
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 7, 2018

China Treats Islam Like A Mental Illness

One million Muslims in Chinese internment camps
most of whom are Uighurs, Muslim ethnic minority
indoctrination process lasting several months
forced to renounce Islam, criticize their own Islamic beliefs 

scale of internment camp system according to Wall Street Journal 
Beijing targeting Uighur extremists

China selling different narrative to its population
authorities describe internment camps as schools

public chosen for reeducation infected by ideological illness
infected with religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology
therefore seek treatment 
religious extremist ideology poison, confuses mind of people
If we do not eradicate religious extremism at its roots
violent terrorist incidents will grow and spread like incurable tumor

Beijing claims religion fuels extremism and separatism
they’re calling reeducation camps ‘hospitals’ meant to cure thinking
an inoculation, search-and-destroy medical procedure to kill germs of extremism

Xinjiang 2009 ethnic riots resulted in hundreds of deaths
radical Uighurs carried out terrorist attacks in recent years
crack down on Uighurs who been radicalized

government uses pathologizing language to justify internments and interventions 
Islam being treated as a mental illness that’s never guaranteed to be completely cured

There is always a risk that the illness will manifest itself at any moment, which would cause serious harm to the public. That is why they must be admitted to a reeducation hospital in time to treat and cleanse the virus from their brain and restore their normal mind. … Being infected by religious extremism and violent terrorist ideology and not seeking treatment is like being infected by a disease that has not been treated in time, or like taking toxic drugs. … There is no guarantee that it will not trigger and affect you in the future.

Having gone through reeducation and recovered from the ideological disease doesn’t mean that one is permanently cured. … So, after completing the reeducation process in the hospital and returning home … they must remain vigilant, empower themselves with the correct knowledge, strengthen their ideological studies, and actively attend various public activities to bolster their immune system.

forced indoctrination “a free hospital treatment for the masses with sick thinking.”

My comments :  I believe the Chinese method will be only partially effective. By coincidence some young folks just returned from a tour in Xinjiang. They say that there are CCTVs at every street corners in major towns in Xinjiang. Uighur towns are mapped out in grids of less than 1km square with a police beat base inside every grid square. 

There are also government appointed counsellors who live with selected Uighurs in their homes to monitor and 'impart advice' to the Uighurs.

The troubles of 2009 where Uighur extremists attacked Chinese police and Han Chinese - causing hundreds of deaths is considered to be China's equivalent of  9-11. 2009  was a major shock for the Chinese. Ever since then the Chinese have been taking drastic action against the Uighurs.  The violence has died down. 

There are very few clashes or deaths among the Uighurs and the Chinese police - the place has quietened down. 

But the violent extremism is still lurking in the background. That is why the Chinese are not taking chances.

The Chinese are world famous at re-educating their society - but the methods may not always be successful.   The Cultural Revolution comes to mind. 

My view is that extremist religious beliefs MUST BE DESTROYED through intellectual discourse. 

This is the reason why all over the Islamic world the ostard wal retards influence their societies and the government to DISALLOW freedom of discussion about religion.

In Saudi Arabia one ostard wal retard has called for the death penalty against one fellow who simply suggested that religion must be separated from the government. 

In Malaysia we have the 356 Laws (3 years jail, RM5000 fine, 6 strokes of the rotan) for any Muslim who says, thinks or practises anything about religion that is not accepted by the orthodoxy.  Now the pas-pis-pus want to increase this to 30,100,100 ie 30 years jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the rotan for say the offense of not going for Friday prayers for three weeks consecutively. Or not fasting in the fasting month. They call it the RUU355.

These types of extreme mental retarded laws are absolutely necessary so that the Muslims DO NOT start questioning and debating their religion freely.

If thinking, questioning, debate is allowed and if evidence and proof are demanded then religion will just die a natural death. 

So the trick is in denying the Muslims from thinking. Keeping the Muslims dumb and stupid is therefore rule number 1 for the ostard wal retards.

Instead of sending Uighur extremists to re-education camps and sing patriotic Chinese songs, it would be easier and much much more effective in the long run for the Chinese to allow Muslims of all sects, beliefs, persuasions, progressive Muslims , psycho maniac Muslims etc to speak and debate freely. Let the Uighur people listen to all the various beliefs and debates among the Muslims and then make up their mind.  

Which is why this blog is very popular among many Muslims. They come to this blog to read a different viewpoint - one that is Quran based - that is usually different from what the ostard wal retards yell at them. 

I dont believe in force at all. The power of persuasion is the strongest  mountain mover on earth. Once a mind is convinced, no other power on earth can shake it.  

Making thinking and speech an offense is too stupid. But imprisoning someone for his or her thinking is doubly stupid. You will never be able to change someone's mind by imprisoning them. 

It is easiest, cheapest and best to ensure freedom of speech and belief in your society. Then all the crap and all the rubbish will get thrown out the window. This means religion, bomohism, belief in hantus and the supernatural will all die a natural death. People will begin to laugh at the ostard wal retards.

Once you can achieve that, then the religious retards will have no more grip on the peoples' minds.

There is ample evidence for this method. The advanced societies which have little or almost no restrictions on religious debate and discussion.  

The Police keep the peace. Meaning anyone who acts violently will be arrested by the Police. 

But no one is allowed to PREVENT others from speaking. You should not prevent others from speaking.

But the exact opposite is what the ostard wal retards have successfully done ALL over the Islamic world - they have convinced their societies to enact useless laws like the '3,5,6 Laws',  the upcoming RUU355 laws etc whose purpose is exactly that - to prevent the public from asking questions.

They must keep the people stupid. Stupid is good for religion.

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