
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 2, 2019

Bad News For Malaysian Chinese, Orang Melayu Sila Baca - Setelah Di Liwat Pak Arab (Tak Sokong Usul Kashmir), Pakistan Ingin Jalin Hubungan Dengan Israel

What has prompted this reaction is Arab world’s refusal to openly back Pakistan’s position on Kashmir amidst the ongoing crisis with India, as exemplified by the UAE following other Arab states in giving Indian PM Narendra Modi its highest civilian award. 

PM Imran Khan and military giving unprecedented freedom to Pakistan media to talk about establishing relations with Israel. 

are conditions now ripe for a formal move? 

Pakistan journalist asked : "Why can’t we openly debate pros cons of opening direct and overt channels of communication with the State of Israel?" 

triggered thousands of responses – and not all of them were denunciations.

once-taboo subject of relations with Israel undergone sea change 
now entering mainstream discourse

Imran Khan government encouraging debate 
perhaps as a trial balloon before it considers any further steps

Imran Khan, beneficiary of all-powerful military’s backing

commonalities between Pakistan and Israel
dubbed the "Muslim Zion" and "Little Jewish Pakistan" respectively
Pakistan Air Force covertly involved in Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973 

Bhutto had "fanatical hatred" for Israel
but did not "conceal his dislike for Arabs" 
Zia-ul-Haq asked the PLO to recognize Israel in March 1986

in 1982, the ISI working with Mossad in Afghanistan
several unofficial diplomatic exchanges between Pakistan and Israel
president Ezer Weizman met Rafiq Tarar (in Ankara in 1988) 
and with Benazir Bhutto (Johannesburg, 1994)

only military could make move on Israel
Islamist groups largely controlled by Pakistani army 
  • Pervez Musharraf set the ground for meeting Israel 
  • he has continued to urge Pakistan to establish relations with Israel
  • a position he reiterated as recently as this year 
  • I believe in realism and ground realities.
  • A lot has happened since '48, one has to adjust
  • Policies should not remain constant. 
  • Israel is a fait accompli. 
  • A lot of the Muslim world have understood that 
  • I know many Muslim countries have relations with Israel
  • Pakistan needs to keep readjusting its diplomatic stand toward Israel 

interactions between Israel / Pakistan limited to counterterror and arms deals
energetically renewed debate in Islamabad over recognizing Israel past 12 months

last October rumors of Benjamin Netanyahu secretly visiting Islamabad
Feb 2019 Foreign Minister told Ma’ariv Pakistan wants "normal ties" with Israel

debate skyrocketed over past couple of weeks
leading journalists endorsing formulation of diplomatic ties with Israel

What has prompted this reaction is Arab world’s refusal to openly back Pakistan’s position on Kashmir amidst the ongoing crisis with India, as exemplified by the UAE following other Arab states in giving Indian PM Narendra Modi its highest civilian award. 
timing of awards by Arab states to Modi has broken mirage of global Muslim unity

Feb 2019 when Indian aerial warfare with Pakistan
OIC invited India as "guest of honor" at Abu Dhabi meeting
Pakistani Foreign Minister noted UAE decision based on own national interest
He said "international relations are above religious sentiments"
effectively laying ground for potential move on Israel 
  • senior minister Chaudhry tweeted 
  • Pakistan now worried about Iran and Arabs
  • Modi’s relations with Arabs, Iran a lesson 
  • that nothing is bigger than your own nation
  • Your own borders are sacred, not the (Muslim) Ummah…" 
Arabs, including Palestine, enhancing relations with India despite Kashmir
what possible obligation does Pakistan have to not even acknowledge Israel? 
If Gulf Arabs cosying up to Israel, despite Palestinians
why should Pakistan, alone, keep waving boycott flag?
debate on mainstream Pakistani media 
in aftermath of Imran Khan’s meeting with Trump
and growing Saudi ties with Israel
Pakistan reaffirmed status as Saudi client state 
U.S. using financial bailout to push Pakistan into complying 
conditions required to make formal move on Israel are there

Imran Khan is the army’s Chosen One
he is guaranteed protection against domestic backlash 
military hope to benefit from formal defense ties with Israel
unlikely for large-scale anti-Israel parades and demonstrations.

Musharraf’s positive statements about ties with Israel echo views of Pakistan's corridors of power

Saudi Arabia to formalize relations with Israel
that relationship is developing so swiftly
Washington / Riyadh pushing for isolation of Iran

My comments :

Dunia sedang berubah dengan lebih pantas daripada kilat. 
Saudi Arabia dan Israel sudah lama berbulan madu, (sesudah kahwin lari di Golok tempoh hari). 
Negara Arab Gulf Council semua sokong Israel. 

Amerika sudah mula usaha untuk berdamai dengan Iran.
Ini boleh mencetuskan perang saudara dalam Iran sebab pemimpin demokratik (presiden Rouhani dan gengnya) menyokong rundingan damai dengan Amerika tetapi puak lebai kontol ayatollah tidak mahu berunding dengan Amerika.

Amerika akan mengundurkan tenteranya dari Afghanistan - maksudnya menyerahkan Afghanistan balik kepada Taliban. Hancurlah Afghanistan sekali lagi. 

Amerika juga akan menarik keluar tentera mereka dari Iraq dan Syria.  Meninggalkan Iraq dan Syria dalam putaran orbit Iran dan Rusia.

Negara Arab pula tidak mahu sokong Pakistan melawan India di medan dunia (OIC, Bangsa Bersatu dsbnya). Jadi Pakistan pun fed up. 

Kenapa pula Pakistan perlu sokong negara Arab? 
Oleh itu Pakistan sedia menjalin hubungan diplomatic dengan Israel. 
Dalam kira-kira strategic Pakistan mereka akan lebih untung jika menjalin hubungan dengan Israel daripada negara Arab. 

Perkembangan di medan antarabangsa ini akan membawa kepada banyak lagi  sempadan pertembungan yang baru.

Contohnya ialah Israel dan India sedang menjalin perhubungan technology partners dalam banyak industry terutama sekali industry persenjataan canggih.

Di sini India mempunyai hubungan kabel yang sangat kuat dengan Israel. 
Pakistan masih 'bebudak kecil'.

Akhir kalam, macam mana pula dengan ahli-ahli politik Melayu dan lebai-lebai di Malaysia yang sudah begitu lama jual minyak "perpaduan umat Islam sedunia", 'perpaduan dengan Palestin', 'berjihad menentang zionis Israel' dan sebagainya untuk memancing undi orang kampong dan mengisi duit dalam tabung Tin Milo?

Apakah minyak baru yang mereka perlu cari untuk dijual kepada orang kampong? Inilah jawapannya :

So Cainis peeper,  get ready your rebuttals (Its actually very easy - I will share some ideas later). 

The ummah is dead, the Saudi Wahabi syaitans are now kissing and cuddling with the Israelis, the Gulf Arabs are doing the same, the Pakistanis now want to establish diplomatic ties with Israel.

So the lebais and the tepi jalan politicians will need new enemies. 
That enemy is going to be you. The Malaysian Chinese.
Be prepared. But dont worry too much.

As Ridhuan Tee has said : 'korek tanah punya orang'. Whatever that means.

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