
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, May 28, 2018

Dr Maszlee Malik's Lame Answer.

I saw Dr Maszlee Malik's lame answer about his Islamist background and his Islamist leanings. 

He simply said  "To be religious is not a crime".

For those of you who missed his one liner you can see it here on Star TV :

Before I go any further, here is a message for the new  Ministers, DPMs plus also the Muftis, the KSUs, the KSNs,  and other public figures.  

  • Please do not be immature, childish, prima donnas etc when reacting to criticisms.
  • You are holding the future of 32 million people in your hands. 
  • You must leave behind all your personal concerns.  
  • People are not concerned about you personally. 
  • People are concerned about the important positions that you hold. 

When Dr Maszlee Malik was not the Minister of Education, we cannot be bothered too much about his jihadi Islamist leanings. Itu dia punya pasal. 

But when he assumes the post of Minister of Education, then what he says and does becomes everyone's concern.  

So people have the right to criticise you over how you are doing your job.

No one really cares about you personally. 

When asked about his jihadi Islamist leanings Maszlee said "To be religious is not a crime".

Folks, I have said before that the religious people are the greatest liars. 

Well Maszlee is not holding a religious position. He is the Minister of Education.

In Malaysia it is 100% not true that  "to be religious is not a crime".

In Malaysia if you say that you are a Shiah, you can be jailed THREE Years, fined RM5000 and given SIX strokes of the rotan. 

In Malaysia if you say that you are an Ahmadiyah, you can be jailed THREE Years, fined RM5000 and given SIX strokes of the rotan. 

So in Malaysia to be religious is indeed a crime, if your religious belief is not approved by the religious authorities.

So Dr Maszlee Malik is either ignorant (jahil), lying or both.

The late Dr Kassim Ahmad was arrested and  charged in Shariah Court just for saying something different from the orthodox ahlul sunah wal jamaah.

Surely Dr Maszlee must know that. His friend Dr Maza and him must have been rejoicing over that. 

That poor innocent Malay girl, just a staff who happened to be working at a non Muslim owned bookshop was arrested and charged in Shariah Court just because her non Muslim employer was selling a book the religious authorities did not like. What the ...?

Yes it is not a crime to be religious - following any religion or sect. 

But not in Malaysia. In Malaysia being religious can be a crime, depending on the religion.  Dr Maszlee is either being ignorant, he is lying or both. 

If you say that Zakir Naik a foreign terror mentor has the freedom of speech to make his hate speeches inside our country, then why cannot the shiahs, amadiyahs etc have the same freedom to say what they want about their religion?  

Something is not right lah brader.

In my final comment, I would like to talk about Dr Maszlee Malik's p-nis. 
Yes brader, you punya batang zakar.

You must keep your p-nis inside your pants. 
And keep your pants zipped up.  

In most civil societies and civilised countries it is either a crime (illegal) or frowned upon to expose your penis in public. It is called indecent exposure. 

You should not expose your p-nis in public.
You should not wave your p-nis in anyone's face.
You should not try to shove your p-nis down anyone's throat.
You can do all these things in private, with mutual consent. 

The same concept applies for religion.
You should not expose your religion in public.
You should not wave your religion in anyone's face.
You should not try to shove your religion down anyone's throat.
You can do all these things in private, with mutual consent. 

If people do not like your p-nis then leave them alone.
It is not a crime not to like your p-nis.
Do not try to shove your p-nis down their throats.

Similarly if people do not like your religion, leave them alone.
It is not a crime not to like your religion.
Do not try to shove your religion down their throats.

It is a crime to force your p-nis down other people's throats.
Likewise it is a crime to force your religion down other people's throats.

These are simple rules.

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