
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Anwar Saga Continues - To All Malaysians This Is Critical, Please Watch Carefully What Is Unfolding.

Hi folks. Its another beautiful Sunday morning where I live. A soft rain is falling on the pool, hujan renyai-renyai, a really noisy magpie is screaming his head off closeby, the good wife is brewing excellent coffee. 

View outside our bedroom. Kita bersyukur.  
Peaceful, safe, serene.

Alamak the phone rang. The first phone call.  My favorite caller. Speaks in 30 second short bursts only.  I said : "Yes Tuan, ok Tuan, send it to me Tuan, just put it in point form. Yes. Thank you Tuan".

To digress a little, another small thought just popped into my head. It is about  writing in English. I was listening to the British historian David Irving the other day (who writes humongous history books). He gave a really good tip about how to write good English sentences. 

Just make sure your sentences are  sequential or chronologically correct. 

The thing that happened earlier is mentioned ahead of the thing that happened later.  Sounds obvious but it is actually easier said than done. 

Lets take this sentence :  "The Anwar Saga Continues - To All Malaysians This Is Critical,  Please Watch Carefully What Is Unfolding."

This is sequentially or chronologically correct. 

The Anwar saga came first. 
Then it is addressing you - all Malaysians.
Next is your time line, this is critical for you.
After that is telling you to please watch carefully.
Watch what is unfolding.

So the sequence is correct.

Why do we need to write like this? So that the reader's brain (referring to you again dear reader) can process the information in the sentence much quicker and easier.  Hence the message will be better understood.  

The point of all writing and speaking is to communicate. 
You must get the message across.
Something which many people fail to understand. 

We do not need bombastic language. 
Or twisted and circular arguments. 
Just communicate simply and straight forward.

Maybe Anwar Ibrahimk does not have a noisy magpie to listen to in the morning. 

Time out folks. The good wife just brought me a fantastic breakfast.

Another mamak invention. Roti goyang. Two perfect eggs 
on really well done and crispy toast. The fork came later. 

Ok the Anwar Ibrahim saga continues. Rafizi Ramli has become the mouthpiece for Anwar Ibrahim again.  Rafizi has said that the appointment of the three Cabinet Ministers so far (Guan Eng in Finance, Muhyiddin in Home Affairs and Mat Sabu in Defense) is not final.  Wow. That is quite a statement.  

A few people have replied to Rafizi and Anwar. Here are some of them:

Ambiga hits back :

And here are some other folks. First up is Anas Zubedy :


I write this letter to humbly request that you and your party to give Tun Dr Mahathir your one hundred percent support for at least two solid years to make things happen. Please allow him to use his wisdom to choose who should be his cabinet members and supporting teams. 

His decisions will not be perfect and will not make everyone happy. However, giving him full support PAKATAN HARAPAN will remove uncertainties, provide hope and create a steady platform for renewal. 

The mood of the country today is that we want less politics and more real work. We want a united front to solve real issues not political party disputes. 

Please note that the majority of us who voted for Pakatan Harapan do not belong to any of your component parties. As such WE DO NOT CARE WHICH PARTY GETS WHICH OR HOW MANY CABINET POSTS. What we want is a FUNCTIONAL LEADERSHIP THAT ARE ABLE TO PUT THINGS INTO PLACE. 

Furthermore, I would like to bring to your attention that the majority group of voters who gave Pakatan Harapan the numbers needed to win did not vote for PKR, DAP, BERSATU or AMANAH. 

We voted for Pakatan Harapan lead by TUN. So, if one of the component parties have more MPs/seats than the other is completely irrelevant to us voters. We want all of you to be humble and work as ONE.

Thank you.

Anas Zubedy
Kuala Lumpur

Then here is Khairuddin Abu Hassan.


Rafizi ramli adalah naib presiden parti PKR!! Apa saja yang beliau tidak puashati; tolong bercakap melalui saluran parti atau Pakatan Harapan secara professional!!

Mengapa rafizi ramli harus meluahkan perasaan tidak puashatinya melalui media?! Apa motif sebenar rafizi ramli?!

Nak kata tak cerdik; dia naib presiden parti PKR!! Nak kata dia tak bijak; beliau banyak mendedahkan isu-isu negara secara berkesan?!

Tetapi dalam isu menzahirkan perasaan tidak puas hatinya mengenai perlantikan tiga jawatan kabinet; beliau pilih untuk bercakap pada media!!

Apakah rafizi ramli sengaja nak jahanamkan struktur perpaduan Pakatan Harapan?! Adakah rafizi ramli hendak bagi rakyat hilang keyakinan pada Pakatan Harapan?!

Sesungguhnya, rafizi ramli ini budak pandai tetapi kurang bijaksana!! Tindakan rafizi ramli amat merugikan Pakatan Harapan kerana ini satu contoh teladan yang tidak baik kepada masyarakat umum!!

Kita ada platform dan saluran dalaman parti yang beliau boleh luahkan apa saja pandangannya secara tertutup!!

Jangan suka buka pekung di dada!!

Saya hendak tanya rafizi ramli apa untungnya beliau suka bercakap mengenai dasar, keputusan serta pendirian Pakatan Harapan melalui saluran media?!

Bagi saya rafizi ramli kena berhenti bersikap buruk seperti ini!! Beliau berhak bercakap mengenai apa saja tetapi jangan sampai boleh membinasakan keyakinan rakyat pada Pakatan Harapan itu sendiri!!

Pakatan Harapan baru menang pru14 dan tolonglah jangan lakukan sesuatu tindakan yang boleh merugikan kita semua!!

Sepatutnya kita kena bijak bersuara melalui saluran yang betul demi menjaga imej perpaduan Pakatan Harapan!!

Jangan hendak ikut selera sendiri yang boleh merugikan Pakatan Harapan!!

Kepimpinan tertinggi Pakatan Harapan harus ambil tindakan disiplin keatas sesiapa saja yang suka menegur tanpa guna saluran dalaman yang betul tetapi lebih gemar menggunakan platform media!!

Seikhlasnya, saya amat mencurigai serta kecewa dengan tindakan kurang bijaksana rafizi ramli ini kerana ianya boleh mengundang padah pada Pakatan Harapan secara menyeluruh!!

Ikhlas dari;

13 mei 2018

This is not over yet.  

Aahh folks,  my coffee is here as well. The good wife. 

The magpie has left. Time for my morning swim.

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