are well known by religious authorities such as JAKIM .   

Err so what?  Who is JAKIM?  It is just  a 'jabatan kerajaan'. That is all. 

Now the debate is that JAKIM is unconstitutional. 
Legal experts say that JAKIM has no legal standing - by the Federal Constitution. )

Farouk  questioned paper’s academic quality, credibility of journal which published it

“ ..paper replete with grammatical errors, poor syntax, ..phrases” he told FMT

Farouk  ..said he would make official complaint to university’s mgmnt

(OSTB : Bro, dont waste your time. Its a kangkung outfit most likely run by kangkungs. You are wasting your time.) 

He also asked why the authors had not interviewed him for his views.   “Why can’t they interview me? I am still alive! And they received a research grant,” he added.

(OSTB : They wanted the money. Obviously they dont need to interview you. Kangkung remember.)

Some other lines from the paper sighted by FMT run as follows: “While the idea of post-Islamism is boosted several inquiries, Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) took advantage in gauging Islamism political thought with critics on Islamism principles and additionally recommends post-Islamism approach.”

OSTB :  "The inquiries also boosted the over the moon flying cow imaginary to liberalism of the liberalisation peoples at most times and maybe sometimes. Therefore we can gauging the gauging of the post Islamism approach. Recommended for post-mental-pausal inquiries boosting, on the malam Jumaat only. Assuming the precautioning. Maybe post tensioning also."  

I say brader you thought only you can talk rubbish kah?

Another extract from the research paper reads: “While the discussion about Islamism and post-Islamism is still in critical discussion amongst scholars, Muslims researchers such as Husnul Amin, Ihsan Yilmaz and Ahmad Farouk Musa has submitted a proposal for post-Islamism with more secular and more liberal.”

My comments :  I think the scholars are still in critical situation inside the islamism and post islamism in the post office and the circular discussion. 

‘Fake journal’

Farouk questioned the journal which published the paper
Intnl Journal of Academic Research in Business, Social Sciences
it could be among hundreds of fake academic journals

list of “questionable scholarly publishers” compiled by Jeffrey Beall includes HRMars

“Avoid submitting your manuscript to these publishers,” says a warning 

Farouk pointed out several factual errors in the paper critising him
  • disgrace to UPSI to have academic of this standard
  • received research grant 
  • produced abysmal research paper,” he said.

Brother Farouk, they do not feel any disgrace at all. 
These are a people who have little "disgrace" - especially in the academic field.
Or any other field.
In religion and politics they do not seem to have moral values. Period. 

So what did the retards do? 
They rebutted this news report of course. 
Here is the second news report: 

senior lecturer from UPSI defended research paper 

Othman of UPSI said sent paper to language centre to check language 

(I say, siapa geng wal retard yang kerja di language center tu brader? Lain kali hantar saja paper hang kepada 'old paper recycling center'? Ok? Lebih selamat.)

Othman, PAS member, wrote paper with 2 other senior lecturers Zuraini, Siti Boyman

Farouk questioned paper’s academic quality
credibility of journal which published it

He warned that it could be among hundreds of fake academic journals

Othman denied it was  fake academic journal.

HMRIS is not fake journal. I know its publisher, he said 

(I think what Farouk is also implying is that you are all "off center"  brader.)

Othman said methodology checked by UPSI's RMIC 

Othman said research shown to Jais, Jakim 

Othman concluded by saying: “I defend the research and the journal.”

Since when JAIS and JAKIM can speak the London. 

In the Malay language there is something called bodoh sombong. Somehow this terminology is unique to the Malay language.  It simply means that you are bodoh but you do not know it. Worse you are bodoh but you insist that you are too clever. 

Kalau macam ini susah sikit nak ubat brader. Tapi its ok - duit grant sudah masyuuuuk.

Wa akhirul kalam : Maybe the following can become a promotional video for UPSI.


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