
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Arab Saudi Membeli Missile Super Canggih Iron Dome Dari Israel !!

Before you read the rest of this, please click on the link below here for another news article about Saudi Arabia. This has gone viral. It shows FIVE burqa ninjas brawling by the roadside in Saudi Arabia. One of the women is carrying a baby and repeatedly drops the baby onto the roadside during the fighting. Quite disgusting but I have seen this type of behaviour before among these folks.  Depa mungkin kaya tapi belum civilised lagi.

Ok here is more Saudi news. The Saudis have bought the Iron Dome missile system from israel. 


deal mediated by US
plans for broad military cooperation between two countries

Saudi purchased Iron Dome missile defense from Israel 
to defend itself from missile attacks by Houthis in Yemen
Emirati news website Al-Khaleej reported Thurs 

Al-Khaleej mentioned "high-level diplomatic source" 
Israel refused to sell Iron Dome to Arab nation
US interventions and guarantees of no danger to Israel 
deal was reached

Israeli Defense Ministry denied deal with Saudi Arabia

Saudi's Mohammed bin Salman caused uproar 
recognized Israel's right to exist
leaving open possibility of cooperation 

kingdom purchase defense system in January
Swiss paper Basler Zeitung reported then 

“to hold back Iran,” wrote Swiss paper’s journalist Pierre Heumann

My comments : I have said this before and I will say it again. These folks dont give a hoot about Palestine, about Muslim brotherhood, about justice or about anything.

They only care about their own survival.  Iran is a big threat. The Saudis have made a fatal mistake in attacking Yemen. 

The Iron Dome is a defensive system. It is NOT an offensive system. Meaning the Saudis now have to defend themselves FROM the Houthis. 

This is pathetic. 
Yemen is the poorest Arab country.
Saudi Arabia is the wealthiest Arab country.

If the Saudis have to buy missiles from Israel - so be it.

Ya habibie, we are talking about survival ok.

The point to note is will the Israelis sell their most advanced weapons systems to Saudi Arabia just for cash only?  Not likely.

They will insist that Abdooool ties up all his wandering camels before any missiles are delivered.

Meaning Saudi Arabia must now toe the Israeli line in the Middle East. This is a certainty.

And here is something else. Do you seriously believe the Israelis are going to teach the Saudis HOW TO OPERATE THE IRON DOME ?? 

They will not even allow any Saudi to come near this most top secret missile system. 

(Because if they do, Pakistani mercenary soldiers in the Saudi airforce would smuggle manuals, plans and parts of the Iron dome back to Pakistan and other such possibilities.)

And I doubt Saudi soldiers will be able to operate the Iron Dome.  
My guess is Israeli technicians will be based in Saudi Arabia to operate the Iron Dome. 
Just like US made patriot missiles in Saudi Arabia are operated by American technicians.

This means the entire Saudi Arabian missile defense system will be in US and Israeli hands - literally.  

Shariff Al Haramain - The Protector of the Two Cities (Mecca and Medina). Konon !!

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