
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Umno needs to undergo a mindset revolution

Sixty-one years of uninterrupted rule and it's our generation that gets to rebrand, redefine and redesign the purpose, DNA and character of this grand old party. What went wrong? Where do we go from here?
I believe there needs to be a grand-scale deconstruction of the standard mindsets that we have become accustomed to. The dynamics of this party needs to be analysed and perhaps flipped over.
For too long we have adopted a sort of arrogance that the rakyat must adapt to Umno ways. Clearly, it is now Umno that has to evolve with the people.
The leaders that become the face of Umno must not only be accepted by Umno members, but also by the rakyat. If we are serious about winning back government in five years, then we need to start catering for the majority, not just the interest of party members.
It's time we step out of our bubble. Leaders must lead from the front, not in fear of intra-party repercussion. Umno leaders must hold a vision that challenges Umno members to strive higher over the next five years.
This party can no longer be a place where deep pockets are valued over idealism, integrity, transparency and cause. It is now about what you can do for the party and not what the party can do for you.
Perhaps it is time for us to introduce direct membership voting in Umno, where all members can democratically vote for the party president and other top positions.
This move will invariably eliminate the middleman. No doubt, these next five years will see certain Umno members leave or become less active. That is fine. Let them leave.
Visionaries, idealists wanted
Now we call upon the true leaders, the ones who believe that the Umno stage is the best place to share your vision of where this country should go.
Regeneration of Umno leaders should not just happen after losing an election. Perhaps it is time that we install a maximum term limit for all national posts in this party, from party president to youth chief.
This will ensure that the party leadership will have new ideas and faces to bring the party into forthcoming chapters of history. Similarly, let us eliminate the tremendous bureaucracy that is required to register as a member of Umno.
Too many promising young leaders have become disengaged with our party simply because they were seen as a threat or that their membership was delayed.
These proposals don't necessarily have to be agreed upon now. In fact, I am open to changing my mind if a better argument is presented. However, these are the types of things we need to start to look at.
I believe we can give Pakatan Harapan a run for their money. But this historic Umno period right now is crucial.
Sacrifices have to be made. Debates on what we stand for and what needs to change must happen. Situations call for their own legends.
My door will always be open and here in Umno Youth for we are looking for the next visionaries, the idealists that will inspire this Revolusi Parti.

KHAIRUL AZWAN HARUN is a senator and Umno Youth deputy chief. - Mkini

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