
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Yoursay: On the eve of the polls, it’s sen vs sensibility

YOURSAY | ‘A true leader going into battle would outline his vision, not give out candy’
Hopelessly: Sounds like bad news for BN. Caretaker prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has really run out of ideas.
Vijay47: The one word to describe Najib's speech – his final speech in more ways than one – is ‘pitiable’. One would have thought that the caretaker prime minister of a nation going into an election, where he stands on the cusp of victory or defeat, would be devoted to his vision of where he would lead the country, the success and glories he hopes to win for the people, and perhaps, a summary of all that he has achieved in the many years he ruled.
Instead, he is reduced to resorting to the only practice he knows, that base habit of offering gifts and gratification for support and votes, like his credo claims, "cash is king".
Sorry, Najib, you may be dressed in Armani, you may speak with a British accent acquired from the countless shopping trips to Harrods, but you will always remain that crude politician from Pekan hoping to survive on his father's tails.
Anonymous 494481459995345: Well, I didn’t hear the candy-laced speech, but if he actually said those 26 and below don't need to pay tax anymore, business owners are just going start paying their kids a hefty salary the moment they turn 18 and have a bank account. That’s eight years of tax free money. Then again, the fine print will only be released if they win the election.
Xiao Zhu: How desperate is Najib to state not a lie, but a truism almost. He said those aged 26 below don't have to pay income tax starting from 2017, but the majority in this age group are jobless or earn incomes that are not taxable.
AK47: Whose ear is he trying to bite this time? How many of us start paying income tax at 26?
Hot Potato: This is some iron-clad logic by the caretaker prime minister. After outlining the necessity of GST to increase the tax base, he announces a tax exemption – which isn’t even a real exemption because it’s just for fresh graduates.
Abolish GST and bring back previous subsidies, then you can have my ear. Failing that, your 92-year-old nemesis has a much better plan.
Anonymous_1371488694: Good job, Najib, making the Monday and Tuesday after the polls public holidays. What about the Monday and Tuesday before?
Anonymous_5f14679f: What on earth are the two working days off for? Is it so post-election ‘frogs’ can be negotiated with?
Harapan chairperson already pre-empted the move by declaring the Thursday and Friday after the polls holidays, which will inhibit BN from filing petitions and creating distractions while Harapan wants to concentrate on administration.
Also, what happened to the rule forbidding the caretaker government from making new policy and disbursing ‘funds’? The rules only apply to some, it seems.
Cari Pasal: It’s bad enough that all the little feudal warlords and their hangers-on have already been fed to the brim with money and projects. Now, the rakyat is being bribed – but with its own money. This corrupt regime must go.
Clever Voter: Not a day passes without Najib offering something in return for a fresh five-year mandate. The latest offer of tax exemption for those under 26 is ill-conceived, and a 'by the way' idea.
This is the strongest opposition to the 60 years of BN hegemony. The Mahathir factor is definitely a game changer, which could make the electoral redelineation counter-productive, and switch the loyalty of the rural folk.
Entering Umno heartlands is also easier, and the fearless Harapan gained many brownie points, especially under one flag. All of these were meant to disarm the opposition and obviously, it has backfired. Trivial matters such as removal of the pictures of Mahathir did not derail.
Pictures of empty halls for BN ceramah sessions have sent strong signals. BN candidates are bracing for the worst. Marginal seats are now to be closely watched.
Whoever wins ought to know the right protocol, proud that despite so much nonsense from the Election Commission (EC), the less perfect democracy is still workable.
Fair Man: I am so ashamed that on the eve of the election, the thief-in-chief still wants to hand out fish, when Mahathir wants to give us all fishing rods. This is the difference between a politician like Najib, and a statesperson like Mahathir.
Dude, No: Hebatkan negarakucutilah selalu (Make my country greater, holiday often).
Cogito Ergo Sum: Mahathir appealed to the hearts of the people. Najib threw our money back in our faces for short-term allegiance. In the end, the wise will see Mahathir as a man who has the people’s future in mind. Najib only cares for the safety of his own position.
Anonymous 581051504698363: My whole family listened to this, and felt so proud of Mahathir’s speech. On the contrary, reading Najib's shameless speech left us ashamed.
Vote 4 Change Johor: May Harapan prevail, so that the process of repair and nation-building can be implemented once the heat of the general election can settle down.
From the build-up during the last few days, many fence-sitters are likely to vote for a change too. Many concerned citizens are looking forward to real change and a peaceful transition of government, should Harapan get the majority of the parliamentary seats today.
It will still be a work in progress as everyone should keep vigilant of frauds and phantom voters turning out in the afternoon.
First Ubah Then Tangkap: Foreign countries are already laughing at us. They say with money, anything is possible in Malaysia. Law comes second. Harapan's win in this election will be the fastest and most effective way to restore the country's dignity. For the fence-sitters, please give change a chance. We won't go wrong with Mahathir this time.
Demi Negara Bukan Parti: My fellow Malay friends, the Chinese and Indians have long abandoned the BN parties their forefathers fought for because these parties no longer represented them. Why can't we Malays realise it's time we do the same. One final shot to remind our parents that loyalty must not be blinded by sentiments.
Tembikai: The problem is not just with the money handed out by the king of cash. The problem is also the dirty rakyat who accept the bribes and vote BN. Who still, despite paying GST and all sorts of other taxes, must think that the money comes from the pockets of those doling it out. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of them in this country.
Anonymous_4c379bd4: Nation-builder vs the king of cash, father of modernity vs the father of destruction, integrity vs kleptocracy, long-term strategy vs short-term survival, democracy vs feudalism, distribution of wealth vs concentration.
Anonymous_c9b96c38: The glaring difference between the two has never been more glaring. Clear as day now who should be the next prime minister – when one talks about nation-building and dignity, the other hands out fodder as if we are animals in his eyes.
Khoo BS: The cash king is trying to ‘bribe’ his way to victory. The rakyat should not trade our maruah(dignity) for such lowly bribes. - Mkini

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