
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Yoursay: In MO1 Sdn Bhd, expect Najib to ‘steal’ election

YOURSAY | ‘The Economist has succinctly summarised the fiasco nicely.’
FellowMalaysian: The Economist has pointed out (again) the reasons why it prognosticates BN will retain the government come GE14. The message being sent to Pakatan Harapan is clear.
They must double-up their efforts in rural and semi-rural areas and everyone from Harapan must work hard and go to the ground and convince the voters about why BN must be replaced - if the opposition want to keep their chances of winning alive.
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's Bersatu along with PKR and Amanah are particularly affected by gerrymandering and malapportionment exercises, and Mahathir should have a ready panache by now to alleviate the sting.
6th Generation Immigrant: Gerrymandering or not, and even if they win illegally by cheating, the incumbents must surely have taken the people as a nation for granted.
The truth cannot be hidden forever, more so as the war chest dwindles. All cover-ups will surface sooner or later.
This is when the wrath of the people cannot be quelled. Today, we have about 51 percent of the people being aware of rampant corruption. This election may see 53 to 54 percent being aware.
So we only need a total of five percent more to turn the tables completely. We wait with bated breaths for the GE14 announcement, come what may. The people shall awaken.
Cogito Ergo Sum: The Economist has succinctly summarised the fiasco nicely. In the event of another BN win, Malaysia will be viewed as another Zimbabwe and a failed democracy.
We will find ourselves increasingly isolated, and trade and foreign investments will start dwindling. Prime Minister Najib Razak and BN have already lost all legitimacy after losing the popular vote in GE13.
In the event of another win, this situation will become totally untenable and the rakyat can look forward to harsher laws and runaway inflation. Is this the future you want?
NewDay: Yes, The Economist has summed up the state of Malaysian politics pretty well. Welcome to MO1 Sdn Bhd Inc.
HaveAGreatDay: Well, it is not for lack of trying - opposition parties, individual voters and civil society groups have all filed legal challenges against the Election Commission (EC) for tilting the playing field more in favour of Umno/BN.
But all these have been swept aside by the judiciary. Harapan has last week issued its manifesto and it is an agenda for change.
Whether it can tip the balance against all the advantages Najib has lined up to “steal” GE14 remains to be seen. I will continue to pray and hope - miracles do happen.
Anonymous 287211434594786: If you ask what could possibly happen to Najib if he loses GE14, then you would know the reasons why he would do all it takes to ensure he continues to be in power.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Despite these 62 mistakes, and I am sure the figure will soon climb, Najib is confident of winning GE14.
Umno’s dirty tactics department has always come up with devices and ways to thwart even the best-laid plans of the opposition.
Harapan’s only hope is that the rural folk, which are the key to victory, are sufficiently informed of these colossal mistakes.
Anonymous: Yes, Mahathir, lead Harapan to make Malaysia good and great again. Also, please redeem all of your past policy blunders during your 22 years as PM.
Anticonmen: Well, Mahathir, all this is in direct consequence of your dismantling of 'equality, freedom, justice' and the checks and balances that should have arisen from it to prevent abuse of power by anyone. True democracy is time-tested.
Ipohcrite: Urging the Parliament speaker to resign is not the right way, according to de facto law minister Azalina Othman.
But to the rakyat and right-thinking MPs, it is the only way left to them, since the hallowed institution has been smeared when the speaker failed to justify his action to reject motions to discuss important issues that are deemed damaging to the ruling political party.
Wira: House speaker Pandikar Aman Mulia is not even an elected MP but rather an official appointed by the prime minister.
It is appropriate to call for his resignation since he appears to be beholden to his benefactor at the detriment of the country.
Anonymous #13571680: Azalina, there is nothing left to be smeared. The august House is no longer functioning the way it should be.
How often has the PM even been in the House to answer questions? It is now just a question of putting right what has been going on.
Vgeorgemy: It appears that Umno is still struggling to understand and accept the concept of dissent and its various modes of manifestation. As Parliament is meant to be a ‘holy place’ of democracy and its values, we should have the opportunity to celebrate the dissent against any tyranny.
Harapan's members have every right to protest Pandikar’s move and Umno has no other option but to accept it.
Jaycee: Pray, do tell us what is the correct way when we have rule of the jungle instead of rule of law?
No one is looking after the welfare of the rakyat. We cannot count on the judiciary, the police, Bank Negara, and definitely none of the ministers. All are in cahoots to allegedly rob, steal, loot and lie to the public.
So, don't you patronise us by telling us what we should and should not be doing. -Mkini

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