
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 13, 2018

(Petronas Director) Received RM23 Million 1MDB Money ??

This list here has been going viral since yesterday. It claims to be  from the US DOJ's Court filings which shows how the stolen 1MDB moneys were spent. However real names are used. For example it is no more MO1.  His name is mentioned plainly.

So is this really from the DOJ? 
Or someone has crafted it from the DOJ's filings?

The biggest chunk RM11.25 billion has gone to Jho Low. Melayu semua dapat sikit saja.   Please pay attention to this part :  

Ahmad Maslan received RM2.0 Million. 
Shahrir Samad received RM1 million.

I think both of these fellows have not denied the receipt of these moneys.  
In fact Shahrir even confirmed receipt. 

It also says Nazri Aziz received RM1.0 million.

That muallaf fellow who is now operating very low key, under the radar received RM23 Million.  Much more than Nazri and Mat Maslan. 

After that big Traffic Camera payoff, this RM23 Million looks like an after thought - maybe to pay off the grass cutter and the cleaning maids.  

You do understand bro that if the PH wins the elections, things like this list will be investigated for certain.  The guys I hang out with are seriously talking about some type of 'Truth Commission'.  That is not true.  It is going to be a "Truth Inquisition" ok.  

Dr Mahathir has already said he wants to "perah" that Jo Lo fellow.  More likely roast him over a slow fire.  Ok I wont get too carried away.  

But this looks like serious jail time bro.  Or it is going to be plastic surgery, round those eyes, change name, move to Crook County (its in Wyoming) type of situation. 

There is something really disturbing about "bribe judges".   Going by this list, all has been corrupted.  

When the BN is kicked out of office, all the names on this list will have plenty answering to do.    Plenty.  It may not be pretty. 

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