
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Agong's pardon backdated to 1998, says Anwar

A packed hall in Seberang Jaya waited with bated breaths for PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim (above) to make his appearance tonight, the first in Permatang Pauh since he was released from Sungai Buloh prison recently.
Anwar's supporters - a mixed crowd - moved nearer to the stage to hear him speak as the former deputy prime minister is known for his fiery speeches and rallying calls for 'reformasi'.
When his turn came to speak, the audience gave him a thunderous applause.
"I will never forget to the end of my life that all races, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban and Dayaks - shook this nation and gave me my freedom," he said.
Anwar said the Yang Di Pertuan Agong gave him a clear message on the day he was pardoned last Wednesday.
"I am pardoned dating back to 1998, there is record whatsoever now. His Majesty said he did this not because he had the absolute power.
"He freed me after observing the court proceedings and said that there was indeed a violation.
"Thank God, I am now free but it is because of the people's uprising," he said to loud cheers from the crowd.
[More to follow] -Mkini

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