
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Don't protect corrupt Umno leaders, supporters warn PAS

MUKTAMAR | PAS can be friendly with Umno but must not forget the corruption offences allegedly committed by some of the latter party's leaders, delegates at the PAS muktamar (annual general meeting) in Kuala Terengganu were told today.
Lau Chin Chua of the PAS supporters’ wing, in his debate of the annual general meeting's policy speech, said Umno leaders who were found to have had engaged in corruption must face the law.
PAS, he added, must not defend such leaders.
"Now we are getting friendly with Umno, MCA and MIC. Umno had just been defeated, and everybody knows that it happened because of its leaders' untrustworthiness (tidak amanah) in carrying out their duties in governing the country. They were involved in many corruption cases.
"Although we can get close to them, we must remember that we should never defend or protect corrupt people. Salah tetap salah (What is wrong, is still wrong).
"Those who committed offences must be punished. We shall not sympathise with them," Lau (photo) said to the cheers of nearly 2,000 delegates present.
Lau, better known as Cikgu Rashid among PAS members, also told the party leadership that they should not focus on strengthening the party’s relationship with BN parties at the expense of neglecting its own supporters’ wing, which rallies PAS’ non-Muslim supporters.
Although Lau did not elaborate, it is understood that he was referring in particular to the increasing collaboration between Umno and PAS.
PAS and Umno have campaigned for each other in the recent Sungai Kandis and Seri Setia by-elections.
"They are our guest today, but do not forget, when you mention about Umno, MIC... do not leave out DHPP (PAS supporters’ wing) leaders. You should mention DHPP too.
"This group (PAS supporters’ wing) is PAS hardcore, but it still uncertain that PAS can get that side to be with PAS,” Lau said. 
He added that it was alright if PAS did not enter an alliance with BN, as the party had its own strengths now. - Mkini

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