
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 15, 2019

Interior Minister Confesses Pakistan Created JuD And Lashkar Taiba Terrorist Group

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in high-profile embarrassment for Imran Khan administration
Pakistan’s interior minister claims “ruling elite” destroyed Pakistan
Interior Minister Brigadier Ijaz Ahmed Shah said
Pakistan failed to garner international support over Kashmir 
international community does not believe us
We say [India] not giving medicines to people of Kashmir
People do not believe us, but they believe India
ruling elite has destroyed country
ruling elite of this country destroyed the name
People think Pakistan not a serious nation

When asked directly whether Imran Khan among “ruling elite” 
Shah parried “Everyone is responsible. Pakistan should do soul searching”

Pakistan snubbed repeatedly on Kashmir by international community
UN told Khan to resolve issue diplomatically, without external support

another embarrassing revelation 
Shah admitted Pakistan spent millions on Jamat ud Dawa (JuD)
outlawed front for Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group 
carried out 2008 Mumbai attacks and operates in Pakistan

We need to demotivate that organisation 
bring them to mainstream

(OSTB : Mainstream? But mainstream in Pakistan IS terrorist!!)

Pakistan “epicenter of global terrorism” 
uses political violence as alternative diplomacy 

PM Imran Khan says US hung his country out to dry 

My comments :  Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan - these are the three problematic countries in the "Islamic" world.  

Following closely is Turkey.

Saudi Arabia has exported the violent and terrorist Salafi / Wahabi ideology all over the world. Al Qaeda is certainly Saudi sponsored - in not just men, material and money but most importantly in ideology. 

Iran has sponsored shia terrorism, violence and militancy all over the world. The Amal in Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Pakistani shia militants, Iraq, Syria, Yemen are all under the tutelage of Iran.

Pakistan has created terror groups like the Taliban, Lashkar e Taiyyiba, Jaish e Mohamed, Jamaat ud Da'wa and many more in Pakistan, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Central Asia and other places. 

The fourth is Turkey. Sunni Turkey kills Sunni Kurds for sport. 
Turkey also assists the blood thirsty ISIS terror group.

Saudi Arabia can be fixed with a regime change - kick out the Saud, Salafis and Wahabis.
Iran can be fixed with a regime change - kick out the ayatollahs.
Turkey can be fixed with a regime change - kick out Erdogan and replace him with the Ataturk people.

Pakistan cannot be fixed. I think we have seen the best of Imran Khan. 

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