
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Learn To Play Chess Lah!

Azizah rejects accusations of nepotism following Anwar decision to contest PD
She saw no issue 3 family members MPs
adding it is voters’ choice

“What is the issue? I thought we were voted in by the people?” 

Siti Kasim y'day urged voters to reject Anwar in PD
saying the party and his family “must be taught a lesson"
“They did this three times! No more! 
They think they can do whatever they like at our expense? Nope!” she said 

PKR Wanita chief Zuraida questioned decision-making process
urging Anwar to explain stand
Zuraida said decision should have been by consensus 
and full support from PKR’s 840,000 members

decision-making process not open and democratic
give impression PKR “manipulated by certain factions”

My comments :

Here is another poster I received.

I believe this message from Azmin is with reference to the PKR party elections. 

It is being played up now also with reference to the PD By Elections.

Which individu is Azmin referring to by saying "Utamakan agenda rakyat dari individu" ?

Its too obvious so no prizes for your guesses.

(And some of you folks are saying I am being a batu api !! I just repeat what other people say. Ini bukan saya cakap tau. Ini Azmin cakap.)

What this also means is that Azmin and Gang will not be campaigning for Brader Anwar in PD. I know Zuraida will not.

And then here is Ayahanda : 

Tun Dr Mahathir has no opinion over Anwar's move to contest PD 

(My comments :  No opinion !! That says a lot. In other words Dr Mahathir really could not be bothered. And I think I know why. But I will not share it here.)

The PM said (Anwar) rang him from Hong Kong to inform him 
I told Anwar I don’t go on any campaigns for by-election

So how many foreign investors are flocking in from Hong Kong?

And then here is the super shocker from Dr Mahathir :

Dr M said Saifudin Nasution made statement that (Anwar) not seeking any post  

Meaning even if Anwar wins PD, he is not going to be in the Cabinet.

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/09/14/ive-no-opinion-says-dr-m-over-pd-move/#assVivYkA524Pivw.99

Learn to play chess lah. 

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