
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 15, 2018

'PAS' challenges - Islamophobia, materialism and immature new voters'

PAS MUKTAMAR | Islamophobia, materialism and "immature" new voters are among the challenges facing PAS as outlined by president Abdul Hadi Awang at the party's 64th muktamar today.
According to Hadi, PAS is facing not just Islamophobia among non-Muslims, but also Muslims who are "ignorant" about religion.
He added that due to this ignorance, they are only focused on material concerns such as "the cost of living, job opportunities and their own well-being."
"Even though PAS was successful in breaking the wall of ignorance by increasing its membership among Muslims, and also non-Muslims that led to the formation of the PAS supporters' wing, but it is not enough.
"This was proven in the 14th general election, where secular and pragmatic parties received majority support from non-Muslims, as well as new voters who are immature and not well versed in political Islam," he told delegates at the muktamar in Kuala Terengganu.
More challenging still, the PAS president said, are voices challenging religious institutions, bumiputera privileges, as well as what he claimed was a movement to spread liberalism and same-sex relationships.
"All these challenges demand that we double our strategic preparation and action.
"I put our faith in Allah's promise that those who are sincere and patient in their struggle will be rewarded."
'Those who left PAS without character'
Hadi also took a veiled dig at Amanah, the PAS splinter party which is now part of the Pakatan Harapan ruling coalition.
"There are many challenges and obstacles in our struggle. We have seen how certain people who were without character in PAS suddenly leaving because it is difficult to remain openly steadfast with Islam.
"They then took a shortcut which they thought would be easier to reach to their destination," he said.
Overall, Hadi pointed out that PAS had done better in the 14th general election by increasing its popular vote and number of state assemblypersons on top of capturing Terengganu.
He also said he was confident PAS can build on this in the next election, and urged members to start preparing early as the polls could be called before the five-year limit.
In his speech, the PAS president also urged the party's supporters' wing to reach out to other races and religions, and claimed that there is a racial imbalance among MPs in the federal administration.
"We observed a change in leadership at the federal level, the formation of new state government by various parties, and also the number of seats in the Harapan government that is imbalanced in terms of the Malaysian racial demography.
"However, what is important is that we respect the people's decision, and work with all quarters to form a mature politics," he said. - Mkini

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