
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 7, 2018

Erdogan Bungles Along : Hires Religious Tikus To Repair Real World Labu

Erdoğan strengthened Islamist constituency over economic affairs 
country embroiled in full-blown financial crisis

Erdoğan hired Nureddin Nebati, director of leading Islamist group MUSIAD
member of several religious associations
as deputy minister responsible for Treasury
Nebati directly under Erdoğan’s son-in-law

Nebati is hardcore Erdoğan Islamist movement
AKP chief of financial affairs 
rhetoric resembles Erdoğan 

departure from hiring liberal, market-orientated figures 
severe financial turmoil in Turkey
lira slumped > 40% against dollar this year
decline 25% in August alone

Foreign investors looking to orthodox, urgent steps to steer economy from crisis

hike interest rates, cut budget, rescue programme 
firms saddled with > US$200 billion of unhedged foreign currency debt
debt becoming more expensive to pay as lira tumbles
threatening corporate bankruptcies, financial stress on banking system

MUSIAD fledgling, controversial Islamic business group
until Erdoğan used his influence to promote it
MUSAID vowed to battle  foreign powers
MUSIAD to fight political game
Almighty Allah with righteous it said

Nebati member of controversial Ensar and TUGVA – Turkey Youth Foundation 
Both work to transform education system into Islamic model 
provide dormitories, bursaries for students in Islamic religious schools 
grown exponentially under Erdoğan’s 15-year tenure

merging Finance Ministry and Treasury shortly after elections on June 24
merging part of plan by Erdoğan to centralise power 

in July, president tightened control of central bank
interest rate 17.75% 
Nebati’s appointment important to cement grip over economy

My comments : They are nailing themselves inside the coffin. The mullahs have the capacity to turn back the clock - at any point in history - back to the Stone Age.  This is happening now in Turkey.

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