
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pompeo Swallows A Watermelon In Whole - To Cover One Lie You Need A Thousand More Lies

Please read my conclusion below.


Pompeo downplays failure of US patriot missiles in Saudi Arabia

  • Missile defense systems all over the world sometimes fail Pompeo said
  • when asked why US Patriot missiles failed to repel drone attack 
  • air defense systems all over world have mixed success Pompeo said in Jeddah
  • Some of the finest in the world don’t always pick things up
(OSTB : This is not true. Russian defenses foiled TWO drone swarm attacks in Tartus and Hmeymim in Syria with 100% success.)

We want to make sure infrastructure in place such that attacks less successful 

(OSTB : This means Saudi Arabia must spend even more billions of USD to buy even more "advanced" radars and missiles from the US.)

Source: TASS

Conclusion :  

The US Secretary of State has been lying through his teeth that the attack against that oil refinery in Abqaiq was carried out by Iran and NOT by the Houthis in Yemen. 

The world media does not buy this line, not even the anti-Trump New York Times.

That is why a reporter grilled Michael Pompeo in Jeddah about why and how come the world famous Patriot missile system (which means the radar detection systems) were NOT able to pick up and shoot down the incoming drones, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles etc that destroyed the Abqaiq refinery complex?

The more embarrassing point is that the Patriot missile system in Saudi Arabia is manned by United States servicemen and US technicians.  The Saudis are too stupid to man the Patriot missiles. Yet the Patriot missiles failed to shoot down the drones and missiles. 

Ok here is another big bungle by Pompeo. 
The US Patriot missiles did not fail. 
Why? Because they were NEVER fired.

The Patriot missiles can miss hitting the target ONLY AFTER they are launched. In such event   Pompeo can say that  "Missile defense systems all over the world sometimes fail".

But in this case NO PATRIOT missiles were launched at all. 
The Patriot missiles are 'automatic' - meaning they self-launch, as soon as the radar detects an incoming missile. 

In this case the Patriot radar did not detect any missiles coming from Iran. 
Therefore no Patriot missiles were launched from their tubes.
There was no missile attack from Iran. 

Here is a map of US military bases in the Persian Gulf:

Do note - Iran is 'that-a-way' over yonder.

The US Navy's entire Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain.  This may include up to THREE carrier groups.

And here is the US Airforce at Al Udeid in Qatar :

So all these airplanes, navy ships, air bases, navy bases, radar, picket ships, air patrols, navy patrols, electronic warfare assets etc they could NOT detect the missile attack from Iran??

Why? Because there was no attack from Iran. 

So Pompeo will be trying ever harder to swallow a water melon whole.  The Press must not let up on exposing Pompeo's lies.

See the source image

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