
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 8, 2018

Yoursay: Stop stalling, give Najib the murder probes he’s asking for

YOURSAY | ‘Najib is playing poker with the authorities, and now he is throwing bluffs here and there.’
Angry Ghost: If the linking of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to the high-profile murder cases of Altantuya Shaariibuu, Kevin Morais and Hussain Najad is slander, why doesn’t he sue? Surely he can get millions from Pakatan Harapan and destroy them financially at the same time.
Determined Sarawakian: I agree with Najib. Since he has agreed with the inquiries, if the allegations are found to be true, then he could be charged and punished. However, if proved untrue, then those who made conspiratorial allegations to proclaim their own innocence and gain popularity must be charged.
Anonymous 770241447347646: There are many unanswered questions still. Who had the reason and motive to kill Altantuya? Same as Hussain. Both had hired killers doing the bidding of unknown masterminds. These two murders need closure.
The reason for killing Morais also raises many questions. Why kill him, when another deputy public prosecutor would have taken over the case? It just does not makes sense.
It is time to find closure and let those dead rest in peace. The question is whether there is a real interest in telling the truth. Is there fear that it might open more cans of worms?
Ultimately: And the 'Best Actor' award goes to… Najib. By the way, anyone who believes Morais was not involved in the 1MDB probe has forgotten his brother in the US, who was given a certain pen drive, and who was pursued by the authorities and left Malaysia in the nick of time.
And anyone who jumps on the MACC chief's “not aware” statement as proof is desperate at best.
Calling It As It Is: So Najib is willing to be vilified and accused whilst in power. He says that he has endured this for 10 years, and it is about time that everyone knows that he is innocent. Any sane person would want justice to be pursued as soon as possible. Why wait to be accused of such heinous crimes for 10 years before saying that he now wants investigations to be carried out to prove his innocence?
He could have ordered for a full investigation years ago but no, he is willing to stand by the sidelines and be accused.
Fist and Furious: Najib is clearly spending a lot of his free time reading the news, he is adopting the US Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh’s defence of belligerent yelping. It worked then, so who’s to say it worked for him?
But in any case, what is the delay from the Harapan government? We know that there are pending charges against Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, but surely these cases are in public interest as well? Surely the people want to see justice done in these cases, perhaps even more so than they do in the alleged misappropriation of 1MDB funds?
Something is clearly amiss, since it is very bold of Najib to ‘remind’ Harapan that these cases remain unresolved.
Nowadays, it’s the fashion to say that there’s a conspiracy going on behind the scenes, but Harapan is really not making it easy to dispel such rumours.
ChuenTick: If Najib is really out for the truth, he would have initiated investigations when he was in power. But what surprises me is that the Harapan government has to be prodded by the disgraced former premier. Fresh investigations into those three high profile suspicious murders should have been started after the cabinet was formed. And yes, the family of the late Teoh Beng Hock are still waiting for justice to be served.
Clever Voter: Najib had so many opportunities to find the culprits in the past but chose to stay silent, and allowed others to carry out their duties. It is because of his delegation, he is or will be held accountable for the zealous duties of his officers?
He cannot say ‘I don't know’, as in each of the cases, there are reasons to believe he was aware or made it easy or both. He had access to deadly materials that only few know where are kept. He had direct connection with contracts over the purchase of useless submarines. He had everything to do with 1MDB, and deposits at Ambank.
His connections are easier than those from Agatha Christie murder plots. So will opening the cases solve the issues? Perhaps or perhaps not. If he chooses to remain silent its worse of the two evils. Now he has not got much room. Not even lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah can save him now.
Appum: Najib is playing poker with the authorities. He is cornered with a big loss (and going to jail), and now he is throwing bluffs here and there to sustain his survival. But his cards are all down. No more aces or kings are left in the deck help him now.
His is trying to deceive his opponents with his poker face, but it’s not helping. Now, we are all just waiting for him to show his cards.
Anonymous_1421806811: In the Quran, fitnah (slander) is worse than murder because it will lead to oppression of whole populations. We have seen this being demonstrated during Najib's regime.
Hope the Harapan government will give him what he wishes for. We all want to know who ordered Atantuya's murderers, why Shafee was calling all the shots at Najadi's funeral, and whether Morais wrote the charge sheet.
Anonymous 2327531438397239: Yes, all high profile deaths should be thoroughly investigated. When Najib was the prime minister, how “deep and thorough” were the investigations into all these cases, especially Altantuya’s murder?
The authorities should open files on these cases, go through all details with a fine tooth comb to ensure every witness is be called to the stand, especially in Altantuya’s case.
Redmann: Najib’s dares and spin are laughable, and getting more exasperating by day. Wriggle room almost gone. His "lawyers" are a lost lot, as they fail to advise him to come clean. Does this guy really need all the negative press?
The Malaysian: You have the bloody cheek to request justice be served to you. If only you know the meaning of the word dignity.
Eleos: He is painting himself as the victim. He and his family almost single-handedly brought this country to ruin through their insatiable greed. And now he is mocking the country demanding "justice" for himself. The man has no conscience.
Bibut: Seen this too many times, the mastermind of the murder seldom gets caught. The person who pulls the trigger doesn’t know where the actual instruction came from; it’s done through middleman, and as long the middleman disappears into thin air, the mastermind can’t be caught. That’s why the mastermind is so cocksure of his chances of getting away.
Askmela: Good. In any crime, there must be a motive. Please investigate thoroughly, even it means revealing the inadequacies of the police. -Mkini

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