
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Yoursay: Umno has lost a rare gem in Tok Pa

YOURSAY | ‘We are surprised, not by your leaving Umno, but at the delay in doing so.’
Ruben: Kudos to you, former minister Mustapa Mohamed for such a brave act. You said Umno must be inclusive, centrist and moderate, but that it is not so.
You also said that whilst Umno stands up for the bumiputeras, it must not sideline the interests of other races and religion.
I hope the majority of Umno MPs and members listen carefully to your reasoning and also follow suit. We only need people who want a Malaysia that is inclusive, centrist and moderate.
Unspin: I haven't heard Mustapa uttering a single racist or bigotry word in his career with Umno.
The fact that he has the most number of votes in the recent Umno supreme council election shows that there are many Umno members who agree with his moderate views.
So, moderate members of Umno, what are you waiting for? Are you going to get out of the train like Mustapa or are you going to ride the train until it falls off the cliff?
Jinhua: Well done, Tok Pa. Principles in life reflect who one really is, and it is the least common trait in a politician.
I applaud you even though you stand guilty as one who chose to turn a blind eye to kleptocracy.
However, you are on the right path of redemption and I am sure there is a place for your talent in Pakatan Harapan when push comes to shove.
We need the best brains and people with honesty and integrity to save our beloved Malaysia.
I am sure others may disagree but they have the right to their opinions too. That said, we should not bear hatred, bitterness and anger, but should be rational in our views.
Ferdtan: Mustapa, talk with former Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin to form a moderate breakaway Umno party; if possible, a multiracial one to act as a meaningful and principled opposition.
Talk with hopefully new and reformed MCA (after its party election) and MIC to have a coalition.
Start anew and, we, Malaysians may accept you back if Harapan cannot do its job well.
We need an open, vibrant and liberal democracy for the good of the country. Right now, Umno and PAS are playing gutter racial and religious politics, much to the disgust of all.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Mustapa would make a good prime minister.
His views are realistic about the New Malaysia. He embraces the new realities of multi-ethnic, multicultural Malaysia. And I think he was one of Umno’s best MPs.
I hope this is not the end of his political career.
Salam: Many have said that Mustapa should have been the prime ministerial candidate for Umno. Indeed, he would have won.
He is clean, smart, hardworking, and fairly humble, not given to making empty public statements, and more focused on governing than politicking.
Umno leadership are seriously stupid if they don't make every effort to get him back and trust him to lead the party.
Anak JB: I have a lot of respect for Tok Pa and he was one of the last few good men left in Umno who were transparent and honourable.
He did the honourable thing not to associate himself with a party which has stood by its former leader for alleged kleptocracy, corruption and abuse of power, and which has become more right-wing instead of learning from its losses.
Anonymous 2401191456463140: Tok Pa is one politician respected by both sides of the political divide. I have never heard of him speaking evil of others in his campaign speeches.
A quiet man, and a rare gem that Umno has lost!
1 Malaysia Citizen: A true gentleman and a man highly respected by all Malaysians. Hope you will continue to serve Malaysia in a different capacity.
Sad and Crazy: You made a right choice to leave. To stay is to die, but to leave is to gain.
Tok Pa, you are qualified and have the integrity to continue serving this country. Hope you can join another party to continue your vision for Malaysia.
YOM: Well done and well said, Tok Pa. Your leaving Umno should shock all in the party.
But as you said, it’s not going to change the Umno leadership mindset. They have opted for politics of race, religion and fear which will doom the party.
Anonymous_4c379bd4: He should have left Umno earlier as he is among the decent leaders who I respect always.
Umno has long veered from its original struggle. May the original spirit in this kind of leader remain in whichever path he or she chooses in their political career after quitting Umno.
Darmakochi: Dear Mustapa, you have made the right decision. I always respected you. You are a real gentleman who has always been inclusive and moderate and worked towards a real multiracial Malaysian society.
Your political career has not ended. You are just starting to help build a truly Malaysian society. I wish you all the best in continuing your aspirations.
For your information, my career as a teacher started in Kelantan. I always treasure the memories of my time in Kelantan.
NoNonsence: Tok Pa, we salute your decision, which was based on the need for an inclusive party, which Umno, refusing to admit its mistakes, has far deviated from.
We are surprised, not by your leaving Umno, but at the delay in doing so. I hope you continue to work for a progressive, liberal, multiracial Malaysia. All the best. - Mkini

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