
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 4, 2018

Tan Sri IGP Is This Fake News Or Not Fake News?

Image result for IGP

The Police recently arrested a dumbass Arab fellow for spreading 'fake news'. This was the dumbass pro Hamas Arab fellow who said the Police took about an hour to arrive at the scene of the shooting of that Hamas fellow recently in Setapak. The Police actually arrived in EIGHT minutes.

This was the first case where someone had been arrested and prosecuted under the Fake News Law. The Arab fellow was thrown into jail for one week and fined RM10,000 or another one month's jail in lieu thereof.  The dumbass could not pay the fine so he is now chilling in jail for another  month. This is what I read in the media. 

What a useless waste a time.  And really, really stupid. Padan muka. Serves you right. First you let in all these camel herder riff raff into the country - jihadists, terrorist sympathisers, terror group members and all kinds of camel jockeys.

Then they bring all their jihadist violence and jihadist crap here and we have to deal with it.  And then some of them make fun of you (like this dumb shit Arab moron). Then the Police have to waste their time, money and resources to arrest that fellow, investigate him, then he is tried in Court and then thrown in jail for another month. Now we have to use taxpayers money to take care of and feed this moron for one more month. 

I say brader, tak ada kerja lain ke? 
Siapa yang bodoh sebenarnya? 
Whose kepala bapak is it now?

And  what a lame brained, stupid  reason to arrest someone for 'Fake News' - just because the stupid moron said the Police came late by about 52 minutes ?

Is that even a crime? Punishable with a jail sentence?

So lets say someone said the Police Black Maria arrived at 5:15 PM to take the Hippopotamus to jail, when in truth the Black Maria arrived FIVE minutes later at 5:20PM,  then is that also Fake News?

Or say the dumbass Arab fellow had said, the Police arrived in THREE minutes flat, then would the dumbass have been arrested for Fake News also?  

Instead of the Arab fellow lets say some local ketuanan types insisted  that 'The Police arrived in TWO MINUTES FLAT !!'  would they also be arrested for spreading Fake News?  30 minutes later or 10 minutes earlier,  It is still Fake News.

Why waste time, energy and taxpayers money to investigate silly cases like these? 
Dont the Police have better things to do.  
We have long become the laughing stock of the world. 
Now I would like to ask the IGP some kemusykilan questions.  

I have been getting pictures and images like these below here. The PAS guys are going around displaying these 'masuk syurga' messages.   I dont know where exactly this banner is or was or who are the guys wearing those T shirts.

The banner says 'Di Jamin Masuk Syurga'.   
Tan Sri IGP, this must be 100%  Fake News. 
How can anyone "dijamin" anyone else masuk syurga? 

These types of Fake News makes the whole country, especially the Malay Muslim people, look really stupid. 
I think this makes a greater mockery of our society and country in the eyes of the world than some dumbass Arab fellow saying the Police arrived 52 minutes late. 

How come you are NOT arresting any of these 'Dijamin Masuk Syurga' people? 
They are spreading Fake News. 

Now Tan Sri IGP, I have another kemuyskilan about Fake News.  
This is part hypothetical and part 'must be accepted on pain of being jailed'.

Here is the hypothetical part (this is NOT TRUE OK, this is just for illustration purposes only).   

Lets say someone says that you (Tan Sri IGP) made a speech to the Police in which you Tan Sri IGP,  said the following :

Example No. 1  -  The (people of) Malaysia used to take bath naked (all together) looking at each other.  The PM used to take his bath alone. The people said, ‘By god ! Nothing prevents the PM from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.’ So once the PM went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes. The PM  followed that stone saying, “My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone! till the people of Malaysia saw him and said, ‘By god, the PM has got no defect in his body. The PM took his clothes and began to beat the stone.” The IGP added, “By god ! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from that excessive beating."

Now Tan Sri IGP, keep cool ok.  
Yes this is a Fake News story.  
This is only for illustration purposes. 
It is NOT a true story at all ok.  
This is just an imaginary situation.  

There are a million  reasons why this story is fake but I will just give a few.  

1.  The people of Malaysia never bathed naked altogether. There is no evidence for any such thing.

2.  Stones cannot run by themselves.

3. Stones cannot run away with the clothes of human beings, especially specific human beings like the PM. 

Ok Tan Sri, now we move away from the fake, the hypothetical and the imaginary illustration.  Lets  move towards news that "must be accepted on pain of being jailed". 

Here is an example.  

Example No. 2 -  Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 5, Number 277: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, ‘The (people of) Bani Israel used to take bath naked (all together) looking at each other. The Prophet Moses used to take a bath alone. They said, ‘By Allah! Nothing prevents Moses from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.’ So once Moses went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes. Moses followed that stone saying, “My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone! till the people of Bani Israel saw him and said, ‘By Allah, Moses has got no defect in his body. Moses took his clothes and began to beat the stone.” Abu Huraira added, “By Allah! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from that excessive beating.”

In Malaysia, if you are a Muslim and you do not accept this story in Example No. 2  above, then you can be jailed THREE years, fined RM5000 and be given SIX strokes of the rotan by the Syariah Courts.

So here is my question Tan Sri IGP.

If a Muslim fellow spreads such stories as in Example No. 1 above will you as the IGP arrest him for spreading fake news?    

Or will this become similar to that "Dijamin masuk syurga" situation? 

If  the Muslim fellow does not  believe such stories as in Example No. 2  above, then he can potentially be jailed, fined and caned six times by the Syariah people.

So how lah Tan Sri? 
This is like being between a rock and a hard place.  
One man's fake can be another man's truth.

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