
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 9, 2019

Menteri Kesihatan Tak Faham Maksud Monopoly, Open Tender, Competitive Bidding . . .(habis orang Melayu lain dapat apa?), Latheefah Koya please note.

 Bekas lebai pas-pis-pus
Tak cukup khusyuk baca Yassin.
Tak faham apa pun.

Pharmaniaga not a monopoly, says minister


Bernama  |  Published: 8 Jun 2018 

Health Ministry denied Pharmaniaga monopolise medicines to public health facilities

Minister Dzul Ahmad said grossly incorrect Pharmaniaga sole concession holder
there were other vendors supplying directly to ministry’s health facilities

medicine procurement through Finance Ministry procurement policies 
purchases by tender; concession agreement; direct purchases by hospitals

He referring article, ‘Review Pharmaniaga's role, think-tank urges govt’ 
concerning company’s role in supplying medications to public health facilities

Dzulkefly said last year, expenditure for medicines, consumable RM 3.3b

33.4% or RM1.1b were from Pharmaniaga 

66.6% or RM 2.2billion purchased through central contracts or quotations

(OSTB : I say YB Donno, this is called a monopoly lah. Why cant you understand? Whether RM1.1 billion. RM10,000 or even RM1.00 - that is a 'no open tender' contract worth RM1.1 BILLION given exclusively to Pharmaniaga. That is a monopoly contract. Hang tak faham ke?  Maksudnya RM1.1 billion itu tak payah open tender. Pharmaniaga sudah sapu.  All the medicine / supplies under that RM1.1 Billion contract are reserved solely for Pharmaniaga.  The rest of Malaysia can bid for the remaining RM2.2 billion contracts. But that RM1.1 Billion is reserved solely for Pharmaniaga. That is a monopoly. Here is a soalan misteri  - since you have opened RM2.2 billion for open tender, open quotations etc then what is your excuse  for REFUSING to allow that RM1.1 Billion to be also on open tender, open quotation basis? Why do you give that RM1.1 Billion to Pharmaniaga? Sila jawab soalan misteri.)

Dzulkefli clarified sourcing out pharmaceutical products 
saying it was through tendering process
Pharmaniaga's role in tendering process limited to managing ads for bidding

(OSTB :  I say YB Donno, this is a conflict of interest lah. How can you have a monopoly supplier - Pharmaniaga with RM1.1 BILLION contract - manage your adverts for the tendering process? Hang faham tak why this can be a conflict of interest? Because you cannot guarantee the taxpayers that Pharmaniaga will not letak syarat yang terlalu tinggi in the advertising which other suppliers cannot comply? Thats one example of conflict of interest.)

89 other suppliers were selected last year, Dzulkefli said.

(OSTB :  So 89 suppliers share RM2.2 billion medicine contracts through open tender. That is an average of RM25 million only per supplier.  Tetapi Pharmaniaga pula sapu 33.4% of the supply or RM1.1 billion through MONOPOLY contract. Banyak cantik. Ini ikut syarak pas-pis-pus ke, ikut sunnah wal jamaah ke, ikut mazhab yang mana satu bro? Is this what you call fair-trade-policy? Ikut agama setan yang mana pula?)

Dzulkefly said direct nego for Pharmaniaga big cause for concern 
ministry committed to more transparency in contracts 
just and fair to all market suppliers through competitive bids

ministry reviewing whole end-to-end supply chain 
to achieve better transparency, cost savings and efficiency 
more competitive mechanism fair to all suppliers needed 
to serve best interest of patients and people
to ensure more affordable medicines for the people,” noted Dzul 
- Bernama

OSTB :  I say brader, jangan cakap tak serupa bikin. 

Because this is already the SECOND year of Pakatan Harapan. 
And Pharmaniaga still has the monopoly supply for 1/3 or RM1.2 BILLION of medicine / medical supplies to government hospitals. WHY?

Like that other Menteri Cap Ayam Salahuddin Ayub saying they cannot renegotiate the Bernas MONOPOLY on rice supply because it is a sole monopoly that cannot be cancelled (or something stupid like that).  There is no such thing.  Salahuddin pun lebai pas-pis-pus juga. 

Here is a note for Latheefah Koya and the MACC - talk is after their retirement some ex Ministry of Health officials got appointed to cushy jobs inside Pharmaniaga. This is something that the MACC / SPRM should investigate - and please go back at least 20 years.  This bullshit has to stop. 

Akhir kalam, orang kaya sapu kontrak besar-besar. Daripada dulu sampai sekarang. Orang biasa dapat apa? Usahawan yang baru nak try minta kontrak kerajaan dapat apa? Dapat sikit-sikit habuk. Lepas tu PM kata orang Melayu malas buat bisnes pula. Malas apa - kontrak besar-besar semua orang lain sudah sapu?

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