
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Extra-Ordinary Exemplary Behaviour By Both DYMM YDP Agong And DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong.

Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah is the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and the sixth Sultan of Pahang. 

He was proclaimed as Sultan of Pahang on 15 January 2019.  

Five days later on the 24th of January 2019 Thursday, the Conference of Rulers elected Sultan Abdullah as the sixteenth Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia.

In the short time since he ascended the throne,  Malaysians have been surprised with the YDP Agong's penchant for stopping his royal motorcade to genuinely inquire over his subjects involved in road accidents. 

Neither did Malaysians expect to see the YDP Agong stopping by the local KFC or the local Nasi Lemak shop. - this is just not 'de rigueur' for the Royal Households in Malaysia  - as we have known them.

The keyword is 'genuine'.  The present YDP Agong exhibits a certain genuineness. 

So Daulat Tuanku ! 

However I do believe that the YDP Agong is being upstaged by the Queen ie the DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong.  

Here is the news :

Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah, said she had deactivated her Twitter account not because she was upset by the comments made but for personal reasons.
In a tweet yesterday, Tunku Azizah had urged netizens not to make any police reports 

in a subsequent tweet this morning, Tunku Azizah said “today I am truly upset that police have detained these people”, referring to those who had posted comments on her Twitter site.

“Through the years my husband and I have never made any police report on bad things said about us … it is a free country,” she said.

“Afzan (Tengku Puteri Afzan Aminah Hafizatullah Sultan Abdullah) shocked me just now, ‘mama police arrested two persons!’

it was not my intention so that they are arrested by police
I have told the palace to inform police not to take action

Last night, police arrested (PSM) youth chief Khalid Ismath 
a day after police received a report.
Khalid, 29, was released on police bail today.
Bukit Aman said started investigation under Section 4 of Sedition Act 1948. 

My comments :  Once again this is just exemplary.  The Raja Permaisuri Agong has just outdone everyone. 

This is just a childish and time wasting non-issue by the people who made those Police reports as well as the Police who arrested and then released that boy. 

This is a free country. The people have the freedom to say what they want to say.  

The people have a right to speak. You do not criminalise speech - unless it incites towards violence. 

I have said time and time again - you cannot criminalise this vague and unclear thing called 'insulting'. What do you mean by insult?  How do you define an insult. How do you measure an insult? How do you quantify it? 

Anyway both the YDP Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong have shown that as King and Queen they have to show a good example - to rise above being small minded and petty. 

As the Raja Permaisuri Agong has said it :  “Through the years my husband and I have never made any police report on bad things said about us … it is a free country,” she said.

Exemplary. Daulat Tuanku! 

An addendum :  In stark contrast Her Royal Loftiness Princess Yeo Bee Yin has threatened to sue anyone who insinuates a conflict of interest between her (as Minister) and her husband's companies over some issues in Johor.

New kid on the block

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