
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Does Progressive Or Liberal Malays Mean?

What makes a Malay “progressive” (or “liberal”) and what makes a Malay “backward” (or “conservative”)? What also needs explaining is why is “conservative” regarded as the opposite of “progressive” — meaning conservative” is “un-progressive” or “backward”.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
We often hear the term “progressive Malays” or “liberal Malays” being used, particularly by the non-Malays. Of course, since most Malays are also Muslims, this will also mean they are “progressive Muslims” or “liberal Muslims”.
If I were to ask you to describe a cow, you will be able to very accurately describe a cow — or a pig, goat, dog, etc. But if I were to ask you to describe a “progressive Malay” (or “progressive Muslim”) can you do that?
Now, note that when someone uses the term “progressive Malay”, that is the opposite of “backward Malay” or “un-progressive Malay” (or “liberal Malay” is the opposite of “conservative Malay”).
So, what makes a Malay “progressive” (or “liberal”) and what makes a Malay “backward” (or “conservative”)? What also needs explaining is why is “conservative” regarded as the opposite of “progressive” — meaning conservative” is “un-progressive” or “backward”.
I suspect this is merely a ploy by the non-Malays to shame the Malays who refuse to follow the lifestyle of the non-Malays. If you refuse to be like the non-Malays then you are not progressive, not liberal, backward, un-progressive, conservative, old fashioned, etc.
There is a verse in the Qur’an which says the non-Muslims will not rest until you follow the adeen of the non-Muslims. Maybe this is what it is all about.
Anyway, putting Islam and the Qur’an aside, the non-Malays need to explain what they mean when they label Malays as progressive, liberal, conservative, un-progressive, Taliban, camel-shaggers, and so on. What is the definition of all these labels? What turns a Malay into a progressive, liberal, conservative, or un-progressive Malay?

The trademark of a progressive Malay

For example, is a Malay who goes to an English-medium school (like me) instead of going to a mother-tongue or vernacular school (such as a Chinese or Tamil school) progressive or un-progressive?
Is a Malay who marries outside his race (like me) instead or marrying someone of his/her own race (like most Malaysians) progressive or un-progressive?
Is a Malay who supports the rights of Shias to practice their religion (like me) progressive or un-progressive?
A progressive Indian eats beef just like a progressive Malay eats pork
Is a Malay who believes there is nothing wrong with Hindus eating beef or with Malays eating pork (like me) progressive or un-progressive?
Is a Malay who thinks Chinese should stop all their silly and superstitious beliefs and customs (like me) progressive or un-progressive?
Is a Malay who thinks the Christians have been misled and believe in fairy tales that are so un-progressive (like me) progressive or un-progressive?
Is a Malay who supports the rights of LGBTIs to exist (like me) progressive or un-progressive?
Is a Malay who feels there are just too many Hindu temples in a country with so few Hindus (like me) progressive or un-progressive?
Yes, we need to establish when does a Malay become progressive and when does a Malay become un-progressive. I have given you some examples above as to why I believe I am a progressive Malay but the list can be longer.

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