
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Yoursay: Only Umno has audacity to claim potentially ‘stolen’ cash

YOURSAY | If they’re Umno’s funds, what purpose was RM114 million kept in cash?
Abe Lim TE: I am flabbergasted by these politicians from Umno who are not aware of the current ordeal their previous leader is in and is now trying to get back the money from the police.
Are they also going to absorb the debt that comes with 1MDB? Maybe they should start working, rather than just earning a director's fee from the huge list of companies they are allegedly part of.
Malaysia needs a strong opposition and if they are wise, they would revamp the party.
Anonymous_3b6c1f0c: If the funds are Umno’s, why were they in suitcases? Why were they stored or transported to condominium units not belonging to an Umno official or treasurer?
Why were they not placed in a banking account as is normal practise for any organisation? What are the origins of the cash?
If they are Umno’s funds, what purpose was RM114 million kept in bags? What expenses were expected to be paid in cash for the elections which could not be paid via cheques and bank transfers?
Why was the cash not maintained in a safe under the control of the party treasurer? Why did Umno only now claim ownership? Why did they not come forward at time of the seizure to stake their claim and make full disclosure of the amount?
Why was cash kept in different currencies? What purpose was the cash in different currencies serve?
Umno is getting desperate to exculpate themselves from the wrongdoings of Najib, which they are a party. This attempt to redeem themselves with the rakyat is unconvincing.
Meerkat: This Umno DNA is too deep-seated to be eliminated.
The money and valuable items are evidence of crime. If your party promotes crime, then the Registrar of Societies (ROS) has all the more reason to deregister it.
I haven't done the calculations but I think the money exceeds the total allowed for all the constituencies that Umno fought in GE14.
In addition to the money that had already been distributed, we have the lucky-draw motorbikes and the half million cash that Umno’s Baling MP Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim also said was for elections.
As we go on, I'm sure we'll find another loose million or two here and there. And that's only the cash. We are not even talking about the bank accounts.
David C: “We seized 72 bags. Of this, 35 contained cash in 26 currencies,” said Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director Amar Singh.
That's what we the rakyat was officially informed. If you are saying that these are to be used for the election campaign, why is it in foreign currency? Why cash and not cheque? Why is it in former PM Najib Razak's private residence and not BN headquarters?
Prudent: This is what is called "chutzpah". A thief stole and his loot was seized. His relatives who have benefited from his thievery claimed the loot as theirs without proof.
Only in Malaysia is such audacity tolerated. So the MACC should arrest Najib fast if they have enough proof, which they should have since the charge sheets were already drawn up in 2015.
Anonymous_3e06: The party has to proof that the money belonged to Umno. The nation is not going to accept it just because Najib says so.
Phgoh: Indeed, it should be for Umno to prove that the money belongs to the party, and not to Najib.
Let Umno leaders go to court and apply for a return of their party funds. Let them account for the funds: who gave them and how much, etc?
Gerard Lourdesamy: Yes, show the receipts and source of the funds. Why should RM114 million be kept in cash at Najib's house instead of in the Umno president's bank account or in the party's bank account?
PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad did not keep RM1.2 billion in cash at his house to be passed to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when he resigned in 2003.
The funds, including assets, were in the Umno bank accounts. Only the signatories changed.
Like Najib, Umno is lying. Let the police and MACC investigate to determine if the funds are derived from 1MDB or SRC or from money laundering.
Ipohcrite: Don't they realise that by claiming the money, they're submitting themselves as money launderers because the money are clearly ill-gotten gains.
Nobody in his right mind would stash such a huge amount of cash in his private residence, except for illegal purposes. Our ex-PM is probably the only egregious exception.
Anonymous 770241447347646: The taxpayers will have to cough up RM143 million to pay for the plunder of 1MDB under the watch of Umno.
All they can think is to claim for money that they cannot even prove is theirs.
Turvy: The line between campaign donations and corrupt money is so fine that it really does not exist. Every last sen should go straight into the coffers of government.

Umno's claim will make a nice closing line for a stand-up comic.
Anonymous_163f9bf0: How ridiculous one can one become. The only people who hoard millions of ringgit in suitcases and cupboards are drug lords, gangsters and those with ill-gotten gains.
All other law-abiding citizens use banks. Even a primary school child will tell you that the funds that were seized is in the former category.
Hence, it is ludicrous for Umno to demand that the funds be returned. If the authorities relent, then all the money seized in money-laundering cases, should similarly be returned to their owners. We might as well abolish the Money Laundering Act.
Abasir: Dear Amar Singh, I had donated RM114 million to the other Dato Seri whose Pavilion Residences units you visited with your men a few days ago.
It was cash in various denominations. There was no paperwork involved in keeping with the rules governing cash donations to Dato Seri.
But I have had a change of heart since May 10. I now want it all back especially because Dato Seri is no longer Umno president and he cannot do me any more favours.
You must take me my word that I am the real donor. As a long-time supporter of Dato Seri, I never tell lies especially when it comes to millions in cash.
When can I come collect both the cash and the bags? (No, not those other bags in boxes. I have no idea who donated those).
Kindly let me know when it is convenient for me to drop by Bukit Aman and Bank Negara where I understand the loot...err… cash is stashed... sorry, stored.

I shall come in a fleet of white Velfires with my own escorts. Thank you. I await your reply. - Mkini

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