
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Najib and Mahathir: The final speech

A blow-by-blow account of their final speech.
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Razak and his number one rival have addressed millions of Malaysians tonight, as campaigning draws to a close at midnight today.
The follow is a blow-by-blow account of main points from their speeches:
Najib begins his speech, speaking in front of a two-room house in Pekan built by his father Abdul Razak Hussein. He said its the house he used to come back to every time he returned to his hometown. Some 330,000 are watching him live on Facebook. The speech is also broadcast live on public television channels including TV3.
Meanwhile, crowd gathers in Dewan Ho Ping in Kuah, Langkawi, to hear Mahathir’s speech.
NAJIB: This house is symbolic of our country, which had a humble beginning but now we have progressed as a nation.
NAJIB: In the past 11 days, even long before, I have been going to the ground to meet the people to listen to them. It is part of the process of me being their leader. I will remember every moment.
NAJIB: The manifesto that we have formulated is no ordinary manifesto. It is one that can truly be achieved by Barisan Nasional.
NAJIB: BN is a party of the future. We are not a party of the past which needs former leaders to be brought back to fight for them.
NAJIB: This is my first announcement. To all youths, aged 26 and below, if BN wins the general election, they will get full tax exemption, from 2017 onwards, with immediate effect.
Meanwhile, in Langkawi, Mahathir has begun his speech. Some 1.2 million are watching him on his Facebook page.
MAHATHIR: Tomorrow we will vote. Voting is our responsibility to determine the fate of our grandchildren.
NAJIB: The government will also make a full refund if these youths, aged 26 and below, have already paid for last year.
MAHATHIR: Our parents fought to free us from the shackles of our colonisers, so that we could be a sovereign nation to determine our own fate
NAJIB: We in the BN hold to the principle that no one is left behind, regardless of what race they are. We will formulate policies that are inclusive to ensure Malaysia becomes even more united and strong, with fairness for all.
MAHATHIR: It was after independence we could prove to the world that we were able to rule and develop our country. Our multi-racial country was peaceful and a governance based on a rule of law was established.
MAHATHIR: In 1969, the racial riots happened, and many foreign observers and people were of the view Malaysia was done for, that our democracy was done for. But, in a short period of time, without depending on anyone, we were able to restore peace and law was enforced.
NAJIB: Over the past five years, we have fulfilled 99% of the promises we made before the last election.
NAJIB: If BN wins the general election, I have proposed special holiday for two days – May 14 and May 15. Use these two days to foster closer ties with your families and prepare for Ramadan.
MAHATHIR:  Even though some felt that the Mageran (Emergency) government should have been continued, leaders had then rejected the easy way out, and Malaysia restored its image, and its development was globally recognised as the ‘Tiger of Asia’.
MAHATHIR: The country should have continued developing and become developed in 2020, unfortunately the sixth PM (Najib) brought disaster.  From a struggle for the nation, Najib carried the belief that everything could be bought with money.
NAJIB: I am aware of all the personal attacks that have been made against me. I may be the PM, but I am only human and feel  the hurt. I have been cursed, chastised and much more.  But I am holding on to the fight because the people have told me to carry on.
MAHATHIR: We are no longer known as the Tiger or Asia, instead the world looks down on us, places us as one of the top 10 most corrupt countries, also we are no longer known as a democracy.
NAJIB: To the voters: do not doubt.. with a firm heart, in the GE14, vote BN, the only party that has the track record and has fulfilled its promises.
MAHATHIR: We can only restore our dignity if we change a government, replacing it with a party with limited power to prevent abuse. We need to defeat the government led by Najib, BN and Umno.
NAJIB: I have already announced how BR1M will increase 100% in June, as well as the increments for civil servants… not to mention all groups of people, including religious teachers,  farmers, fishermen getting various cash benefits.
MAHATHIR: This GE is unlike any other, with PH previously without hope to defeat and topple the BN government.
NAJIB: Third announcement –   If BN wins the general election, for Hari Raya Aidlfitri, I will declare  there will be no tolls throughout the country for five days – starting from two days before the festival and for the first three days of Hari Raya.
MAHATHIR: The opposition previously only dreamt of being a strong opposition… they were only able to tell off the government, nothing more.
NAJIB: There is no need to save the country as what the opposition claims, because the country is doing well.
MAHATHIR: Even Malaysians felt the same, that not many changes could be brought about by the opposition, hence the support didn’t go up, and opposition could not win. But this GE, it is the job and responsibility for the opposition to not just oppose, but to defeat BN and set up a new government.
Najib ends speech quoting lyrics from a song by the late Sudirman Arshad: “Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan. Akulah penyambung warisan.”
Mahathir’s speech continues.
MAHATHIR: The people’s vote is very critical this time. Only our votes can save the country, whereas ill fate awaits us and our grandchildren if the present government is allowed to continue.
MAHATHIR: Our country is multicultural and multiracial, with different values and achievements, but we are tolerant and considerate. Malay Muslims need to hold on to true Islamic values and not those invented by certain people.
MAHATHIR: Pakatan Harapan believes in human rights but it is not so liberal to the point there are no limits to freedom at all.
MAHATHIR: The PH government will be considerate towards the cultural differences involving women of different races. But not to the extreme.
MAHATHIR: We want equality in wages for women and men, job opportunities, and do jobs they are able to do. Discrimination towards women will be abolished.
MAHATHIR: I plead with the people to help PH to restore and save our beloved country. I know they cannot do it alone.
MAHATHIR: Come out in force on May 9 and vote for PH, to save Malaysia from kleptocracy, to restore democracy and rule of law. Don’t pawn the future of our country for that little bit of money which will not last.
MAHATHIR: Voting for Najib exposes our country to the loss of more territories. We have already lost so much.
MAHATHIR: Najib promised to boost our manufacturing industry, but with the sale of Proton, we no longer have a national car. The engineering industry which manufactures components has also closed down.
MAHATHIR: A change in government is possible, and all attempts would be made to stop it. I hope the police and the Armed Forces do not neglect their duty when the law and constitution of the country are violated.
MAHATHIR: I know I am old. There is not much time left for me. Many are of the view I should just rest. I wish I could rest, but many have met me and urged me to do something to stop the rot in the country. This will be the last time I will get to contribute whatever little I can to the struggle for my beloved country.
MAHATHIR: I am not looking for positions. I am not looking for riches. Whatever I have is enough. But the happiness and the independence of my beloved country, the country where we were born, grew up and now enjoy a comfortable life – this is all I treasure, my country, my people. What is needed is for us to vote to bring down the government who worships money. That is all for us, that is all for me.
MAHATHIR: In other countries, people are willing to die to protect the sovereignty of the nation, and overthrow a cruel government. We do not need to sacrifice for our country. This is why I am back in active politics.
MAHATHIR: Don’t let our country to be insulted and looked down upon. Don’t let others make fools of us. A vote for PH will save this beloved country from a “Cash is King” governance. In their eyes, we can be bought with money.
Mahathir ends his 53-point speech with a plea for Malaysians to go out in force tomorrow and vote. -FMT

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