
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



17 Ramadhan 1446H (18 March 2025)

Monday, September 23, 2019

No Money No Religion - Tabligh Berpecah Dua, Tiga . . Sheikul Perang Dengan AK47, Tikam Dengan Pisau

This post may be of note for Muslim readers. 

For the non Muslim readers if at all, you might find this interesting to note how religion always (always times 10) divides and breaks up the human race. This is applicable to all religions. However since the Tabligh has a sizeable presence here in Malaysia, this may be relevant to knowing your neighbours. 

Each year or every two years there are THREE great congregations of Muslims at the THREE MAIN Tabligh centers in Nizamuddin (Delhi), at Tongi in Bangladesh and in Raiwind in Pakistan. Sometimes TWO MILLION Tablighis may congregate at Tongi, making it the largest "pilgrimage site" after Mecca in Saudi Arabia. 

Do read my conclusion. It is all about how to operate a "franchise" and too much decentralisation.

Here is some news about the Tabligh Jamaat or TJ. This is a religious 'cult' that started in India in the 1900s and has spread all over the world (except the Arab countries and Iran). 

Despite having over 80 million followers around the world there is hardly any Arab or Iranian / Persian in this cult group. Most of the members are of Indo-Pak-Bangla ethnicity, with a smattering of Malays, Indonesians, Mindanaos and the odd Mat Salleh.  

The founding philosophy of the Tabligh was to eschew the worldy life and they were also  apolitical.  (There is a theory - click here - that the British colonial power  "fostered" the Tabligh in India in the early 1900s to subdue rising militant and anti British sentiment among the Muslims in north India). Well not anymore. By 2018 the TJ was quite irreconcilably split up into two or maybe three factions. The reason has been mundane worldly issues like money and power.  

Here are some main Press clips.

2011 - many Tablighis not aware of seven day coup at Raiwind Pakistan 
Qutbuddin, Haji Abdul Wahhab’s adopted son attempted coup 
to install himself as Ameer
armed with AK47 assault rifles on armoured vehicle
stormed the grounds and took control for a week
June 2016 Nizamuddin Delhi, extremely serious rift, one group attacked their opponents with lethal weapons following an argument over a prayer mat. 15 people were reportedly injured, police had to calm things down

In London - several incidents of brawling 
elders assaulted each other in London Markaz 
in Masjid Ilyas and Abbey Mills Mosque
police were called 13 times 
four people were arrested on different occasions 

News item no  1. Tabligh splits into two or three, from Dawn newspaper, Pakistan (Feb 2018).


Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), worldwide movement 
attracts hundreds of thousands to Nizamuddin (Delhi), Tongi (Bangla), Raiwind (P'stan)

TJ observes Deobandi school 
bitter verbal clashes with rival Deobandi organisations 
sheltered extremists in aftermath of 9/11

emerging internal struggle 


conflict out into open in UK where TJ has significant base
Dec 2017 police called in repeatedly to separate brawling adherents 
two camps claimed Masjid-i-Ilyas 
schism has grown and taken on international dimensions.

One side of conflict originates from Nizamuddin — Delhi
followers of Maulana Saad Kandhalvi, Ameer of TJ shura (advisory council)
Saad Kandhalvi great-grandson of Maulana Muhammad Ilyas founder of TJ
Saad revered by many in Tablighi circles

other camp in Raiwind, Pakistan rebel camp
Haji Abdul Wahab set up 13-member advisory council
Wahab is ameer of Raiwind, key figure in intn'l advisory council
Raiwind was largest gathering but overtaken by Tongi in Bangla

Differences between two camps simmering for long time 
Currently two TJs operating in London and UK

One adheres to Maulana Saad Kandhalvi in Delhi
the other follows Wahab's Aalami Shura in Raiwind

  • Maulana Saad accused of “unacceptable” new interpretations of Sunnah 
  • preference for Muntakhab Ahadith by Muhammad Yusuf — his grandfather
  • against Fazail-e-Amaal by Maulana Zakariya as core reading material 
  • introduced new mannerism to greet newcomers daawa, taaleem, istaqbal 
  • these issues grew ever-more contentious over time

Nov 2015 senior members decided to reconstitute world shura council
named 13 members to shura council 
including Maulana Saad, Haji Abdul Wahab, ameer of Raiwind  
resolved to continue shura system only - negated ameer or leader 
Maulana Saad rejected these resolutions 

Maulana Saad heard saying : “I am ameer ... if you do not agree, go to hell.”
due to these utterances opponents consider Saad unfit for ameer 

[Maulana] Saad is ameer since 20 years ago
This new Shura is bogus, not a reality, no basis 
Tabligh Markaz has always been Markaz Nizamuddin, New Delhi
Now Tabligh is divided into two camps 
June 2016 in Nizamuddin, rift took extremely serious turn when one group of supporters attacked their opponents with lethal weapons following an argument over a prayer mat. Some 15 people were reportedly injured, and the police had to be brought in to calm things down. 

In the face of death threats senior members left Nizamuddin, Delhi 
moved to Bhopal to escape the conflict at Nizamuddin

ethnicity of rival factions and followers
Gujaratis versus Maharashtris 

Dec 2016, Darul Uloom Deoband madrassa issued fatwa 

“Due to lack of knowledge, [Maulana Saad] has strayed from majority, which is undoubtedly the path of deviation,” the Darul Uloom statement said.

Sept 2017 two reps of Aalmi Shura went to UK 
to gather signatures for Aalmi Shura
This visit divided Tabligh UK on basis of nationalities / countries of origin

Gujaratis and Pakistanis sided with Raiwind
Bangladeshis stood behind Maulana Saad

Blackburn, Leicester, Glasgow — loyal to Raiwind
Birmingham, Bristol, Dewsbury — solidly behind Delhi
Dec 2017 disturbances in shura meeting at Masjid-i-Ilyas, London 
physical brawl between rival factions inside Masjid Ilyas

News item no. 2

LONDON: Tablighi Jamaat split into two 
one faction following Raiwind Markaz 
other faction following Moulana Saad of Nizam-ud-Din in India
differences started in 2015 with new committee for intnl congregations 

several incidents of brawling occurred 

elders assaulted each other in London Markaz 

in Masjid Ilyas and Abbey Mills Mosque
police were called 13 times 
four people were arrested on different occasions 

3. Here is the 3rd news item


April 13, 2018 


two mutually hostile Tablighi Jamaat factions

No one knows solution for disease
culminated in ruinous split of Tabligh Jamaat

prelude for demise of Tabligh 
split will not be healed
chasm will incrementally widen

real causes for humiliating crisis of Tabligh are:

Belief that Tabligh sole repository of Salvation
Colossal waste of wealth
shamelessly waste millions of dollars on Ijtimas 
which have assumed carnival proportions
they squander so much wealth like shaitaan  

Ijtimas are commercialised 

Ijtima transformed into mall by hundreds of stalls

monetary objective of primary importance

shenanigans behind commercial facade of Tabligh Jamaat

Raiwand, Pakistan became mini-state
Tablighis not aware of seven day coup in 2011 at Raiwind markaz 
Qutbuddin, Haji Abdul Wahhab’s adopted son attempted a coup 
to install himself as Ameer
armed with AK47 assault rifles on armoured vehicle
stormed the grounds and took control for a week

Tablighis speak ill of those who do not participate in their programmes
Without slightest fear for Allah Ta’ala 
speak ill of Heirs of Rasul like Maulana Ashraf Thanvi, Maulana Masihullah

Tablighis employ goondagerry (thuggery) to prevent deeni projects
ulema in a village in India planned to build non tabligh Masjid
Tablighi goondas (thugs) threatened to kill him

People complaining about goonda (thugs) tactics of Tabligh
goonda thug violence at Nizaamuddin markaz
also in Bangladesh markaz

Jamaat not hesitated to use vulgar abuse, violence
reports from all over the world of this shaitaaniyat of Tablighi Jamaat

My conclusion :  

The Catholic Church is the world expert at operating a religious franchise. Few non Catholics know that the Vatican in Rome determines the topic for the Sunday sermon THROUGHT the tens of thousands of Catholic Churches all over the world. It is centralised control.  

The original Tabligh ijtima or world congregation was held at its Markaz Nizamuddin in Delhi.  Then the Tabligh allowed ijtema to be held in Bangladesh, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and other places around the world including in Malaysia (at the Sri Petaling Mosque near Bukit Jalil).

Due to the huge population of Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh, the markaz in these places began to have a life of their own which required local management expertise. Hence in Raiwind in  Pakistan and Tongi in Bangladesh their local shura councils became very powerful.

Soon they were able to question and criticise the HQ in Delhi. This is exactly what has happened. The Pakistan guys disagreed with the Delhi guys about some rituals and practises. 

There were actually other reasons - money. 

As the news report suggests huge amounts of money became involved,  from donors, from businesses that operate at these markaz locations (to take advantage of the crowds) etc.  Their vision became 'hazed over' by money.

The rift blew up and then spread to the Tabligh in the UK which is now split in its "doctrinal loyalty" to either Pakistan or Delhi.

Bangladesh is reported to be loyal to Delhi but late last year (2018)  the Bangladeshi guys refused to allow the Maulana Saad Khandlavi from Delhi (the present ameer and grandson of the founder of Tabligh) from entering their markaz or centre in Bangladesh.  That is very serious.

Folks, religion is not based on science, evidence or logic. All religions. It is just blind faith. Either you believe or you dont believe. Hence they cannot prove their positions. When you cannot prove your position how on Allah's good earth can you offer solutions for the human race? 

As opposed to the Quran. 
The Quran requires logic and evidence. 
You must prove your position. 

Haatu burhanukum inkuntum sadiqeen :

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