
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Yoursay: Yes, redundant BN-era agencies should go

YOURSAY | 'These quangos are being abolished as they suck public money.'
Oxymoronictendencies: Why is abolishing these quangos (quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisations) a punishment? Who is being punished, and over what? These quangos are being abolished because they suck public money to operate and return no value to the rakyat.
They appear to be solely quangos to provide sinecures for Umno hanger-ons. If those poor folk are no longer able to feed off the rakyat's money, then I can only say, "Go get a real job."
FlabberPro: I have to say that I agree with the Pakatan Harapan government's move to abolish all redundant departments and agencies.
If the civil servants are capable and humble, they will be able to find jobs in the private sector easily, and it could prove to be better for them to work in a competitive environment.
The financial state of the country left to us as such that we could not afford to have redundant and duplicate agencies in our government. Firstly, Umno members have to blame themselves for not doing their part in keeping an eye on the BN government when they were in power.
Not only will this cut be good for the country, it will also force other civil servants to toe the line in their work and not take things for granted. Hence, this will increase efficiency in all our government sectors. And this will cut down waiting time at any government office.
Demi Rakyat: Under former premier Najib Razak and Umno, these units were simply channels to either plunder the country or oppress the rakyat and Harapan states.
They offered no real benefits or rationale for their existence, as there are already existing structures in the government to carry out their functions. I fully support they be closed down.
Someonroutthere: There is no need for duplication in roles. Some departments are set up just to create jobs. It’s pure wastage and causes great confusion. The responsible ministries will take care of the needs of the rakyat. The civil service should learn to be efficient and productive.
Otherwise, the country will never be able to become an advanced economy.
Vgeorgemy: It was clear from the declaration of activist Hishamuddin Rais immediately after the GE14 in front of the former PM’s house that he and the Reformasi warriors are ready to defend Harapan’s democratically elected government from the onslaught of anti-democratic elements in the country.
They were expecting such volleys of condemnation over the dissolution of institutions that were formed to strengthen the Umno’s illegal hold on the administration by accusing Harapan’s actions as a “punishment”.
Who are these bodies? What were the functions of these bodies and committees? They were the propaganda machines to disburse funds in the name of courses and programmes.
Spad was explicitly created to issue highly sought transportation licences without the oversight of the Transport Ministry.
The National Council of Professors (NPC) writes propaganda news and commentaries for digital multimedia troll farm platforms to counter democratic freedom and values.
The JKKKPP (Federal Village Development and Safety Committees) and the Special Affairs Department (Jasa) are the old-style propaganda machines to glorify the Umno values in the administration.
However, the old method of printing notices and speaking are outdated and have been replaced by digital communication. It has no benefit to the majority population as they are very much ease with digital platforms.
So why is Umno so concerned about these institutions? It is to provoke and spread hate against the Harapan government.
Anonymous: BN, please give a very good reason why Spad should not merge with the Transport Ministry, when both departments are overseeing the same portfolio and Spad's existence is a wastage of government resources.
As an example, the government department needs four personnel to chop down a mid-sized tree, with a supervisor, a driver, an experienced cutter and an odd job labourer to pick up the debris, whereas the private sector needs only two persons to chop down the same tree.
At the end of the day, the inefficiency of a department executing a job will cost taxpayers a lot of money.
Quigonbond: The role of the JKKKP is to plan and implement development. That job can be done by the ministry. Otherwise, both the ministry's people and the committee's people are doing half the work each, with twice the expenditure.
I think Umno backbenchers are confusing "people", as in the rakyat, with "people", as in Umno sycophants, coat-tail hangers, and ‘kaki dedak’. So what if they were established during prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's time in the 80s?
We need to be pragmatic and get rid of useless, redundant expenses. Every penny saved can be put to better use, including stabilising oil prices, abolishing tolls, paying off massive 1MDB debts, etc.
And by the way, I'm not sure which planet they live on, but RM500 million is a big saving.
The Pragmatist: Malaysians do not see any value added in these government bodies, which have created more issues and conflicts than benefits for the people. We don't need these overheads, and clearly these jobs, for cronies to helm and extort money for 'approvals'.
It is time those in the old government wake up and understand how bad their image and reputation have been in all government bodies, departments and associations. And this is all from the everyday people's experience of daily life dealing with these bodies and the government.
Sadly, this is not salvageable, which is why people are so happy with the transparency and change from the Harapan government.
Dr. G.R: Here we go again, playing the race and religion card as usual. Their statement has nothing to do with saving the country and putting it on the right track to save millions of fellow Malaysians, including the Muslims and Malays. It's just about saving the Umno ones.
Clever Voter: For crying out loud, many agencies were created to serve greedy politicians of the previous regime. They have no serious thoughts except to legitimise budgets and give ex-politicians a free hand to dip their hands into pots of money.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. Do an audit on state-owned agencies. The government has to find ways to reach out to the people - instead of giving them fish, try teaching them to fish. Umno-connected agencies will soon find their way to survive or perish.
Sans Prejudice: They want the government to just pay ‘gaji buta’ to those Umno dedak-eating fellows, at the expense of the millions of ordinary rakyat who have been suffering in silence and paying for the profligate, obscene and decadent lifestyles of the Umno warlords and their cronies? Go take a hike.
Billionaire: It's not a punishment, just saving money for the country to pay the debts created by your ex-boss. - Mkini

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