
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mahathir Upset With The IGP And AG

Oh, and Hamid Bador was the one who ‘turned’ Waytha Moorthy and brought him back to Malaysia and helped him get a Cabinet post. The Hindraf leaders know that Moorthy is a Special Branch agent, of course, and that he had been working for the Special Branch since he was in London. And Hamid has always been Moorthy’s ‘handler’ since the beginning.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Inspector-General of Police, Abdul Hamid Bador, claims he is not Pakatan Harapan’s IGP but is merely a police officer of the country who does not serve any particular political party.
“I sit in the middle (between the government and the opposition) and will make comments on both parties if needed. I will speak the truth. I am not the IGP of Pakatan Harapan, I am the IGP for the country,” he said yesterday.
Hamid Bador added he does not expect to stay on the job for long and he is looking forward to leaving as soon as possible.
“When I find the right time for me to leave, even if it is before the contract ends, I will leave,” he said. “I did not ask for this position. Even, when people said I would become IGP, I said it was not possible.”
That statement by Hamid Bador is clearly a U-turn from what he used to say and do back in 2015. Why has he now taken a ‘defeatist’ stand when before this he was very arrogant and on attack mode?
Well, word in the corridors of power is that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not happy with Hamid Bador and Tommy Thomas, the Attorney-General. Both Hamid and Tommy have been compromised and now serve DAP’s interest.
This was confirmed by insiders in Bukit Aman and the AGC who said Hamid and Tommy have become tali barut (running dogs) of DAP. So, both Hamid and Tommy are on Mahathir’s ‘scratch list’, alongside Azmin Ali, Muhyiddin Yassin and a number of others.
The fact is, contrary to what he says, Hamid DOES take sides. And he is doing more political work than crime-fighting. It is no secret that the heads of Bukit Aman, the MACC and the AGC are expected to serve Mahathir as his attack dogs. And those who do not bark and bite when asked to would get the chop. And Hamid and Tommy are on the chopping block.
Everyone remembers back in 2015 when Hamid held a press conference and pledged loyalty to Mahathir. He announced he would remain loyal to Mahathir even if they chopped up his body into 12 pieces.

Hamid openly clashed with IGP Khalid and even threatened to arrest Khalid

Actually, Hamid was very angry with then Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for not making him the Director of the Special Branch. (At that time Hamid was the Deputy Director of the Special Branch). That was the reason why he held that press conference to announce his loyalty to Mahathir and also why he made that “chop into 12 pieces” statement.
So, Hamid is not really “sitting in the middle and will make comments on both parties if needed”, as he claims. By his own admission, he is pro-Mahathir and anti-Najib. And, without a doubt, he is a Pakatan Harapan IGP.
The thing is, Hamid is angry with Najib because he could not become the Director of the Special Branch. So, he supported Mahathir merely so that he can become the Director of the Special Branch and then the IGP. Hence Hamid’s claim that he does not want the job is as fake as Azmin’s claim it is not him in that Semburit video.

Hamid is pro-Mahathir and anti-Najib and spends all his time politicking instead of crime-fighting

The problem is, it was not Najib who did not want to make Hamid the Director of the Special Branch. It was the then IGP, Khalid Abu Bakar, who was the IGP from May 2012 to September 2017, and the Deputy IGP before that.
The thing is, there was bad blood between Hamid and Khalid because Hamid refused to acknowledge Khalid as his boss. They argued openly and Hamid even ‘bang table’ when he argued with Khalid. Hamid also threatened to arrest Khalid if he even became the IGP. So why would Khalid want to make Hamid the Director of the Special Branch?

Moorthy works for Hamid and is a Special Branch agent

In terms of hierarchy, Hamid was below Khalid but Hamid refused to treat Khalid as his boss. And then Hamid blamed Najib for not being promoted whereas Najib could not do anything if Khalid is blocking his promotion. Finally, Hamid turned on Najib and supported Mahathir just so that he could get promoted.
That is the real story, not the fairy tale that Hamid related. But now he is going to get axed if he does not buck up and perform like a proper IGP. The problem is, Hamid is not IGP material. He is not even Special Branch Director material. Those who deal with him know he is half-baked and should never have been made IGP.
Oh, and Hamid was the one who ‘turned’ Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy and brought him back to Malaysia and helped him get a Cabinet post. The Hindraf leaders know that Moorthy is a Special Branch agent, of course, and that he had been working for the Special Branch since he was in London. And Hamid has always been Moorthy’s ‘handler’ since the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Petra is the father of fairy tales. This is what you call in the News trade as a LALLANG. You pay him to make up a story to cover-up or make you look good. He is also famous for his SD...... LOLSMAH was there when Altantuya was murdered. Years later he swallows back his saliva and his masturbated semen, when he claims he was misled by none other than the PRESENT IGP.......Would make one wonder if he's got a hard-on to rub on.


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