
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Putin's Master Stroke Saves Lives In Idlib. Relevance To Malaysia. Please Read Carefully.

Before we read the Idlib news,  here is something new about the shooting down of MH17 over the Ukraine in 2014.  The Russians have confirmed that the serial number on the Buk missile that was used to shoot down MH17 came from a missile that was delivered to Ukraine. It was part of Ukraine's missile inventory. You can read it in The Star here  and RT News here

Ok for the second time in as many weeks, Erdogan has had to travel to meet Putin in Teheran around 7th Sept and yesterday in Sochi, Russia.    The fact that two heads of state have to meet so often to discuss operational matters on the ground in Syria means one is being magnanimous and the other has bungled big time.  Erdogan has clearly blundered in Syria.  

The West's much hyped up 'attack on Idlib' has not happened yet.  Putin is taking his time. The various rebel groups which have been sponsored by Turkey and the West have been cornered into the Idlib sector.

The Russians and the Syrian government are ready to attack and flush out the remaining rebels in Idlib. Civilian casualty is a certainty. But now Putin has agreed to create a demilitarised ceasefire zone or buffer zone or safety zone - patrolled by Russian troops - to allow civilians and even combatants to seek refuge. Combatants must disarm.  They have until end October 2018 to move.  Rebel groups inside this ceasefire zone can move out but leave their heavy weapons behind. 

Here is the BBC :

Syria war: Russia and Turkey to create buffer zone in Idlib

17 September 2018
Erdogan talks with Putin in Sochi
Russia Turkey agree to demilitarised buffer zone in Idlib 
separate govt forces from rebel fighters there

Putin said it would be 15km to 25km (9-15 miles) wide 
come into force by 15 October
Troops from Russia and Turkey will patrol zone

What is the deal and what did Putin and Erdogan say?
heavy weaponry, tanks, rockets, mortars out of buffer zone by 10 Oct
Jihadist groups, al-Nusra Front have to leave zone

Erdogan said: "prevent humanitarian tragedy",  major refugee crisis in Turkey 

attack risked direct military confrontation with Turkey
Turkey deployed troops in Idlib 
Assad to reassert control over Idlib 

Idlib last major stronghold of jihadists in civil war 
killed more than 350,000 people

Idlib controlled by rival factions, estimated 70,000 fighters
dominant force Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), linked to al-Qaeda

Idlib borders Turkey 
straddles major highways from Aleppo to Hama and Damascus
Idlib effectively signals rebels final defeat

My comments :  The Syrian War is coming to an end. After SEVEN long years of suffering, death and the almost complete destruction of a really beautiful country. Over 350,000 people dead.

In the Great Game, the Russians have proved that they will not abandon Syria. Syria is a red line. 

All over the Middle East and the world the jihadists are losing it. 
Unfortunately the jihadists never admit defeat by arms. 
They just plan the next fight, the next suicide bomb, the next terror attack. 
As I said before we must defeat them by force of argument. 
Not by the argument of force.

In Tunisia the jihadists admitted failure and declared themselves secular.
In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood has been kicked out and thousands of their people thrown in jail.
In Gaza, the jihadists are facing serious disaster (for themselves only).
In Syria the jihadists have been militarily wiped out.
Turkey (with Erdogan being pro Muslim Brotherhood) is also facing uncertain times. 

70,000 jihadi fighters will be leaving Idlib. 
Where will they go? To Turkey? Possibly. 
But their favorite destination has always been Malaysia.
They still have their eyes set on taking over Malaysia.
Their "sympathisers" are already walking the corridors of power.
I can almost point names and name fingers. (Jack Sparrow's line).

Be vigilant folks. Its not over yet.

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